Jumanji: Dobrodošli u džunglu

Jumanji: Dobrodošli u džunglu 2017


Kada četvero srednjoškolaca otkrije staru video igru za koju nikad prije nisu čuli (Jumanji), bit će uvučeni u zabavan svijet džungle i doslovno postati avatari prema vlastitom izboru: Spencer će tako postati štreberski istraživač (Dwayne Johnson), sportaš Fridge će postati pravi Einstein (Kevin Hart), popularna djevojka Bethany će postati sredovječni profesor (Jack Black), a krhka Martha pretvorit će se u neustrašivu ratnicu (Karen Gillan). Međutim, zabava će se uskoro pretvoriti u nešto drugo, kada otkriju da se Jumanji ne igra – već preživljava. Kako bi pobijedili igru i vratili se u stvarni svijet, morat će proći najopasniju avanturu svojih života, otkriti što je Alan Parrish ostavio iza sebe prije 20 godina i promijeniti način na koji gledaju sami sebe… Ili će ostati zatočeni u igri zauvijek.


Čudesan svijet

Čudesan svijet 2022


Putovanje duboko u neistraženu i podmuklu zemlju, gdje fantastična stvorenja čekaju legendarne Clade - obitelj istraživača čije razlike prijete srušiti njihovu posljednju i daleko najvažniju misiju.


Batman: Kob Gothama

Batman: Kob Gothama 2023


Zastrašujuća i bizarna adaptacija stripovske miniserije Mikea Mignole, mješavina je svijeta Batmana i kozmičke horor fikcije H.P. Lovecrafta.


Avanture neustrašivog Teda

Avanture neustrašivog Teda 2012


Tadeo Jones, svima poznatiji kao Ted, Španjolac je s američkom adresom. Životni put odveo ga je u Chicago gdje je postao poznati arheolog. Da, ali samo u snovima! Ted, naime, radi kao građevinski radnik u jednoj tvrtki sve dok jednog dana ne dobije otkaz jer, umjesto da se primio čekića, on je sanjario o poslu arheologa. Pomoć odluči potražiti kod svog prijatelja, poznatog istraživača, profesora Humberta. Situacija se krene neočekivano razvijati kad profesor doživi nesreću, a Ted preuzima njegovo mjesto i odlazi u ekspediciju u Peru. Tedu će od velike pomoći biti njegov najbolji prijatelj, psić Jeff, a misija mu je spasiti mitski Izgubljeni grad Inka.


Izgubljeni grad Z

Izgubljeni grad Z 2017


Britanski arheolog Percy Fawcett je 1925. godine krenuo u istraživanje amazonske prašume kako bi pronašao antičku civilizaciju i otkrio jedno od najvažnijih otkrića ikada. Europljani su stoljećima vjerovali da džungla krije kraljevstvo El Dorada. Istraživači su najčešće umirali od gladi i bolesti ili su ih ubili Indijanci, i tako ostavili čovječanstvo u uvjerenju da je Amazona stvarno nenaseljena. No Fawcett se godinama pripremao za taj put.


Avanture neustrašivog Teda i tajna kralja Mide

Avanture neustrašivog Teda i tajna kralja Mide 2017


Dvije godine nakon njihove prve avanture, Sara Lavrof kontaktira čudnog istraživača Tada Jonesa s novootkrivenim dokazom o legendarnoj ogrlici kralja Mide, ali kada milijunaš koji traži Midinu moć otme Saru, Tad je mora pokušati spasiti.



Amundsen 2019


Priča o životu norveškog istraživača Roalda Amundsena, prvog čovjeka koji je došao na Južni pol.


Legenda o Sarili

Legenda o Sarili 2013


Klanu Inuita prijeti glad. Situacija svakim danom postaje sve teža jer se lovci vraćaju praznih ruu. Nitko ne zna da se plemenski šaman Croolik počeo baviti crnom magijom i da je zapravo on kriv za nestanak životinja. Plemenska mudra žena Saya prisjeti se legende o Sarili, obećanoj zemlji sakrivenoj među ledenjacima, gdje ima pregršt divljeg života. Legenda kaže da samo oni čista srca mogu ući u ovo posvećeno mjesto. Troje mladih Inuita odabrani su otići u potragu za Sarilom kako bi spasili svoj klan od gladi.


Stanley i Livingstone

Stanley i Livingstone 1939


Kada se američki novinar i pustolov Henry M. Stanley vrati iz zapadnoindijskih ratova, njegov urednik James Gordon Bennett šalje ga u Afriku da pronađe dr. Davida Livingstonea, nestalog škotskog misionara. Stanley nalazi Livingstonea kako blaženo dijeli lijekove i religiju sretnim domorodcima. Njegovoj se priči isprva ne vjeruje.


Dora the Explorer

Dora the Explorer 2000


A young girl named Dora goes on adventures with her red boot-wearing monkey named Boots.


Marco Polo

Marco Polo 2014


An epic adventure that follows the early years of the famous explorer as he travels the exotic Silk Road to the great Kublai Khan’s court. But Marco soon finds that navigating the Khan’s world of greed, betrayal, sexual intrigue and rivalry will be his greatest challenge yet, even as he becomes a trusted companion to the Khan in his violent quest to become the Emperor of the World.


Marco Polo

Marco Polo 1982


The life of the 13th-century Venetian explorer who sought to connect the civilizations of China and Europe through trade.


The Peter Potamus Show

The Peter Potamus Show 1964


Peter Potamus is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera. The main segment featuring Peter Potamus and his diminutive sidekick So-So the monkey. Peter is big, purple, and friendly, dressed in a safari jacket and hat. Episodes generally consisted of Peter and So-So exploring the world in his hot air balloon, which was capable of time travel at the spin of a dial. When faced with a precarious situation, Peter uses his Hippo Hurricane Holler to blow away his opponents. The second segment, Breezly and Sneezly, featured a polar bear named Breezly Bruin and his friend Sneezly the Seal who used various schemes to break into an army camp in the frozen north, while trying to stay one step ahead of the camp's leader Colonel Fuzzby. The final segment, Yippee, Yappee and Yahooey, featured three dogs named Yippee, Yappee, and Yahooey who work for the King, a short, complaining ruler who is often on the receiving end of their antics.


Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake 1961


Sir Francis Drake was a British adventure television series starring Terence Morgan as Sir Francis Drake, commander of the sailing ship the Golden Hind. As well as battles at sea, sword fights, the series also deals with intrigue at Elizabeth's court, often caused by Spaniard, Mendoza.


Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus 1992


The marvelous adventures and dramatic life of Christopher Columbus in the 15th century.



Tutankhamun 2016


The remarkable story of the chance meeting that transformed penniless, ostracised archaeologist Howard Carter into a household name following his discovery of the tomb of the boy-king, Tutankhamun.


Lewis & Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery

Lewis & Clark - The Journey of the Corps of Discovery 1997


Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery tells the remarkable story of the entire Corps of Discovery – not just of the two Captains, but the young army men, French-Canadian boatmen, Clark’s African-American slave, and the Shoshone woman named Sacajawea, who brought along her infant son. As important to the story as these many characters, however, was the spectacular land itself, and the promises it held.


Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space

Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space 2021


From training to launch to landing, this all-access docuseries rides along with the Inspiration4 crew on the first all-civilian orbital space mission.


Micro Ventures

Micro Ventures 1968


Micro Ventures is an educational animated series created by Hanna-Barbera Productions which originally aired as a 4-minute segment on The Banana Splits Adventure Hour. It ran for only four episodes from November 9, 1968 to December 21, 1968 on NBC.


Taina and the Amazon's Guardians

Taina and the Amazon's Guardians 2018


A brave, young adventurer explores the Amazon forest with her animal friends to protect its amazing wildlife and wonders.


Lost Treasures of the Maya

Lost Treasures of the Maya 2019


A new "treasure map" of the Maya world is transforming what we thought we knew of one of the world most mysterious ancient civilizations.


Best Job Ever

Best Job Ever 2018


National Geographic explorers have the best jobs ever! Find out what it's like to explore black holes, climb mountains, and go deep-sea diving for a living.


Gil & Julie

Gil & Julie 1983


Shows the daily life of Gil and Julia with their friends.