
Nobody 2021


Za vrijeme noćne provale, Hutch odbija braniti sebe, ali i svoju obitelj iako njegov sin napada provalnike sa željom da se izbjegne ozbiljno nasilje. Provala pokreće u Hutchu dugo potiskivani bijes te postaje okidač koji ga usmjerava na brutalan put osvete na kojem se otkriva njegova mračna strana, ali i smrtonosne vještine koje posjeduje. Hutch mora obraniti obitelj od opasnog neprijatelja, vođe ruske mafije.


Ta luda ljubav

Ta luda ljubav 2011


Cal Weaver živi američki san. Ima dobar posao, prekrasnu kuću, sjajnu djecu i lijepu suprugu Emily. Calu se naizgled savršen život raspliće kad sazna da je Emily bila nevjerna i želi razvod. U 40-oj godini i iznenada slobodan, Cal shvati da je nesposoban za spojeve te ga Jacob Palmer, samoprozvani šmeker, uzima pod svoje i uči ga kako biti hit s damama.



Birdman 2014


Propali glumac – slavan zbog uloge popularnog superheroja – pokuša se vratiti na scenu pojavljivanjem u kazališnom komadu na Broadwayu. Kako se bliži premijera, bori se s egom, pokušava ponovno izgraditi karijeru i povezati se s obitelji.


Izgubljeni u prijevodu

Izgubljeni u prijevodu 2003


Dvoje samotnih neznanaca, zanemarena žena fotografa i starija filmska zvijezda, za posjeta Tokiju pronađe utjehu jedno u drugome.


Vrtlog života

Vrtlog života 1999


Zabavno, uznemirujuće i iznenađujuće korača u predgrađansku Ameriku kroz živote Lester i Carolyn, para više srednje klase čiji se brak - a čiji se životi - polako odvijaju. Carolyn mrzi svog muža, kćer ga prezire, a šef će ga otpustiti. Tako Lester odluči promijeniti neke stvari u svom životu; kako postaje slobodniji, postaje sretniji, što ženu i kćer ljuti.


Divljaci na kotačima

Divljaci na kotačima 2007


Doug (Tim Allen), Woody (John Travolta), Bobby (Martin Lawrence) i Dudley (William H. Macy) muškarci su srednjih godina koji žive u predgrađu Cincinnatija. U želji da pobjegnu od monotonije i besmisla, odluče uzeti odmor i motorima se uputiti u avanturu prema pacifičkoj obali. Na putu se društvo zaustavi u Novom Meksiku, u baru u kojem se okluplja zloglasna motoristička banda Del Fuegos. Kada banda ukrade jedan od motora koji pripada društvu, oni odluče ne predati se bez borbe.


Daj mi sebe

Daj mi sebe 2000


Godina je 1987. Budući burzovni mešetar Jack Campbell prihvaća jednogodišnje pripravništvo u uglednoj londonskoj banci i privremeno se, barem tako misli, rastaje od svoje velike studentske ljubavi Kate. Kate predosjeća da Jackov odlazak znači svršetak njihove veze i moli ga da ostane. No, ambiciozni mladić odlazi u London... Badnjak, trinaest godina poslije. Jack je uspješni poslovni čovjek s Wall Streeta koji je upravo zaključio iznimno vrijedan posao spajanja poduzeća. Otuđen i usamljen na Badnju večer, Jack se iznenadi kada nakon toliko godina primi Kateinu poruku. Pitajući se kako bi mu život izgledao da ju nije napustio, na putu do stana naleti na beskućnika Casha i spriječi ga u provali male prodavaonice ponudivši mu novac u zamjenu za lutrijski listić. Njihov je susret bio sudbonosan, jer se sutradan Jack probudi kao skromni obiteljski čovjek s dvoje djece i oženjen upravo s Kate..


Zvjezdane staze II: Khanov bijes

Zvjezdane staze II: Khanov bijes 1982


23. stoljeće, svemirski brod Enterprise nalazi se na rutinskom zadatku kada admiral James T. Kirk primi hitnu poruku iz svemirskog laboratorija Regula 1. Tajnu napravu zvanu 'Projekt postanak' prisvojio je Kirkov stari neprijatelj Khan, briljantni odmetnik iz 20. stoljeća koji ovu napravu koja predstavlja prijetnju cijelom svemiru kani upotrijebiti u smrtonosnoj igri osvete. Uz pomoć svoje grupe genetski modificiranih superljudi Khan preuzme kontrolu nad jednim federacijskim brodom te krene u potjeru za Enterpriseom, odlučan da ništa ne stane na put njegovu cilju: ubojstvu admirala Kirka… Čak i ako to dovede do općeg uništenja.



10 1979




Envious 2024


After a devastating breakup, Vicky, almost 40, embarks on a quest for new love, unaware it will lead her to a profound—and hilarious—self-discovery.


Turn on the Right Way of Life

Turn on the Right Way of Life 2023


Turning 40 should be a year when everything is falling into place; however, 42-year-old Bian Liang is completely at a loss. As a father, who actively seeks breakthroughs, he encounters hurdles in his quiet and indifferent son and has reached a bottleneck in his career.



Zanzouri 2012


Pinhas "Pini" Zanzouri lives in Yavne, a town in central Israel, with his wife and two children. Zanzouri is an average Israeli citizen with an average job, who comes home and passes his evenings watching TV . On his 40th birthday, Zanzouri's life changes forever when his father comes to him with two revelations: that all the men in his family have died in their 40th year, and that he is adopted. Accepting that he has a year to live, Zanzouri decides to fulfill all his dreams.


Toward the Wilderness

Toward the Wilderness 2015


Morimura Tomomi is a housewife scorned by her husband and two sons, and yet she continues to protect the family. On her 46th birthday, she leaves home in disgust and embarks on a 1,200 km journey. It is Tomomi’s first time driving onto the highway and she speeds along to the west. On the road, she encounters a series of traumatising episodes. She detects her husband’s affair, is faced with a truck driver who mistakes her for a prostitute housewife, and finally her car gets stolen. While Tomomi is at a loss, a good-looking young man and an elderly person give her a ride, and she arrives in Nagasaki. As she meets various people in this town which was once transformed into a wasteland because of the atomic bomb, she becomes aware of a “wilderness” within her and starts to explore the path to rebirth


Men of a Certain Age

Men of a Certain Age 2009


Three male friends experience the changes and challenges of midlife.


The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin

The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin 1976


Disillusioned after a long career at Sunshine Desserts, Perrin goes through a mid-life crisis and fakes his own death. Returning in disguise after various attempts at finding a 'new life', he gets his old job back and finds nothing has changed. He is eventually found out, and in the second series has success with a chain of shops selling useless junk. That becomes so successful that he feels he has created a monster and decides to destroy it. In the third and final series he has a dream of forming a commune which his long suffering colleagues help bring to reality. Unfortunately that also fails and he finds himself back in a job not unlike the one he originally had at Sunshine Desserts.


Somebody Somewhere

Somebody Somewhere 2022


Sam is a true Kansan on the surface but beneath it all struggles to fit the hometown mold. As she grapples with loss and acceptance, singing is Sam’s saving grace and leads her on a journey to discover herself and a community of outsiders that don’t fit in but don’t give up, showing that finding your people, and finding your voice, is possible. Anywhere. Somewhere.


Mutual Friends

Mutual Friends 2008


Martin's comfortable world is upturned by his friend's mid-life crises, beginning with his best friend's suicide, and the secret affair he had with Martin's wife.


Life Begins at Forty

Life Begins at Forty 2003


What do men go through once they hit the big four-zero? What goes on in their minds? What about their lifestyle, does it change? Their relationships, their worries, problems and secrets... This drama is about three men in their forties, just starting to experience and understand their definition of life: issues with women, love, career, and many other relationships in life. Each has a story of their own that interconnects with one another; and an ending that no one can ever expect...


The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness 1995


The Pursuit of Happiness is an American sitcom that aired from September 19, 1995 to November 7, 1995.


On the Verge

On the Verge 2021


Four women, a chef, a single mom, an heiress, and a job seeker dig into love and work, with a generous side of midlife crises, in pre-pandemic LA.



40 2003


Seven 40-year-olds are drawn together by a disturbing school reunion. Long-standing sexual tensions and emotional conflicts come to a head as the surreal secrets of apparently normal lives are revealed. Acting as a catalyst, the reunion forces the seven friends into a re-evaluation of their past and the present—and brings about an unexpected future.


Take Five

Take Five 1987


Take Five is an American sitcom that aired from April 1 until April 8, 1987.


It Takes a Worried Man

It Takes a Worried Man 1981


It Takes a Worried Man was a British TV sitcom. It was made by Thames Television and ran for three series, broadcast from October 1981 to November 1983. The first two series were broadcast on the ITV network, and the third and final series on Channel 4. Most episodes were written by the star, Peter Tilbury, who played office worker Philip Roath.


Hear Her

Hear Her 2020


Consists of 8 different stories that talk about the problems and pain women face in the modern-day. Topics include leftover women, objectification of women, the role of a housewife, domestic violence, social appearance anxiety, women’s career choices, midlife crises, and family of origin issues.


Είμαι η Τζο

Είμαι η Τζο 2023


Jo is approaching 38, she is single, her home is a mess, her sister is bullying her and her mom is constantly reminding her that she should get married. Suddenly, he decides to write them all off and enjoy life the way he wants.