Osvetnici: Rat beskonačnosti 2018
Avengersi su udruženi nastavili da štite svijet od zla koje niti jedan od heroja ne bi mogao sam da savlada, ali sada im prijeti nova opasnost koja dolazi iz kosmičkih sjena: Thanos.
Avengersi su udruženi nastavili da štite svijet od zla koje niti jedan od heroja ne bi mogao sam da savlada, ali sada im prijeti nova opasnost koja dolazi iz kosmičkih sjena: Thanos.
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) je sanjar koji je oduvijek slutio da ga čekaju velike stvari u životu, samo što nije znao na koji način ostvariti snove. Niti jedna od njegovih ideja i inovacija nije mu se isplatila pa je bio primoran prihvatiti posao noćnog čuvara u prirodoslovnom muzeju. No Larry nije mogao pretpostaviti da će se jedan tako dosadan i nezanimljiv posao pretvoriti u avanturu njegova života kada shvati da muzej noću postane vrlo živahan. Egipatsko prokletstvo oživjelo je artefakte i voštane figure, pa dok Atila Bič Božji (Patrick Gallagher) juriša kroz hodnike muzeja, a Tyrannosaurus Rex je željan igre, Larry mora za njima čistiti nered i pritom paziti da niti jedan izložbeni primjerak ne umakne iz muzeja jer će se u dodiru s jutarnjim svjetlom pretvoriti u prah.
Nakon što Larry napusti slabo plaćeni posao muzejskog čuvara, kako bi postao traženi izumitelj Daley Devices reklamnih informacijskih proizvoda. Čini se da mu je konačno krenulo u životu - ali ipak mu nešto nedostaje, nešto što ga vuče da ponovno posjeti svoju staru ljubav, njujorški muzej gdje je svojedobno proživio čarobnu noć svojeg života. No, tamo ga čeka neugodno iznenađenje. Njegovi omiljeni izlošci, odnosno njegovi najbolji prijatelji, uklonjeni su iz muzeja kao zastarjeli. Zapakirani u kutije, čekaju premještaj u ogromne arhive Smithsonian muzeja. Njihova je sudbina sasvim neizvjesna - sve dok Larry ne primi poziv upomoć od minijaturnog kauboja Jedediahe (Owen Wilson), koji ga obavještava o neminovnoj katastrofi. Čini se da su ovi svježe pristigli izlošci iz New Yorka probudili stare iskopine, uključujući egipatskog vladara Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria), koji je nakon 3000 godina mirnog sna posebno zle volje.
Jedne mračne i tmurne noći, članovi tajnog bratstva lovaca na čudovišta izlaze iz skrovišta kako bi se oprostili od svog preminulog vođe. Tijekom osebujne pogrebne ceremonije, sudionici saznaju da će se upustiti u smrtonosnu bitku za moćnu relikviju - lov u kojem će se suočiti licem u lice s opasnim čudovištem.
Sve što Clara (Mackenzie Foy) želi je da pronađe ključ, jedinstveni ključ koji će otključati kutiju u kojoj se nalazi neprocjenjivi poklon od njene umrle majke.Zlatna nit, koja joj je pokazana od strane kuma Drosselmeyer-a (Morgan Freeman) tokom godišnjih praznika, vodi je do željenog ključa – koji odmah nestaje u čudnom i misterioznom paralelnom svijetu.U tom svijetu Clara susreće vojnika Phillip-a (Jayden Fowora-Knight), bandu miševa i namjesnika koji predsjedava nad tri kraljevstva: Zemlja sniježnih pahuljica, Zemlja cvijeća i Zemlja slatkiša. Clara i Phillip moraju da idu u četvrto, zloglasno carstvo, da pronađu ključ i nadaju se da će se vratiti u normalni svijet …
Grupa nesposobnih bandita predvođenih Abisom Malom se dočepa velikog blaga no prije nego što uspiju uživati u ukradenom plijenu dočekaju ih Aladdin i Abu. Oni im oduzmu zlato i s njim se vrate u Agrabah gdje ga podijele siromašnima. U međuvremenu u pustinji, papagaj Jago se pobuni protiv Jafara koji sad živi kao duh u čarobnoj svjetiljci i odlazi u Agrabah potražiti Aladdina kako bi mu se iskupio. No, Jafarovu svjetiljku nađe Abis Mal koji će pomoći Jafaru da se osveti Aladdinu.
Danny (Austin O'Brien) je dječak opsjednut kinom i filmovima u kojima je glavni lik Jack Slater (kojeg glumi Arnold Schwarzenegger). Poslije dobivanja čarobne karte koju je prethodno Huddini dobio od nekog azijskog mađioničara, a koju sada Danny ima u svom vlasništvu, granica između realnosti i svijeta filma nestaje, pri čemu Danny sam završava u filmu Jack Slater 4. Zarobljen unutar filma, Danny mora ubijediti Slatera da je on ustvari izmišljeni lik kojeg glumi stvarni glumac po imenu Arnold Schwarzenegger. Stvari postaju kompliciranije kada zlikovac u filmu Jack Slater 4, plaćeni ubojica Benedict (Charles Dance), dođe u posjed čarobne karte uz pomoć koje otputuje u stvarni svijet. Slater i Danny ga prate u stvarni svijet u kojem otkrivaju kako su stvari mnogo teže no što je to slučaj u filmovima, tj. otkrivaju kako ondje klišeji akcijskih filmova (automobili eksplodiraju kada se puca na njih i prolazak kroz staklo prozora ne izaziva bol) ne postoje.
After saving the life of the President, two secret service agents - Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer - find themselves assigned to the top secret Warehouse 13. The Warehouse is a massive, top secret facility that houses dangerous and fantastical objects. Together, Pete and Myka along with fellow agents Claudia, Steve Jinks and Warehouse caretaker Artie, must recover artifacts from around the globe before they can cause catastrophic damage.
Insecure bank clerk Stanley Ipkiss uses an ancient mask to gain superpowers while taking on the mischievous and cartoonish, but heroic and good-hearted personality of The Mask
Micki and Ryan with the help of their friend Jack try to recover cursed antiques so they can store them in safety inside the antique store's vault.
Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? When Seung Cheon gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with his rich best friend, he thinks it’s a no-brainer. But life-altering decisions are always accompanied by a sense of doubt, and with only three chances to change his mind, Seung Cheon has to decide which of his two possible futures is worth keeping.
Ctrl is an American comedy web series by NBC. It is the first stand-alone web series launched by a major television network. The series stars Tony Hale as a typical office-working, self-confidence-lacking nerd who discovers he can undo things in real life. It is an adaptation and expansion of the short film Ctrl Z by Robert Kirbyson, which was a winner at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival. CTRL was spotted and developed by SXM from the original short film Ctrl Z, which was screened at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. SXM ultimately partnered with NBC's digital studio to produce the online series. After NBC shut the digital studio in 2011, all rights reverted to SXM, who are currently developing Season 2 with Yahoo and a private investor. As of early 2012, the episodes appear to have been removed from the NBC website, but can be found on Hulu.
Sara "Pez" Pezzini searches for justice which brings her into contact with the Witchblade. An ancient, intelligent, living weapon so powerful it can battle Earth's darkest evil forces. Week in and week out, Pez employs her skills as a police detective to fight crime. Pez finds she must employ the Witchblade to combat a much greater and frighteningly organized conspiracy of evil that threatens the very soul of humanity.
A fledgling rock band on the verge of being discovered make a discovery of their own: a magical ancient amulet that gives them the power to see ghosts – whether they want to or not. Slightly deterred from fame by their newfound responsibility of helping an endless parade of desperate, and sometimes angry, apparitions resolve their unfinished business, the band begrudgingly intertwines their desire for rock and roll success with the lifelong gig of ushering the dead to the other side.
Dead Man's Gun was a western anthology series that ran on Showtime from 1997 to 1999. The series followed the travels of a gun as it passed to a new character in each episode. The gun would change the life of whomever possessed it. Each episode was narrated by Kris Kristofferson. The executive producer was Henry Winkler.
Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders is an American fantasy themed cartoon television series produced by Bohbot Productions and Hasbro with association with Hong Ying Animation in 1995. Each episode was constructed as an animated minimusical, aimed at children aged four and older. Internationally syndicated by Bohbot Entertainment, the international version has the title character renamed to Starla.
Cultivator Jiang Zhao-yun's sword, Tange, leads her to Changshui Village, where a mysterious young woman, A-Ze, has suddenly appeared. A-Ze senses that something odd is going on in Changshui Village, and asks Zhao-yun to investigate the village together. They gradually discover the truth behind the strange happenings in Changshui Village. Aided by A-Ze, Zhao Yun — who had always believed that all demons were evildoers, and less worthy than humans — comes to realize that humans can be even crueler and more rapacious than demons. After the events of Changshui Village, the two agree to travel to Mount Qingyuan together.