
Birdman 2014


Propali glumac – slavan zbog uloge popularnog superheroja – pokuša se vratiti na scenu pojavljivanjem u kazališnom komadu na Broadwayu. Kako se bliži premijera, bori se s egom, pokušava ponovno izgraditi karijeru i povezati se s obitelji.


Pjevajmo na kiši

Pjevajmo na kiši 1952


Don Lockward i Lina Lamant najpoznatiji su glumački ljubavni par nijemih filmova. Publika ih obožava, a i Lina je uvjerena da su doista sretno zaljubljeni. U stvarnosti se Don zaljubi u skromnu plesačicu Kathy Selden koja mu već prve večeri opasno poljulja samopouzdanje svojim komentarima o njegovoj glumi. Kada se pojave zvučni filmovi, glumački par je prisiljen mijenjati način glume i pohađati satove govora. Don se snalazi puno bolje od Line koja se sa svojim izrazito piskutavim glasom, lošim naglaskom i razmaženim ponašanjem jednostavno više ne uklapa u nove zahtjeve. Donov prijatelj Cosmo Brown dolazi na ideju da umjesto običnog filma naprave mjuzikl u kojemu će svoj glas Lini posuditi Kathy. Film postiže velik uspjeh, ali na vidjelo izlazi da je njegova prava zvijezda Kathy.



Producenti 1968


Max Bialystock kazališni je producent koji laska starim damama kako bi ih naveo da investiraju u njegov Broadwayski projekt. Max susreće Lea Blooma, koji naivno misli da će se obogatiti ako Max dobije puno novca za kazališni komad koji će biti zajamčeni promašaj. Njih dvojica kreću u potragu za najgorim komadom ikad napisanim, u pronalazak velikog broja investitora te glumce i redatelja bez mrvice talenta. Zatim očekuju najgore kritike. Plan se čini nepogrešiv...barem oni tako misle.



Producenti 2005


Max Bialystock nekoć je bio kralj Broadwaya, no trenutno mu baš i ne cvjetaju ruže, pa rijetko koja njegova predstava preživi premijeru. Stvari se okrenu na bolje kada ga posjeti neurotični računovođa Leo Bloom. Leo predlaže plan kao stvoren za Maxa. Podići što više novca za predstavu te se pobrinuti da ona propadne, a pošto nitko neće biti zainteresiran za predstavu njih dvojica mogu zadržati višak novca. U potrazi za najgorim scenarijem pronalaze jedan koji im se čini idealan, "Proljeće za Hitlera", koji je napisao odbjegli nacist Franz Liebkien. Kao redatelja unajmljuju umišljenog Rogera De Brisa, a za glavnu glumicu angažiraju luckastu Šveđanku Ullu. Dok se približava noć otvaranja dvojac zadovoljno trlja ruke jer im se čini da ništa ne može pokvariti njihov genijalan plan...


Meci iznad Broadwaya

Meci iznad Broadwaya 1994


Nakon što je mladi dramaturg David Shayne dobio sredstva za svoju predstavu od gangstera Nicka Valentija, Nickova djevojka Olive nekim čudom dobiva ulogu psihijatra—ali ne samo da je klinka koja nikad ne bi mogla proći kao psihijatar nego je i užasna glumica. David se nosi s glavnom ulogom koja je kompulzivan jedač, velikom damom koja želi da se njezina uloga popestri, i Oliveinim ubojicom/tjelesnim čuvarom koji smeta - ali na kraju mora odlučiti je li umjetnost ili život važniji.


Submissions Only

Submissions Only 2010


Penny Reilly is a reader for Broadway casting director Tim Trull attempting to become an actress herself. Throughout the web-series, we follow the misadventures of Penny and her love life.


The Best of Broadway

The Best of Broadway 1954


The Best of Broadway is a 60-minute television anthology series telecast live on CBS from 1954 to 1955 for a total of 9 episodes.


The Bell Telephone Hour

The Bell Telephone Hour 1959


“The Bell Telephone Hour” was a musical variety show that aired on “NBC” TV from 12 January 1959 to 14 June 1968 that showcased the best in Broadway, Classical, Concert, Jazz and Popular music each week. The series had its’ own house band appropriately named the “Bell Telephone Orchestra”. The show also had its’ own theme song being the “Bell Waltz” composed by “Donald Voorhees” who was also the show's Orchestra conductor. Some of the greatest violinists of the 1960’s performed on this show that aired in the old “Black & White” format. Some of these great violinists included “Erica Mornin”, “Isaac Stern", "Michael Rabin", "Ruggiero Ricci", "Yehudi Menuhin" and "Zino Francesacatti". From time to time some of the great singers and bandleaders of the 1960’s would perform on the show as well. Some of these were “Bing Crosby”, “Gordon MacRae”, “John Gary”, “Leslie Uggams”, “Mary Martin”, “Nelson Eddy”, “Patti Page” and “Roy Rogers”. The TV show followed on the heels of its’ predecessor with the same name on “NBC” radio that aired from 29 April 1940 to 1958 on Monday nights at 8 PM. The name of the show was derived from its’ Major sponsor “Bell Telephone Laboratories”. The TV version began airing on Friday nights at 8:30 PM once a month. It later was given it’s same time slot now airing every other week alternating with another show on the other weeks such as News shows and specials. The show time slot changed quite often over the years. In September 1960 it aired at 9 PM and in September 1961 it moved to 9:30 PM. In October 1963 it moved to Tuesday nights at 10 PM, September 1965 it moved to Sunday night at 6:30 PM and in September 1967 it made its' final move back to Friday night at 10 PM.


Front Row Center

Front Row Center 1945


Broadway plays are presented live in condensed one hour versions.


Funny Girls

Funny Girls 2015


A new sketch comedy show that is funny - and has girls! Featuring fast paced sketches that cover issues such as work, life, relationships and what to do when you’re being haunted by a photobombing ghost. Set on a fictional television show where a large group of men produce an all-female sketch show. Funny Girls is a combination of hilarious sketches linked together by a behind-the-scenes narrative often derived from misguided opinions on what women want.


Broadway: The American Musical

Broadway: The American Musical 2004


This six part documentary miniseries presents the evolution of the Broadway musical from its inception in 1893 to current day 2004. It presents those influential players both on stage and behind the scenes, as well as a variety of influential Broadway shows, a handful which are known to have transformed the musical into what the audience knows it to be today.


Legally Blonde – The Musical: The Search for Elle Woods

Legally Blonde – The Musical: The Search for Elle Woods 2008


Legally Blonde — The Musical: The Search for Elle Woods is an MTV program created in order to cast an actress to replace Laura Bell Bundy in the role of Elle Woods in the Broadway production of Legally Blonde – The Musical. The show debuted on June 2, 2008. The winner of the show, Bailey Hanks, in addition to being cast in the role, was given the opportunity to record her own single of the musical's first-act closer, "So Much Better". The show concluded on July 21, 2008. Autumn Hurlbert was the runner up. She served as Hanks' understudy and performed in the ensemble of the show. Bundy's last performance in the musical was on July 20, 2008. Hanks began performances on July 23, 2008 and remained with the show until it closed on October 19, 2008. Two other show finalists — Rhiannon Hansen and Lauren Zakrin, performed in the Legally Blonde National tour. Hansen played Margot in the musical and Zakrin performed in the ensemble as well serving as understudy to Becky Gulsvig as Elle Woods. The show began with 15 contestants. All except the winner were eliminated over nine episodes, in which they performed songs and faced other challenges. A three-judge panel made the elimination decisions. Most episodes involved a small prize for the winner of the challenge.


Kirstie Alley's Big Life

Kirstie Alley's Big Life 2010


Kirstie Alley's Big Life is an American reality television series on A&E that debuted March 21, 2010. The series chronicles the life of Kirstie Alley as she works to lose weight, launch a weight loss program and being a single mother. The series was distributed and aired on A&E prior to the series being shifted to Lifetime.


The Stage Door

The Stage Door 1950


The Stage Door is an American drama series that aired live on CBS Tuesday night from 9:00 pm to 9:30 eastern time from February 7, 1950 to March 28, 1950. Based on the play The Stage Door by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman.


It Could Be Worse

It Could Be Worse 2013


Jacob Gordon can't catch a break. A struggling actor with a personal life to match. His epic streak of bad luck just might change when he's cast in a Broadway musical; "The Ice Queen", opposite stage and screen royalty Veronica Bailey.


Musical Comedy Time

Musical Comedy Time 1950


Musical Comedy Time is a series of live hour-long adaptations of Broadway musical comedies and standard operettas that aired on NBC from October 2, 1950 to March 19, 1951.


Broadway or Bust

Broadway or Bust 2012


The ultimate competition to find the nation’s best young theater stars amongst America’s top high school musical performers.