Uboga stvorenja

Uboga stvorenja 2023


Priča o mladoj ženi koju je vratio u život briljantni i neortodoksni znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Pod Baxterovom zaštitom, Bella je željna učenja. Gladna svjetovnosti koja joj nedostaje, Bella odlučuje istražiti svijet i bježi s Duncanom Wedderburnom, uglađenim i razvratnim odvjetnikom, u vrtložnu avanturu po kontinentima. Slobodna od predrasuda svog vremena, Bella ostaje postojana u svojoj namjeri i zalaže se za jednakost i seksualno oslobođenje.


Sretno, Leo Grande

Sretno, Leo Grande 2022


Umirovljena učiteljica Nancy Stokes, koja nikada u životu nije doživjela orgazam, odlučuje se dodatno obrazovati na polju seksa te zapošljav Lea Grandea, mladog seksualnog radnika. Najveći izazov bit će joj prevladati vlastite nesigurnosti.


Lady Chatterley

Lady Chatterley 1993


Lady Constance Chatterley is married to the handicapped Sir Clifford Chatterley, who was wounded in the First World War. When they move to his family's estate, Constance (Connie) meets their tough-yet-quiet groundskeeper, Oliver Mellors. Soon, she discovers that the source of her unhappiness is from not being fulfilled in love, and in turning to the arms of Mellors, she has a sexual awakening that will change her thoughts forever.


The Principles of Pleasure

The Principles of Pleasure 2022


Sex, joy and modern science converge in this eye-opening series that celebrates the complex world of women's pleasure — and puts stubborn myths to rest.