Bijes titana

Bijes titana 2012


Opasno oslabljeni manjkom ljudske odanosti, bogovi gube kontrolu nad zatočenim titanima i njihovim divljim vođom Kronosom. Had (Fiennes) i Posejdon (Danny Huston) odavno su svrgnuli moćnog oca i ostavili ga da trune u ponoru Tartarusa, tamnice duboko u podzemlju. Kad Had i Zeusov božanski sin Ares (Edgar Ramirez) sklope dogovor s Kronosom o zarobljavanju Zeusa, Perzej se ne može othrvati vlastitoj prirodi. Snaga titana raste, a pakao se počinje širiti zemljom. Perzej traži pomoć Kraljice Andromede (Rosamund Pike), Poseidonovog polu-božanskog sina Argenora (Toby Kebbell) i palog boga Hefesta (Bill Nighy) i hrabro se upušta u podzemlje ne bi li spasio Zeusa, svrgnuo titane i spasio čovječanstvo.


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess 1995


Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.


Young Hercules

Young Hercules 1998


The adventures of the ancient hero in his youth.