
Anora 2024


Anora, seksualna radnica iz Brooklyna, dobiva priliku za priču o Pepeljugi kada upozna sina oligarha i uda se za njega. Nakon što vijest stigne u Rusiju, njezina je bajka ugrožena jer roditelji kreću u New York kako bi poništili brak.


365 dana

365 dana 2020


Žena postane žrtva dominantnog mafijaškog šefa, koji je zatoči i da joj rok od godinu dana da se zaljubi u njega.



Sluškinja 2016


Koreja 30-ih godina 20. stoljeća, tijekom japanske kolonizacije. Priča prati bivšeg osuđenika koji planira prevariti bogatu Japanku kako bi se domogao njezinog nasljedstva, koristeći siromašnu djevojku kao sluškinju da bi mu pomogla u izvršenju plana. Sluškinja se brzo pretvara u složeni triler prožet erotikom, gdje se granice između obmane, strasti i osvete neprimjetno prepliću.


Nož u leđa

Nož u leđa 2019


Radnja filma vrti se oko obiteljskog okupljanja koje krene po krivu nakon smrti 85-godišnjeg Harlana Thrombeyja, glave obitelji. U njihov obiteljski dom dolaze dva detektiva kako bi istražili smrt i otkrili skrivene obiteljske tajne. Svaki član obitelji postaje sumnjiv, pa čak i sporedni likovi koji se pojavljuju tijekom filma.


Resident Evil Početak: Raccoon City

Resident Evil Početak: Raccoon City 2021


Vraćajući se korijenima planetarno popularne franšize Resident Evil, obožavatelj i redatelj Johannes Roberts oživljava igre za novu generaciju obožavatelja. U ovom filmu, nekada cvjetajući dom farmaceutskog giganta korporacije Umbrella, Raccoon City je danas umirući grad na Srednjem zapadu. Egzodus tvrtke opustošio je grad... a veliko zlo se sprema ispod površine. Kad se to zlo oslobodi, skupina preživjelih mora zajedno raditi na otkrivanju istine iza Umbrella korporacije i preživjeti noć.


Ubrzanje 2: Visoki napon

Ubrzanje 2: Visoki napon 2009


Tri mjeseca poslije Chev se budi da bi otkrio da je njegovo gotovo neuništivo srce kirurški odstranjeno i zamijenjeno uređajem koji radi na baterije i kojem trebaju redoviti elektrošokovi da bi radio. Nakon opasna bijega od svojih otmičara, Chev ponovno bježi, ovaj put od karizmatična šefa meksičke bande El Hurona (Clifton Collins, Jr.) i kineskih Trijada, koje predvodi opasni 100 godina star Poon Dong (David Carradine). Ponovno se obraćajući Docu Milesu (Dwight Yoakam) za zdravstveni savjet, primajući pomoć od Venusa (Efren Ramirez), brata blizanca svog prijatelja Kayla, i ponovno se spajajući sa svojom djevojkom Eve (Amy Smart), koja sad zna kako on zarađuje za život, Chev je odlučan da vrati svoje srce i osveti se onomu tko ga je ukrao te kreće na napetu potjeru kroz Los Angeles gdje sve prolazi da bi preživio.


Obitelj Addams

Obitelj Addams 1991


Kad se davno izgubljeni ujak Fester pojavi nakon dvadeset i pet godina što je proveo u Bermudskome trokutu, Gomez i Morticia planiraju proslavu da probude mrtve. Wednesday jedva stigne zagrijati svoju električnu stolicu prije nego što Stvar ukaže na neobično "normalno" ponašanje ujaka Festera. Je li moguće da je taj Fester varalica, dio opakog plana da se opljačka bogatstvo Adamsovih?



Priscilla 2023


Koja djevojka ne sanja o vezi sa slavnom osobom? Želja mlade Priscille se ispunila, a sudbina joj je pripremila susret sa samim Elvisom Presleyem. Sada su službeno glavni par Amerike, ali što se krije iza maske sretnog života s idolom cijele zemlje?


Mrtva tišina

Mrtva tišina 2007


Kad se ožalošćeni udovac vrati u svoj rodni grad na sprovod svoje žene, otkrije da bi njezina misteriozna smrt mogla biti povezana s duhom preminulog trbuhozborca.



Uljezi 2001


Film o misteriji i sumnji koji govori o Grace (Nicole Kidman), koja sama u izoliranoj viktorijanskoj kući odgaja svoju djecu u skladu sa strogim vjerskim pravilima. Djeca pate od čudne bolesti: ne mogu izravno primiti svjetlo dana. Tri nova sluge koja se pridružuju obiteljskom životu moraju naučiti jedno vitalno pravilo: kuća će uvijek biti u tami; nikada se neće otvoriti vrata osim ako su prethodna zatvorena. Strogi poredak koji je Grace do tada nametnula bit će osporavan. Grace, djeca i oni oko njih učinit će neočekivani i konačni korak.


Vrijednosti obitelji Addams

Vrijednosti obitelji Addams 1993


Gomez (Raul Julia) i Morticija (Anjelica Huston) zaljubljuju se na prvi pogled kada u dom Adamsovih stigne pridošlica - Pubert (Kaitlyn Hooper), njihov nježni, mazni, brkati dječačić. Fester (Christopher Lloyd) izgubi glavu za putenom dadiljom Debbie (Joan Cusack) Jilinsky, a Wednesday (Christina Ricci) i Pugsley (Jimmy Workman) otkriju da je ona crna udovica, ubojica koja planira uvrstiti Festera u svoju zbirku mrtvih muževa. Budućnost obitelji još je crnja kad se zla dadilja uda za Festera i pošalje djecu u ljetni kamp. Ali Wednesday će uz pomoć Stvari dovesti stvari u red.


Policajac s Beverly Hillsa

Policajac s Beverly Hillsa 1984


Nakon što je njegov prijatelj iz djetinjstva ubijen u Detroitu, buntovni detektiv Axel Foley prelazi cijelu zemlju kako bi pronašao ubojicu na Beverly Hillsu.


Pozivnica za pakao

Pozivnica za pakao 2022


Nakon majčine smrti i bez druge poznate rodbine, Evie radi DNK test… i otkriva davno izgubljenog rođaka za kojeg nikad nije ni znala da ga ima. Pozvana od strane novopronađene obitelji na raskošno vjenčanje na seoskom području u Engleskoj, odmah ju je zaveo privlačni aristokratski domaćin. No, ubrzo je gurnuta u noćnu moru preživljavanja jer otkriva izopačene tajne u povijesti svoje obitelji i uznemirujuće namjere iza njezine grešne velikodušnosti.


13 duhova

13 duhova 1960


Mjesto radnje je velika kuća preminulog istraživača okultnog Dr. Zorbea čiji nećak Cyrus nasljeđuje kuću te ju naseljava zajedno sa obitelji. Ubrzo shvaćaju da nisu jedini stanovnici velebnog zdanja već da u njoj, osim nimalo simpatične spremačice Elaine obitava još 12 stanovnika. Riječ je o duhovima koje je moguće vidjeti jedino uz pomoć Zorbeovog posljednjeg izuma - specijalnih naočala. Ubrzo doznaju da je negdje u kući skriveno veliko bogatstvo no netko ili nešto će učiniti sve ne bi li spriječilo Cyrusove u pronalaženju istog. Zatočeni duhovi dvanaestorice pak mogu biti oslobođeni jedino u slučaju pronalaska nesretnog 13. izgubljenog duha.


Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows 1966


Dark Shadows is an American gothic soap opera that originally aired weekdays on the ABC television network, from June 27, 1966, to April 2, 1971. The show was created by Dan Curtis. The story bible, which was written by Art Wallace, does not mention any supernatural elements. It was unprecedented in daytime television when ghosts were introduced about six months after it began. The series became hugely popular when vampire Barnabas Collins appeared a year into its run. Dark Shadows also featured werewolves, zombies, man-made monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel, and a parallel universe. A small company of actors each played many roles; indeed, as actors came and went, some characters were played by more than one actor. Major writers besides Art Wallace included Malcolm Marmorstein, Sam Hall, Gordon Russell, and Violet Welles.


The Outsider

The Outsider 2001


Rodrigo Junquera finds out he is close to death, he decides to ask the nanny of his young child, Virginia Martínez, a beautiful and honest woman, to marry him with the intention of preparing the road so she can look after his children when he's gone. Virginia has to deal with the contempt of Rodrigo's children who acuse her of being an ambitious woman who married their father for his money. Virginia is in love with Rodrigo's eldest son, Carlos Alberto, who has come to mistreat her after finding out she married his dad.



Ghosts 2019


A cash-strapped young couple inherits a grand country house, only to find it is both falling apart and teeming with the ghosts of former inhabitants.


The Fall of the House of Usher

The Fall of the House of Usher 2023


Ruthless siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built Fortunato Pharmaceuticals into an empire of wealth, privilege and power. But past secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying at the hands of a mysterious woman from their youth.


Love Never Lies: Poland

Love Never Lies: Poland 2022


Six couples test their trust with an eye-scanning lie detector in this reality series where deception costs money, and the truth comes with a prize.


The Duke of Death and His Maid

The Duke of Death and His Maid 2021


Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s behavior all the more shocking! Can the Duke and his companions break the curse, or is he doomed to a life where love is forever out of his reach?


The Mansion

The Mansion 2004


An ambitious group of eight amateur home remodelers team up to renovate an amazing old house one room at a time. For the next eight weeks, these creative competitors will live in and work together on the house, one room at a time. Each week, they'll compete and collaborate on a different room. When it's all over, one of them will win the keys to the house!


The Ghosts of Motley Hall

The Ghosts of Motley Hall 1976


The Ghosts of Motley Hall is a British children's television series written by Richard Carpenter which was produced and directed by Quentin Lawrence for Granada Television, and broadcast between 1976 and 1978 on the ITV network. The series relates the adventures of 5 ghosts who haunt Motley Hall. Each ghost is from a different era and all with the exception of Matt are unable to leave the confines of the building and Matt himself is unable to travel outside the grounds of the Hall. The only regular character who is not a ghost is Mr Gudgin the caretaker of Motley Hall. Carpenter wrote a companion novel for the series for Puffin Books in 1977. A 3 DVD set containing the complete series was released by Network in 2005.


Beecham House

Beecham House 2019


On the cusp of the 19th century in Delhi, we follow the fortunes of the residents of the titular mansion. The story begins as handsome and soulful former English soldier John Beecham has acquired the house to start a new life for his family and a business as a trader.


Doll House

Doll House 2014


A girl with no home takes a seemingly perfect opportunity to move in with a Professor and his housemaid in a beautiful and secluded mansion. However, the mysteries pile up when the housemaid calls the shots, prevents Young Hee from meeting the Professor, and forces her to follow her strange rules. Fellow housemates Byung Tae and Soo Jung seem to have good intentions when secretly interacting with Young Hee, but just who are they really and why are they there? Leaving may not be as easy as coming into this mysterious house.


The Wallflower

The Wallflower 2006


It's a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live in it for free! There's only one condition—that within three years the guys must transform the owner's wallflower niece into a lady befitting the palace in which they all live! How hard can it be? Enter Sunako Nakahara, the agoraphobic, horror-movie-loving, pockmark-faced, frizzy-haired, fashion-illiterate recluse who tends to break into explosive nosebleeds whenever she sees anyone attractive. This project is going to take more than our four heroes ever expected: it needs a miracle!


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 1996


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a 1996 British television serial adaptation of Anne Brontë's novel of the same name, produced by BBC and directed by Mike Barker. The serial stars Tara FitzGerald as Helen Graham, Rupert Graves as her abusive husband Arthur Huntington and Toby Stephens as Gilbert Markham.



Carinhoso 1973


Cecília is in love with Eduardo, a millionaire who doesn't care about their relationship. Ready for a new direction in life, she ends the relationship and goes to work as a flight attendant in New York. Later, she returns to win back her love, but things are not the same anymore.


Hidden Houses of Wales

Hidden Houses of Wales 2010


Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen visits some of the finest houses in Wales, stepping back in time to uncover their hidden stories.


Highcliffe Manor

Highcliffe Manor 1979


Newly widowed Helen Blacke inherits the Blacke Foundation, a scientific research institute located in the Highcliffe Manor on an island off the Massachusetts coast and populated by mad scientists who want to get rid of her.


The Family

The Family 2003


A middle-class clan from the Northeast is suddenly thrust into the world of the super rich. Sequestered in a 20,000-square-foot mansion on a 40-acre estate in Palm Beach, they are observed by around-the-clock cameras. They compete in high-society challenges for cruises on luxury yachts, private jets and spectacular prizes and ultimately, for control of the one million-dollar fortune. A full-service professional staff is at their beck and call, including a butler, personal trainer, stylist, kitchen staff, personal secretary, housekeepers, manicurist, tennis pro and countless others -- all used to working with high-end clientele. Unbeknownst to the 10 contestants, the staff picks the winners and losers, and the losers must remain in the house to watch the remaining contestants duke it out.