
Promatrači 2024


Radnja filma prati Minu, 28-godišnju umjetnicu koja se izgubi u prostranoj, netaknutoj šumi u zapadnoj Irskoj. Kada Mina nađe sklonište, nesvjesno ostaje zarobljena pored tri stranca koje svake večeri promatraju i uhode tajanstvena stvorenja.


Crvena panda

Crvena panda 2022


Tinejdžerica Mei Lee se pretvara u ogromnu crvenu pandu kada je pod stresom ili kada je jako uzbuđena (što je gotovo stalno). I kao da promjene u njezinim interesima, odnosima i tijelu nisu dovoljne, njezina pretjerano zaštitnički nastrojena, ako ne i pomalo nadmoćna majka Ming, nikad nije daleko od svoje kćeri – zapravo dosta nezgodna stvar za svakog tinejdžera.


Dom gospođice Peregrine za čudnovatu djecu

Dom gospođice Peregrine za čudnovatu djecu 2016


Kada Jake otkrije misteriozne tragove koji ga vode u različite svjetove i vremena, on pronalazi dom gospođice Peregrine, dom za čudnu djecu. Ali kako misterija i opasnosti rastu, tako on upoznaje stanovnike ove kuće, i uči o njihovim posebnim sposobnostima.


Valerian i grad tisuću planeta

Valerian i grad tisuću planeta 2017


Valerian (Dane DeHaan) i Laureline (Cara Delevingne) su specijalni vladini agenti zaduženi za održavanje reda u cijelom svemiru. Valerian ima u planu romantičnu vezu sa svojom partnericom Laureline, međutim ona će ga odbiti zbog njegove opsežne prošlosti sa ženama. Pod direktivom Zapovjednika (Clive Owen), Valerian i Laureline su poslani na misiju u međugalaktički grad Alpha, rastuću metropolu koja je sastavljena od tisuću planeta. Alpha ima sedamnaest milijuna stanovnika koji su ujedinili svoje talente, tehnologiju i resurse za dobrobit svih. Međutim, nemaju svi na Alphi iste interese i ciljeve; nevidljive sile će dovesti cijeli grad u veliku opasnost.



Urlikanje 1981


Poznata televizijska novinarka, Karen White, proživljava teške traume nakon što doživi bliski susret s serijskim ubojicom Eddijem Quistom. Njen liječnik joj preporuči da se podvrgne tretmanu u rehabilitacijskom centru na obali Sjeverne Kalifornije. No, kada Karen i njen muž, Bill, konačno stignu u "Koloniju", oni shvate da se iza ugodne fasade skriva mračna tajna.


Nosferatu, simfonija strave

Nosferatu, simfonija strave 1922


Mladi Thomas Hutter zastupnik je u trgovini nekretninama, koji 1838. godine u mirnom njemačkom gradu Bremenu skladnim životom živi s voljenom suprugom Ellen. Kad jednog dana dobije zadatak da otputuje u Transilvaniju u dvorac grofa Orloka, zagonetne osobe koja je zainteresirana za kupnju nekih nekretnina koje su u vlasništvu kuće za koju radi, Hutter će se teška srca oprostiti od Ellen i krenuti na dalek put. A kad stigne u Transilvaniju, u kraj u kojem je smješten Orlokov dvorac, mladić će se neugodno iznenaditi shvativši da se lokalni stanovnici ne žele ni približiti grofovu zdanju, a kamoli njega onamo prevesti kočijom. Nakon što naposljetku ipak uđe u zlokobni dvorac, Hutter će pri susretu s Orlokom zaključiti da se grof ponaša vrlo neobično i da ga susreće samo noću. No mladić ne zna da je grof zapravo vampir koji će ga uskoro ostaviti zatočena u svom dvorcu te otputovati u Bremen, gdje će se ubrzo početi zbivati razni tjeskobni i mračni događaji.


Posljednji zvjezdani borac

Posljednji zvjezdani borac 1984


Alex Rogan živi u velikom naselju prikolica kojim upravlja njegova majka. Jednom prilikom Alex odigra do kraja igricu Starfighter, postigavši najbolji rezultat ikada. Ubrzo upoznaje čovjeka po imenu Centauri (Robert Preston), koji se predstavi kao zaposlenik firme koja je stvorila igru. Prije nego li se uspio snaći, Alex se nađe u Centaurijevom automobilu koji poleti u svemir. Tako je počelo Alexovo svemirsko putovanje na kojem je doznao da videoigra nije bila obična igra, već je zamišljenja kao test za one koji su najsposobniji da se bore za spas čitave galaksije. Došavši u u izvanzemaljsku bazu, nezadovoljni Alex zatraži da ga bezuvjetno vrate kući, ali uviđa kako ga progoni izvanzemaljski lovac na glave. Shvativši kako mu je jedini izlaz udovoljiti Centauriju, Alex se vraća nazad u bazu gdje otkriva kako su svi piloti ubijeni, te kako posljednja nada za spas galaksije leži u njegovim rukama.


Blue Exorcist

Blue Exorcist 2011


Humans live in the world of Assiah, demons in Gehenna. The two dimensions are not meant to interfere with each other, but demons still possess creatures in Assiah in spite of this. The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists. Rin Okumura is a boy who bears the curse of being Satan's illegitimate son. His foster father sacrificed himself to save him from demons. To avenge his foster father's death as well as to prove himself, Rin decides to follow the path of an exorcist and defeat his own father, Satan. To hone his raw skills, Rin enters True Cross Academy to train with other exorcist candidates.


Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion 2023


Nick Fury and Talos discover a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls who have been infiltrating Earth for years.



Noragami 2014


Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.


Devilman Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby 2018


Akira Fudo learns from his best friend Ryo Asuka that demons will revive and reclaim the world from humans. With humans hopeless against this threat, Ryo suggests combining with a demon. With this, Akira becomes Devilman, a being with the power of demon but with a human heart.


Hellsing Ultimate

Hellsing Ultimate 2006


For over a century, the mysterious Hellsing Organization has been secretly protecting the British Empire from the undead. When Sir Integra Hellsing succeeded as the head of the organization, she also inherited the ultimate weapon against these supernatural enemies: Alucard, a rogue vampire possessing mysterious and frightening powers. Now, Hellsing must deal with a more dangerous threat than vampires.



Hellsing 2001


Vampires exist. It is the duty of Hellsing, an organization sponsored by the British government, to hide that frightening fact and protect the blissfully unaware populace. Along with its own personal army, Hellsing also has a few secret weapons. Alucard, an incredibly powerful vampire, has been controlled by Hellsing for years. Although he dislikes being a servant to the Hellsing family, he certainly enjoys his job as Hellsing’s vampire exterminator. Seras is a fledgling vampire and a former police woman. Although reluctant to embrace her new self, she is still a valuable member of the organization. Integra Hellsing, the current leader, is usually fully capable of fulfilling her duty, but lately, vampire activity has been on the rise. Unfortunately, the cause is more alarming than anything she could have imagined...


Witches of East End

Witches of East End 2013


The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.


God Eater

God Eater 2015


In the early 2050s, unknown life forms called “Oracle cells” begin their uncontrolled consumption of all life on Earth. Their ravenous appetite and remarkable adaptability earn them first dread, then awe, and finally the name “aragami”. In the face of an enemy completely immune to conventional weapons, urban civilization collapses, and each day humanity is driven further and further toward extinction. One single ray of hope remains for humanity. Following the development of “God Arcs”—living weapons which incorporate Oracle cells—their wielders are organized into an elite force.


Chicken Nugget

Chicken Nugget 2024


A woman steps into an odd machine and becomes... a chicken nugget?! Now, it's up to her father and admirer to embark on a zany quest to bring her back.



Servamp 2016


When a stray black cat named Kuro crosses Mahiru Shirota's path, the high school freshman's life will never be the same again. Kuro is, in fact, no ordinary feline, but a servamp: a servant vampire. While Mahiru's personal philosophy is one of non-intervention, he soon becomes embroiled in an ancient, altogether surreal conflict between vampires and humans.


Chrono Crusade

Chrono Crusade 2003


Set in New York during the 1920s, Chrono Crusade follows the story of Rosette Christopher, and her demon partner Chrono. As members of the Magdalene Order, they travel around the country eliminating demonic threats to society, while Rosette searches for her lost brother Joshua.


The Eccentric Family

The Eccentric Family 2013


In Kyoto, humans and supernatural creatures live side-by-side. Soichiro Shimogamo used to be the head of tanuki society, but without warning one day he was made into tanuki stew, and no one knows how it happened. He left four sons behind who all live happily with their mother. What does fate have in store for this strongly bonded family?!


Poco's Udon World

Poco's Udon World 2016


On a visit to his hometown, Souta Tawara meets a strange child who loves udon and frogs... and has ears and a tail?! Although ordinary at first glance, it turns out that this little tyke is actually a tanuki in a human disguise! So begins the tale of a gentle, warm, and slightly weird family in Kagawa prefecture, better known as "Udon Prefecture," where time passes at a less hurried pace than in the big city...


The Innocents

The Innocents 2018


When a teenage couple runs away to be together, the extraordinary gift they possess unleashes powerful forces intent on dividing them forever.



Genocyber 1994


As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence.



D.N.Angel 2003


Niwa Daisuke is your average teenager, until his fourteenth birthday. He tries to declare his love to the girl of his dreams, but fails. Suddenly, whenever he thinks about this girl he turns into the legendary phantom thief known as Dark Mousy. Daisuke's mother, very much aware of this, makes him turn into Dark and steal valuable works of art for a purpose unknown to Daisuke. As the story unfolds, he learns why, and about his classmate who seems to have the same ability.


Beyond the Walls

Beyond the Walls 2016


A young woman mysteriously inherits the house across the street from a man unknown to her who died twenty years prior. When she moves in, she discovers a sinister labyrinth inside the walls and becomes trapped in its ever-changing corridors.



Geobreeders 1998


Taba and the Girls of Kagura Total Security Inc. specialize in jobs where their enemy are "Phantom Cats". They have a few run ins with the various Government agencies, as well as a gang of Phantom Cats; blowing up a lot of stuff along the way. When one of their own is kidnapped, they have to get her back.


Meow Ears Up!

Meow Ears Up! 2022


Dermdem is a comic artist who grew up in an orphanage and the only "warm and happy feelings" he knows is through the letter. When Dermdem saw a stray cat and took the cat home with him, one day that cat turned into a human. Apparently, he's from the "ear tribe". Meow had changed Dermdem's boring life to chaos, but in that chaos, Dermdem got to learn the true meaning of life and finally felt the feeling of warmth and happiness.