Nemoguća misija: Raspad sistema

Nemoguća misija: Raspad sistema 2018


Najbolje namjere često se vraćaju da vas progone. U novom nastavku Nemoguće misije, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) i njegov tim MMF-a (Alec Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames) zajedno sa saveznicima (Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan), nađu se u utrci s vremenom kada misija krene po zlu. Henry Cavill, Angela Bassett i Vanessa Kirby pridružit će se dinamičnom timu s redateljem Christopherom McQuarriejem na čelu.


Ex Machina

Ex Machina 2015


Mladi programer Caleb veseli se što je upravo on, od svih zaposlenika, dobio priliku provesti nekoliko danas s glavnim direktorom svoje tvrtke. No, ono što se čini kao poziv na neobavezno druženje, u stvari je početak eksperimentq u kojem će Caleb iskušati granice svoje ljudskosti nakon što upozna umjetno stvoreno biće u prelijepom ženskom tijelu.



Stranac 2008


U doba kada su Vikinzi dominirali svijetom, čovjek s daleke druge planete, Kainan (Caviezel), ruši se letjelicom na Zemlju donoseći sa sobom opasnog predatora poznatog pod imenom Moorwen. Iako i čovjek i čudovište traže osvetu zbog nasilja koje je nad njima počinjeno, Kainan potajno stvara savezništvo kako bi ubio Moorwena, pokušavajući stopiti njegovu naprednu tehnologiju i drevnih vikinških oružja.



Cave 2016




Vikinzi 1958


U 8. i 9. stoljeću na današnjem teritoriju Norveške, u fjordovima su živjeli i skrivali svoje brodove barbarski ratnici Vikinzi. Jednom su pod vodstvom krvoločnog Ragnara (E. Borgnine) napali Englesku u kojoj je bilo više sitnih kraljevstava. Ragnar je ubio jednog od tih kraljeva i silovao kraljicu. Na prijestolje tog engleskog kraljevstva nakon dva mjeseca zasjeo je pokvareni Aella (F. Thring) tvrdeći da kralj nije ostavio nasljednika. Ali, kraljeva udovica Enid povjerila se svećeniku Godwinu (A. Knox) i rekla mu da je rodila dijete. Nakon dvadeset godina kralj Aella namjerava se silom oženiti velškom princezom Morganom (J. Leigh) kako bi ojačao svoje kraljevstvo. U to vrijeme pravi prestolonasljednik nalazi se u vikinškom ropstvu, i to kod Ragnara.


Viking Erik

Viking Erik 1989


Vikinško je doba, doba hladnoće, toljage, sablje, kožuha i ekstremnih fizičkih reakcija. Erik Viking, iako krupan i jak, osjećajan je pa kada dođe u situaciju da bi, kao pravi ratnik - osvajač, trebao silovati zarobljenu djevojku Helgu on se zapravo zaljubi. Međutim, igrom slučaja Erik djevojku ubije. Potresen i umoran od ratovanja Erik posluša savjet proročice koja ga uputi da krene prema zapadnom oceanu gdje će naći rog pomoću kojeg će probuditi bogove te će tako doći kraj vječnoj zimi, tami i ratu.


Elias: The Little Rescue Boat

Elias: The Little Rescue Boat 2005


This animated series follows the adventures of Elias the rescue boat and his friends as they work together to keep their home of Cozy Cove safe.



Occupied 2015


In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea.



Blank 2018


Blank focuses on life after high school and the struggles of entering adulthood.


Billionaire Island

Billionaire Island 2024


The ruthless owner of a Norwegian fish farming company plans a hostile takeover of her local rival to become the world's largest salmon producer.



Lilyhammer 2012


After Frank The Fixer Tagliano testifies against his Mafia boss in New York, he enters the Witness Protection Program and makes an unusual demand: he wants to be set up with a new life in the Norwegian small town of Lillehammer or as he calls it, Lilyhammer.



SKAM 2015


The story of young teenagers and pupils from Hartvig Nissens upper secondary school in Oslo, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.



Norsemen 2016


Norsemen is an epic and humorous drama series set in the Viking Age. The residents of an 8th-century Viking village experience political rivalry, social change and innovations that upend their culture and way of life.



Mammon 2014


Peter Verås is an uncompromising journalist in the most respected newspaper in Norway. He makes his life’s biggest mistake when he gets hold of evidence of a financial fraud from an anonymous source. It turns out the evidence points to his own brother. As he still pursues and the story breaks, the brother commits suicide. Peter tries to track down the anonymous source, only to discover that the source was the brother himself. A search for the truth has commenced that involves media, high – ranked politicians as well as the financial elite. The closer he gets to the truth, the more dangerous it becomes for him and his brother’s family.



Himmelblå 2008


Himmelblå is a Norwegian drama series which aired on NRK1 in Norway, on SVT in Sweden and on RÚV in Iceland. It is based on the British TV drama Two Thousand Acres of Sky written by Timothy Prager and produced by Adrian Bate.


Nissene i bingen

Nissene i bingen 2021


Norwegian Christmas calendar where 24 santas compete to be the last man standing.


The Third Eye

The Third Eye 2014


A police detective is trying to locate his missing daughter, while solving other cases.


Ice Road Rescue

Ice Road Rescue 2015


Reality series following a group of truck drivers in the mountain passes of Norway, some of the most dangerous roads in all of Europe.



Acquitted 2015


After having success in Asia, businessman Aksel Borgen is asked back to his hometown in Norway to save an important local firm despite it being 20 years since he was sentenced and later acquitted for murdering his high school sweetheart.



Valkyrien 2017


In an illegal hospital, hidden in an Oslo underground station, a physician is desperately trying to find a cure for his wife's terminal illness.


The Half Brother

The Half Brother 2013


Revolving around the life of un-produced screenwriter Barnum Nilsen, The Half Brother is a dramatic family saga that offers an historical parable of 20th century Europe. On V Day, May 1945, as a continent emerges from war, Barnum’s mother Vera is raped in her attic in Oslo by an unknown man, leading to the birth of Barnum’s half brother, Fred. When Barnum is born five years later, to the man that Vera has since met and married, the Nilsen family, like Europe, is already splitting in two. Growing up together during the Cold War – Barnum with his father, Fred searching for his – the half brothers become estranged and Fred eventually disappears. At the film festival in Berlin in 1990, as the Wall is still coming down, Barnum learns that Fred has returned. Finally, as the true identity of Fred’s father comes to light, the two half brothers may once again be reunited.



Below 2022


A young woman whose life is turned upside down by a traffic accident that kills her best friend and leaves her paralyzed from the waist down.