Kill Bill 1 2003
Ubojicu upuca njezin nemilosrdni poslodavac Bill i drugi članovi njihovog kruga ubojica - ali ona preživi krene i planirati svoju osvetu.
Ubojicu upuca njezin nemilosrdni poslodavac Bill i drugi članovi njihovog kruga ubojica - ali ona preživi krene i planirati svoju osvetu.
Oca četrnaestogodišnje Mattie Ross hladnokrvno je ubio kukavica Tom Chaney i ona je odlučna dovesti ga pred lice pravde. U pomoć pozove američkog šerifa, pijanca lakog na obaraču, da zajedno ulove Chaneyja.
Film koji je otvorio festival u Cannesu 2012. godine i kojeg je publika i kritika vinula u nebesa! Novi film genijalnog Wesa Andersona, redatelja hitova Royal Tenenbaums i Rushomore! Dvoje će se mlađahnih" ljubavnika" uputiti u nepoznato i izazvati pravi kaos u svom lokalnom mjestašcu. Cijela će se zajednica dignuti na noge i krenuti u potragu za odbjeglim tinejdžerima. Gdje i kada će ih pronaći? Suludo romantično, neobjašnjivo zabavno i beskrajno duhovito o odrastanju i pripadnosti lokalnoj zajednici.
A TV series about the Long John Silver character from Treasure Island. It was made in 1954 in colour in Australia for the American and British markets before the development of Australian television. Long John Silver is the proud captain of his own ship and his own crew. He and his buccaneer cruise around the Caribbean and often stay on the side of the English and fight the French and Spanish. After the long and dangerous adventures, he and his crew rest in the tavern of Miss Purity. This series aired in the United States first on Syndicated basis in 1956, but not on a regular basis and completely random as part of another show. Several episodes were edited together and shown as movies in the cinemas under the titles: Under The Black Flag and South Sea Pirates. After that it was sold to the ITV Network in the UK, and aired in 1957. In 1958 Australian ABC screened the series as part of Children's TV Club show.