
Snajperist 2014


Poslan u Irak kako bi štitio svoje suborce Chris Kyle uskoro je dobio nadimak Legenda, a postao je nadaleko poznat i s neprijateljske strane te mu je ucijenjena glava. Usprkos životnoj opasnosti i obitelji koja je strepila kod kuće, Chris je odradio četiri misije u Iraku slijedeći moto američke mornarice ne ostavljaj ni jednog čovjeka iza sebe. No nakon što se vratio kući, svojoj supruzi Tayi Renae i djeci, Chris je shvatio da se radi o ratu u kojem ne može pobijediti.



Spotlight 2015


Drama prema istinitom događaju o tome kako su bostonske novine razotkrile rašireno i dugotrajno seksualno zlostavljanje djece u kojem su sudjelovali katolički svećenici, a nadbiskupija je to godinama zataškavala. Kad se priča 2002. pojavila u novinama, buknuo je veliki skandal koji je izazvao potres u crkvenim krugovima.


Jack Ryan: Poziv iz sjene

Jack Ryan: Poziv iz sjene 2014


Dok radi na tajnom zadatku na Wall Streetu, CIA-in analitičar Jack Ryan otkriva terorističku zavjeru za rušenje američkog gospodarstva.


Čovjek iz sjene

Čovjek iz sjene 2018


Film prati priču o Dicku Cheneyju – washingtonskom birokratu koji je potiho postao jedan od najmoćnijih ljudi na svijetu i potpredsjednik u vladi Georgea W. Busha. Dicka Cheneya glumi Christian Bale, njegovu suprugu Amy Adams, Georgea W. Busha Sam Rockwell, a uz njih ćemo još gledati Stevea Carrella, Jesseja Plemonsa, Alison Pill, Lily Rabe, Tylera Perryja i Justina Kirka.


Let 93

Let 93 2006


Ova dokumentarna TV drama zamišlja kako se možda let odvijao iz perspektive putnika leta, za koje se vjeruje da su ustali protiv otimača, nakon što su preko mobitela bili upozoreni na terorističke napade. Tijek događaja je manje-više realan, a 'Let 93' opisuje otmicu zrakoplova sa stajališta ljudi u zrakoplovu i onih na zemlji.


World Trade Center

World Trade Center 2006


Još jedan miran i sasvim običan jesenski dan za milijune Amerikanaca postat će ostvarenje najgore noćne more. Narednik John McLoughlin (Nicolas Cage) i novak Will Jimeno (Michael Pena) obavljali su svoj svakodnevni posao zaštite građana New Yorka, kada je miran dan prekinuo strašan zvuk eksplozije i hitan poziv upomoć s kojima je započelo novo poglavlje u povijesti Amerike. Bilo je to 11. rujna 2001., dan terorističkog napada na Svjetski trgovački centar (World Trade Center) u New Yorku, a upravo su narednik McLoughlin i novak Jimeno jedni od pozvanih na mjesto stravičnog događaja. Pokušavajući spasiti što više života, ova dva heroja našli su se u tornjevima u trenutku njihova urušavanja. Duboko pod ruševinama, bez radio veze, ozlijeđeni i prestravljeni njih će dvojica krenuti u bitku s vremenom kako bi spasili vlastite živote, ali i živote ostalih nevinih žrtava.



9/11 2017



Dnevnik za Jordana

Dnevnik za Jordana 2021


Temeljen na istinitoj priči o nadnaredniku Charlesu Monroeu Kingu, vojniku poslanom u Irak, koji je vodio dnevnik za svojeg sina Jordana, pokazujući svoju ljubav i predanost svojoj obitelji čak i usred rata.


Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror

Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror 2021


Modern history can be divided into two time frames: before 9/11 and after 9/11. This five-part docuseries is a cohesive chronicle of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., offering illuminating perspectives and personal stories of how the catastrophic events of that day changed the course of the nation.


The Looming Tower

The Looming Tower 2018


While Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda become a global threat, the rivalry between the CIA and FBI inadvertently sets the stage for the tragedy of 9/11 and the Iraq War.


9/11: One Day in America

9/11: One Day in America 2021


In official collaboration with the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, this documentary series takes viewers through harrowing moments of the historic morning of September 11, 2001.


The Path to 9/11

The Path to 9/11 2006


Beginning with the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and ending on the morning of 9/11, the draws on detailed information from the 9/11 Commission Report to take viewers on an unforgettable journey through the events that presaged that fateful day -- to understand what went right and wrong, and what can be learned from this crucial eight-year period.


Inside 9/11

Inside 9/11 2005


An exclusive, in-depth look into the events that led up to 9/11 by tracing the timeline from al Qaeda's earliest origins through the aftermath of 9/11 and the ongoing investigation.


Homeland Security

Homeland Security 2004


Homeland Security is a 2004 made-for-TV film, which was intended as a pilot for a series which never materialized.


Road to 9/11

Road to 9/11 2017


Beginning with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, journalist Steve Coll chronicles the events that took place in the lead-up to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, including missed signals, failed operations and political turf wars.


9/11: Ten Years of Deception

9/11: Ten Years of Deception 2012


What truly happened on one of the most horrific days in American history? This provocative doc collects footage from Toronto hearings ten years after 9/11, as scientists give their theories of the horrific events that occurred that day.


Bin Laden: The Road to 9/11

Bin Laden: The Road to 9/11 2021


From the shy, quiet son of a billionaire to global terrorist mastermind - a never-before-seen version of Bin Laden's rise to global infamy, featuring close eyewitness accounts.


Le 11 septembre et moi

Le 11 septembre et moi 2021


The series features interviews well-known and popular artists, to get a clearer understanding of the impact of September 11, 2001 on an entire generation of children of Arab origin in Quebec.


The Flight That Fought Back

The Flight That Fought Back 1970


The Flight That Fought Back is a documentary film produced by the London-based company Brook Lapping Productions for the Discovery Channel about United Airlines Flight 93. The program debuted in the United States on September 11, 2005, marking the fourth anniversary of the event on which it is based. The film, narrated by Kiefer Sutherland, reconstructs the events that led to Flight 93 crashing in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, approx 150 miles northwest of Washington, D.C., during the September 11, 2001, attacks. It proved to be highly popular when it debuted on the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It eventually made its way across the Atlantic to the United Kingdom, where it was aired on Five on Thursday, January 5, 2006. The FBI helped with the production by handing over some of the black-box recordings upon request. The FBI refused to present the complete recording, citing national security concerns. Original music was provided for the film by London based post-rock musician Mark Beazley, more frequently known as Rothko, and composer Gavin Skinner. The film was directed by Bruce Goodison and edited by London based documentary film maker Joby Gee. Discovery is donating 100% of all sales from the DVD to the construction of the permanent Flight 93 National Memorial.