Povratak u budućnost

Povratak u budućnost 1985


U izmišljenom gradu Hill Valley, tinejdžer Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) slučajno otputuje u prošlost, točnije u 1955. godinu, u vremenskom stroju koji je izumio njegov prijatelj, znanstvenik dr. Emmett Brown (Cristopher Lloyd). Sve što Marty napravi u 1955. utjecat će na budućnost, a ugrozit će čak i vlastitu egzistenciju.


Sutrozemlja: Novi svijet

Sutrozemlja: Novi svijet 2015


Vezani istom sudbinom, Frank (Clooney), koji je kao dječak bio genije a sad je samo izmoren od svih razočaranja, i Casey (Britt Robertson), optimistična tinejdžerica puna znatiželje prema znanosti, kreću u opasnu misiju otkrivanja zagonetnog mjesta koje se nalazi negdje u vremenu i prostoru i koje je poznato samo kao Sutrozemlja. Ono što dvojac mora napraviti u Sutrozemlji promijenit će svijet – i njih – zauvijek.


Oblačno s ćuftama

Oblačno s ćuftama 2009


Pratimo priču o izumitelju Flintu Lockwoodu i oštroumnoj meteorologinji Sam Sparks i njihovom nastojanju da istraže zašto u njihovom gradu s neba ne pada kiša već hrana. Istovremeno, Flintov stari "prijatelj" Brent nastavlja ga maltretirati kao što je to činio kad su bili klinci, a Shelbourne se želi dočepati Flintovog posljednjeg izuma koji bi trebao svakome učiniti život ljepšim.


Edward Škaroruki

Edward Škaroruki 1990


Jednom davno, davno, u dvorcu na vrhu brijega živio je izumitelj čija je najveća kreacija bio Edward. No, iako je Edward bio neodoljivo šarmantan, nije bio sasvim bez mane. Nagla smrt njegovog izumitelja ostavila ga je nedovršenim, sa ogromnim metalnim oštricama umjesto ruku. Edward je godinama živio sam u tami dvorca do jednog dana, kada ga je ljubazna prodavačica Avon kozmetike odvela svojoj kući, da živi s njenom obitelji. I tako je započela Edwardova fantastična pustolovina.



Roboti 2005


Priča o mladom genijalcu Rodneyu čija je namjera stvoriti robota sposobnog da svijet učini boljim mjestom. Ubrzo shvaća kako njegovoj ideji konkurira poznati izumitelj Big Weld, a pritom ga i zavodi jedna od privlačnih robotkinja Cappy.


Oblačno s ćuftama 2

Oblačno s ćuftama 2 2013


Nakon katastrofalne oluje hranom u prvom filmu, Flint i njegovi prijatelji prisiljeni su napustiti svoj grad. Flint prihvaća poziv svoga idola Chestera V da se pridruži kompaniji „The Live Crop“ koja je dobila zadatak čišćenja otoka i u kojoj najbolji izumitelji na svijetu kreiraju tehnologiju za boljitak čovječanstva. Kada Flint otkrije da njegova mašina i dalje radi i sada kreira mutantske hrano-zvijeri poput živih kiselih krastavaca, gladnih tacodila, škampopanza i jabučastih pitona on i njegovi prijatelji moraju se vratiti kako bi spasili svijet.


Povratak u budućnost II

Povratak u budućnost II 1989


Drugi nastavak trilogije započinje tamo gdje je prošli završio no ovoga puta destinacija je 2015. godina. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Doc (Christopher Lloyd) i Jennifer (Lea Thompson) putuju 30 godina u budućnost gdje se susreću sa svojim budućim ja i djecom koja se tek trebaju roditi. Nakon što srede situaciju vraćaju se u sadašnjost uvidjevši da su se stvari promjenile.


Balerina i Viktor

Balerina i Viktor 2016


Felicie, jedanaestogodišnja djevojčica bez roditelja, ima jednu strast: plesanje. Njezin najveći san je da postane balerina Pariške Opere Garnier. Kako bi ostvarila svoj san, Felicie i njezin najbolji prijatelj Victor smisle genijalan plan kako bi pobjegli iz sirotišta i otišli u Pariz. Budući da je spreman učiniti sve kako bi postala balerina, Felicie će uzeti identitet svoje suparnice Camille kako bi je primili u baletnu školu. S mentoricom Odette i Victorom na svojoj strani, Felicie će se morati truditi dvostruko više kako bi ostvarila svoj najveći san.


Povratak u budućnost III

Povratak u budućnost III 1990


Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) slučajno je poslan natrag u 1885. kada ga je pogodio grom. No, uspio je poslati Martyju (Michael J. Fox) pismo, napisavši u gdje se nalazi vremenski stroj. Napisao je kako ne dolazi po njega i da uništi stroj čim se vrati u 1985. Marty počne raditi s Docom iz 1955. i oni iskopavaju De Lorean iz rudnika. Prije nego što su napustili rudnik, otkrivaju nadgrobnu ploču na kojoj piše kako je tu 1885. pokopan Doc. Doca je u leđa upucao Biffov pradjed Buford "Ludi pas" Tannen zbog osamdeset dolara. Marty odlučuje, unatoč Docovim uputama, vratiti se u 1985. kako bi spasio prijatelja.



Joy 2015




Envy 2004



Vremenski stroj

Vremenski stroj 1960


Godina je 1899. i George (Rod Taylor) raspravlja sa svojim prijateljima o teoriji četvrte dimenzije. Kao dokaz on im pokaže mali stroj za koji tvrdi da može putovati kroz vrijeme. Iako je eksperiment uspješan njegovi prijatelji mu ne vjeruju i on im obeća dokaz ako se vrate sljedećeg petka. Naime, genijalni je George već dizajnirao veću verziju spomenutog uređaja kojeg namjerava iskoristiti kako bi putovao u budućnost i nabavio dokaze. No to će mu putovanje donijeti i više nego što je očekivao, opasnost, ljubav i avantura, sve to čeka Georgea u dalekoj budućnosti.


Špijunaža i kamuflaža

Špijunaža i kamuflaža 2019


Super špijun Lance Sterling (Will Smith) i znanstvenik Walter Beckett (Tom Holland) su potpune suprotnosti. Lance je uglađen i opušten. Walter...nije. No Walter to nadoknađuje svojom inteligencijom i inovacijama, stvarajući super uređaje koje Lance koristi na svojim legendarnim misijama. No kad dođe do neočekivanih događaja, Walter i Lance odjednom se moraju osloniti jedan na drugoga. A ako ovaj čudan dvojac ne nauči surađivati, cijeli svijet će biti u opasnosti.


Velika utrka

Velika utrka 1965


Markantni Veliki Leslie (T. Curtis) uistinu je jedinstven junak s početka 20. stoljeća, neustrašiv i plemenit pustolov čista srca uvijek prikladno odjeven u snježnobijelu odjeću. Njegov zakleti i najveći neprijatelj je podli profesor Sudbina (J. Lemmon), u crnoj odjeći koji kao prepoznatljivo obilježje njeguje i crne brkove. Nakon što Leslie uz suradnju svog odanog pomoćnika Maxa (P. Falk) uspije šefove automobilske industrije uvjeriti da bi organiziranje utrke od New Yorka do Pariza bilo izvrsno za njihov posao i prosperitet, Sudbina upravo tu utrku odluči iskoristiti za konačni obračun s njim.


Samo more zna

Samo more zna 2018


Jedrilica Donalda Crowhursta kojom je namjeravao oploviti svijet 1968. godine, koja je zbog niza odgoda jedva dovršena, a nije ni testirana prije plovidbe, misteriozno je nestala. Ovo je priča o Crowhurstovom opasnom putovanju oko svijeta, ali i o njegovoj obitelji koja je cijelo vrijeme samo čekala na njegov povratak.


Zvjezdane staze: Prvi kontakt

Zvjezdane staze: Prvi kontakt 1996


24. je stoljeće. Na zapovjedni brod Federacije krenula je ratna flotila strašnih Borgova, rase kibernetički promijenjenih ljudi kojima zapovjeda zla kraljica (Alice Krige). Njihov cilj je podrediti sve rase u svemiru, a da bi ga ostavarili moraju se dočepati izuma genijalnoga Zeframa Cochranea (James Cromwell) i njegove pomoćnice Lily (AlfreAlfre Woodard). Zeframov izum omogućuje putovanje kroz vrijeme i svladavanje nemjerljivih međugalaktičkih prostranstava. Novi svemirski brod 'Enterprise E' pod zapovjedništvom kapetana Picarda (Patrick Stewart) dobiva naređenje da se ne miješa u borbu između zlih Borgova i federacijskih brodova. Picard jedini prepoznaje sav užas situacije, jer je već jednom bio u borgovskom zarobljeništvu. Kada vidi da će Federacija izgubiti bitku, prekršava naredbu i uništava protivnike, osim jednog manjeg dijela koji uspijeva pobjeći i stvoriti vremensku distorziju zahvaljujući kojoj se mogu vratiti u prošlost.


Dr. Slump

Dr. Slump 1981


Follows the humorous adventures of the little girl robot Arale Norimaki, her creator Senbei Norimaki, and the other residents of the bizarre Penguin Village.


Da Vinci's Demons

Da Vinci's Demons 2013


The series follows the "untold" story of Leonardo Da Vinci: the genius during his early years in Renaissance Florence. As a 25-year old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time as he begins to not only see the future, but invent it.


Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors 2024


Rock, Paper and Scissors are best friends and roommates who compete over everything, but it’s (mostly) all love. They each bring something different to the friendship - Rock is the moral compass, Paper is the practical one, and Scissors is the right amount of chaos. Together, they get into the wildest adventures.


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show 1997


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show is an American syndicated science fiction sitcom based on the 1989 film, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. It expands upon the original film's concept of a shrinking experiment gone wrong to include a myriad of experiments gone awry. It debuted in first-run syndication on September 1, 1997 and ran for three consecutive seasons, concluding with the 66th episode on May 20, 2000. Peter Scolari took over the role as Wayne Szalinski, the wacky inventor in the original film, played by Rick Moranis. Each episode incorporates new technologies and digital effects to feature the family in various new adventures. The series was filmed in Calgary, Alberta, with its main studios located in Currie Barracks, a decommissioned Canadian Forces dormitory.


Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!

Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! 2006


Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is an American educational animated children's television show created by Bob Boyle. The series is animated in Toon Boom and Adobe Flash software, produced by Bolder Media, and Starz Media. Bob Boyle, Susan Miller, Mark Warner, and Fred Seibert-Warner are the executive producers. The pop rock music is performed by Brad Mossman, and the musical score is composed and conducted by Mike Reagan. The series premiered on August 28, 2006 in the United States on Nick Jr. The second and final season debuted on September 1, 2008 on Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. in the United States.


The Food That Built America

The Food That Built America 2019


The fascinating stories of the families behind the food that built America, those who used brains, muscle, blood, sweat and tears to get to America's heart through its stomach, those who invented new technologies and helped win wars.


Small Wonder

Small Wonder 1985


When genius cybernetics engineer Ted Lawson brings home his top-secret invention, a Voice Input Child Identicant or V.I.C.I., life becomes anything but mechanical for the Lawson Family. With his boss and his nosy family living next door, Ted, his wife Joan and their son Jamie must pass Vicki off as a real child. It is easy for Joan, who cannot help doting on her like a daughter, but harder for precocious Jamie, who uses Vicki to do his homework and to ward off Harriet, the annoying redheaded girl next door.


Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2017


The series is a prequel, featuring the high school years of Flint Lockwood, the eccentric young scientist in the films. In his adventures, he will be joined by Sam Sparks, a new girl in town and the school's "wannabe" reporter, along with Flint's dad Tim, Steve the Monkey, Manny as the head of the school's audiovisual club, Earl as a school gym teacher, Brent as a baby wear model, and Mayor Shelbourne, who wins every election on the pro-sardine platform.


The Wizard

The Wizard 1986


The Wizard is a live-action, family friendly, action/adventure series created by Michael Berk, Douglas Schwartz, and Paul B. Radin. The series included lessons in diversity, friendship, imagination, respect, and never giving up.


Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions

Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions 2002


A look at some of Wallace's labour-saving mechanical marvels that rarely work as planned. Having problems getting to sleep? Then try the Snoozatron – it plumps your pillows, plays you soothing music and deposits a teddy into your arms. Or how about taking the strain out of mealtimes with the help of the Autochef, a robot that will cook your eggs just how you like them. Or perhaps you might like to try the Christmas Cardomatic, an ingenious way to create a very unique greetings card!


Doctor Snuggles

Doctor Snuggles 1981


Doctor Snuggles is an animated television series created by Jeffrey O'Kelly based on original artwork by Nick Price, about a friendly and optimistic inventor named Doctor Snuggles who has unusual adventures with his friends. The show featured fantastical scenarios which usually involved Doctor Snuggles inventing something outlandish such as a robot helper or diamond-making machine, and had a variety of supporting characters who were mostly anthropomorphic animals.



Longitude 2000


The fascinating story of John Harrison who, in the 18th century, believed he could make a clock that would work on board a ship—and so solve the problem of finding longitude at sea.


My Boys

My Boys 2009


Chisato is homeless and on the run from debt collectors, when a wealthy man offers to pay off her debt if she marries him for one month. However, Chisato discovers that there are clauses to the contract after he dies, which includes being the mother of his six sons.


Wallace & Gromit's World of Invention

Wallace & Gromit's World of Invention 2010


In the series, "Wallace will take a light hearted and humorous look at the real-life inventors, contraptions, gadgets and inventions, with the silent help of Gromit. The series aims to inspire a whole new generation of innovative minds by showing them real, but mind-boggling, machines and inventions from around the world that have influenced his illustrious inventing career" (the BBC press statement). Peter Sallis reprised his role as the voice of Wallace. The filmed inserts are mostly narrated by Ashley Jensen, with one in each episode presented in-vision by Jem Stansfield. John Sparkes also voices a portion in the unseen character of archivist Goronwy.


Summer of Rockets

Summer of Rockets 2019


Samuel, a Russian-born Jewish inventor who specialises in the development of hearing aids, is tasked with a secret mission by MI5 to use his technological expertise to contribute to western Cold War efforts. Following the tensions of the space race and the first hydrogen bomb test, Samuel's efforts factor in to the emergence of the modern world.



Leonardo 2011


Leonardo is a British children's television series broadcast on CBBC. The show is an adventure programme featuring a teenage Leonardo da Vinci starring Jonathan Bailey. The series is set in 15th-century Florence. A second series premiered on CBBC on 20 September 2012, starting with episodes one and two being shown back to back. For Series 2, actor James Clyde replaced Alistair McGowan in the role of Piero de' Medici. It was announced on 21 January 2013 that Leonardo would not be recommissioned for a third series.


Deadly Games

Deadly Games 1995


Deadly Games is an American comedy action sci fi show that appeared on UPN as part of its 1995 season. The basic plot of the show is about video game characters that come to life, re-enacting their deadly plans for wanton destruction and world domination in the real world. The series was produced by Viacom Productions.


American Genius

American Genius 2015


Behind every great genius was a great rival - an unstoppable adversary whose incredible vision, determination, and ambition is their match. Out of their struggles came the world's most brilliant inventions, the spoils of the heated battle between competitors.


Santos Dumont

Santos Dumont 2019


The story of the man who embodied the great transformations of the turn of the century, acclaimed almost worldwide as the first man to fly a plane - the 14 Bis. Set in France and Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the production follows the aviator's trajectory, from his childhood at his family's coffee plantations in the interior of Minas Gerais, to the sophisticated Paris lounges and air clubs.