Čovjek vuk

Čovjek vuk 2025


Kada obitelj dođe u nasljeđenu kuću duboko u divljini, u gluho doba noći, napada ih nevidljiva životinja i u očajničkom bijegu, zabarikadiraju se unutar kuće dok se stvorenje šulja okolo. Kako noć odmiče, Blake se počinje čudno ponašati, pretvarajući se u nešto neprepoznatljivo, a Charlotte će biti prisiljena odlučiti je li teror u njihovoj kući smrtonosniji od opasnosti izvan nje.


Hotel Transilvanija 2

Hotel Transilvanija 2 2015


Za hotel Transilvaniju čini se da su stvari konačno krenule na bolje... Drakulin hotel, koji je od početka kao svoje goste prihvaćao isključivo čudovišta, sada je otvoren i za ljude. Ali ono što sada najviše muči našeg omiljenog Drakulu je njegova ozbiljna zabrinutost da njegov preslatki unuk (koji je zapravo pola čovjek, a pola vampir) ne pokazuje znakove pravog vampira. Dok se Mavis nalazi u posjeti kod Johnnyjevih roditelja gdje je očekuje pravi kulturalni šok, Drakula moli za pomoć svoje prijatelje Franka, Murrayja, Waynea i Griffina kako bi sa svojim unukom Dennisom prošao kroz "vampirski trening". Međutim nitko od njih nije svjestan činjenice da Drakulin stari i vrlo, vrlo, vrlo, vrlo, vrlo staromodni otac Vlad dolazi u obiteljski posjet hotelu. A kada Vlad sazna da njegov praunuk nije čistokrvne vampirske krvi - i da je sada u hotelu Transilvanija čak i ljudima dozvoljen boravak - stvari će postati vrlo... šišmiškolike!


Monster High: Film

Monster High: Film 2022


Clawdeen Wolf, nedavno je počela pohađati Monster High, školu za čudovišta različitih oblika. Nakon što se brzo sprijateljila sa svojim kolegicama iz razreda Frankie Stein i Draculaurom, Clawdeen se osjeća kao da je konačno pronašla mjesto gdje doista može biti ona, ili barem tako misli. Uskoro, podmukli plan za uništenje Monster Higha prijeti otkriti njezin pravi identitet i Clawdeen mora naučiti prigrliti svoje pravo srce čudovišta prije nego bude prekasno.



Vukodlak 1941


Jedne kobne noći, engleski plemić Talbot sa ženom dolazi na karneval kako bi im prorekli sudbine, no stvari pođu po zlu nakon što ga ugrize vuk.


The Hilarious House of Frightenstein

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein 1971


The Hilarious House of Frightenstein, was a quirky Canadian sketch comedy TV series from the 1970s that included some genuine educational content among the humour. It featured the talented Billy Van, Billy Van, Billy Van, and many more. Fishka Rais played the role of Igor, Joe Torbay portrayed Gronk, Guy Big brought Count Munchkinstein to life, and the legendary Vincent Price made special guest appearances. “Another lovely day begins, for ghosts and ghouls with greenish skin. So close your eyes and you will find that you’ve arrived in Frightenstein. Perhaps the Count will find a way to make his monster work today. For if he solves this monster-mania, he can return to Transylvania! So welcome where the sun won’t shine, to the castle of Count Frightenstein!”


Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge

Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge 1997


In the midst of a war between the families of Demitri Maximoff and Morrigan Aensland for control of the Demon World, alien invader Pyron arrives on Earth and plans to take it over by taking out those who stand a chance of stopping him, namely the Darkstalkers. Meanwhile, dhampir Donovan Baine seeks to rid himself of the cursed blood which runs through his veins.


Monster Force

Monster Force 1994


Monster Force was a 13-episode animated television series created in 1994 by Universal Cartoon Studios and Canadian studio Lacewood Productions. The story is set in approx. 2020 and centers on a group of teenagers who, with help of high tech weaponry, fight off against classic Universal Monsters and spiritual beings threatening humanity. Some of the crew have personal vendettas, while others fight for Mankind out of a sense of altruism. Universal Studios Home Entertainment will release the first seven episodes to DVD on September 15, 2009.



DarkStalkers 1995


Darkstalkers is an American children's animated TV series produced by Graz Entertainment in the fall of 1995. The cartoon is loosely based on Capcom's fighting game Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors. One of the cartoon's leads is a young boy named Harry Grimoire, an original character who is a descendant of Merlin. Various changes were made to the game characters, most notably Morrigan Aensland became a villain and a descendant of Morgan le Fay.


Wolfpack of Reseda

Wolfpack of Reseda 2012


Ben March’s mundane life is transformed when he becomes convinced he’s been bitten by a werewolf loose in the suburban sprawl of Reseda. As strange events begin to occur, Ben embraces his new “wolfman” identity wholeheartedly. He ascends at work, gets the attention of unattainable women, and becomes a leader amongst his colleagues and friends. Ben forms his very own “wolfpack,” and together they find new confidence and freedom.