
Auti 2006


Munjeviti Jurić šampion je automobilskih utrka, idol mladih i neustrašivi sportaš. Iako beskrajno samouvjeren i bahat, on zapravo ništa ne zna o stvarnom životu, a kao proslavljeni trkač, ne dopušta da ga bilo tko nadmaši. Tijekom posljednje utrke dogodi mu se nezgoda zbog koje još dva automobila istodobno s njim uđu na cilj. Da bi se proglasio pravi pobjednik, organizatori odluče upriličiti još jedno natjecanje, na velikom trkalištu u Kaliforniji. Putujući u kamionu prema odredištu, Juriću se dogodi nezgoda te on zaglavi u malom, zapuštenom zaselku. Očajan jer zbog oštećenja ne može otići, on je prisiljen ostati u zaselku, upoznati se s njemu neuglednim i neprimjerenim automobilima, no koji će mu pomalo postati dragi...



Rambo 1982


John Rambo, bivši pripadnik zelenih beretki koji je desetak godina proveo u Vijetnamu, dolazi u gradić na američkom sjeverozapadu kako bi pronašao svog starog ratnog prijatelja. No saznaje da mu je prijatelj umro od posljedica otrova kojim su se Amerikanci koristili u borbi protiv Viet-Konga. Čini se da mu to otkriće neće donijeti ništa dobro: mjesni šerif bez razloga ga zatvara i zlostavlja. Rambo uspijeva pobjeći u šumu. Za njim se organizira i potjera koja uključuje i helikoptere. Policajci ne odustaju, čak zovu i pripadnike Nacionalne garde, no Rambo, vijetnamski veteran, u šumi je na svom je terenu: služeći se najraznovrsnijim zamkama, on ubija jednog po jednog policajca sve dok ne bude pozvan i njegov vijetnamski zapovjednik da razjasni situaciju.



Zatočene 2013


Keller Dover je obiteljski čovjek kojem se život izokrene nakon što su mu kćer i njezina najbolja prijateljica otete. Kako policija unatoč svim indicijama ne uspijeva zatvoriti krivca, odlučuje sam oteti onog koga smatra odgovornim za otmice te izvući korisne informacije dok nije prekasno...


Princeza Mononoke

Princeza Mononoke 1997


Princ pod smrtonosnom kletvom krene u potragu za lijekom i nađe se usred borbe između rudarskog gradića i šumskih životinja.



Homefront 2013


Bivši agent za suzbijanje narkotika s obitelji seli u miran gradić. Idila traje kratko, jer će biti prisiljen sukobiti se s bandom krijumčara droge i kraljem metha


Američki vukodlak u Londonu

Američki vukodlak u Londonu 1981


Američki turisti David i Jack napadnuti su od strane neidentificirane zvijeri dok su šetali Yorkshire Moorsom. Sklonivši se u dom atraktivne medicinske sestre radi oporavka, David ubrzo prolazi kroz uznemirujuće promjene uma i tijela.


Eksplozivni murjaci

Eksplozivni murjaci 2007


Nicholasa Angela, vrhunskoga londonskog policajaca, ljubomorni kolega premješta u mirno seoce u kojem dobiva dobronamjernog, ali prerevnog partnera. Nakon niza jezovitih incidenata u selu, vrijeme je da ovi seoski policajci u velikom stilu pokažu kako se provodi pravda.


Za dolar više

Za dolar više 1965


Dva lovca na glave ganjaju El India, jednog od najtraženijih bjegunaca u zapadnom teritoriju, i njegovu bandu.



Jecaji 2016


Stranac stiže u malo selo i ubrzo nakon toga počinje se širiti tajanstvena bolest. Policajac je uvučen u incident i prisiljen je riješiti misterij kako bi spasio svoju kćer.



Zaselak 2004


Susjedi malog ruralnog grada Pensilvanije žive u strahu zbog čudnih bića koja žive u okolnim šumama. Oni savršeno dobro znaju da se, da bi se spasili, moraju složno pridržavati određenih pravila: izbjegavati vidjeti crveno jer ih privlači, držati se podalje od šume, gdje čekaju da netko dođe i poslušati se zvona upozorenja, što ukazuje da su prilazeći selu.


Misteriozni znakovi

Misteriozni znakovi 2002


Graham Hess je protestantski pastor koji živi sa svoje dvoje djece i svojim bratom Merrill, bivšom bejzbol zvijezdom koja radi na benzinskoj postaji. Nakon smrti svoje supruge u prometnoj nesreći, Graham gubi vjeru i posljedično odustaje od svojih župljana. Jednog jutra kada se probudi i otkriva da su njegova djeca otkrila hladno otkriće na poljima kukuruza koja okružuju njegovu farmu.


Čovjek sa željeznom maskom

Čovjek sa željeznom maskom 1998


Godine 1638. mladi kralj Luj XIV. (L. DiCaprio) živi na svom dvoru u luksuzu i dekadenciji, dok istodobno građani Francuske umiru od gladi. Od četvorice mušketira, koji su vjerno služili njegovome ocu, jedino je D'Artagnan (G. Byrne) ostao u kraljevoj službi. On je sada kapetan kraljevske garde i čuva mladoga vladara po cijenu vlastita života. Ostala trojica - Aramis (J. Irons), Athos (J. Malkovich) i Porthos (G. Depardieu) - žive mirnim civilnim životom. Aramis je vođa jezuitskoga reda, Porthos posve predan svjetovnim užicima, a Athos ponosni otac mladoga Raoula (P. Sarsgaard). Raoul je zaručen za lijepu i čednu Christine, no onoga trenutka kada na nju oko baci razvratni Luj, njegovoj sreći je kraj. Očajni Athos, ali ni ostali mušketiri, više ne mogu podnositi takovo ponašanje mladoga kralja i odluče se za nevjerojatan plan kojim će okrutnoga vladara zauvijek smijeniti.


Last of the Summer Wine

Last of the Summer Wine 1973


Unencumbered by wives, jobs or any other responsibilities, three senior citizens who've never really grown up explore their world in the Yorkshire Dales. They spend their days speculating about their fellow townsfolk and thinking up adventures not usually favored by the elderly. Last of the Summer Wine premiered as an episode of Comedy Playhouse in 1973. The show ran for 295 episodes until 2010. It is the longest running comedy Britain has produced and the longest running sitcom in the world.



Heartbeat 1992


Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.


Dr. Romantic

Dr. Romantic 2016


An eccentric, triple board-certified virtuoso surgeon leaves a top job in Seoul and ends up at a provincial hospital, where he mentors young doctors.


Where the Heart Is

Where the Heart Is 1997


Where the Heart Is is a British television family drama series set in the fictional Yorkshire town of Skelthwaite. It focuses on the professional and personal lives of the district nurses who work in the town.


Lark Rise to Candleford

Lark Rise to Candleford 2008


Set in the small hamlet of Lark Rise and the wealthier neighbouring market town, Candleford, the series chronicles the daily lives of farm-workers, craftsmen and gentry at the end of the 19th Century. Lark Rise to Candleford is a love letter to a vanished corner of rural England and a heart-warming drama series teeming with wit, wisdom and romance.


Born and Bred

Born and Bred 2002


Born and Bred is a light-hearted British drama series that aired on BBC One from 2002 to 2005. Created by Chris Chibnall and Nigel McCrery, Born and Bred's cast was led by James Bolam and Michael French, who play a father and son who run a cottage hospital in Ormston, a fictional Lancashire village in the 1950s. Bolam and French's characters are later replaced by characters played by Richard Wilson and Oliver Milburn.


True North

True North 2016


At 20, Donalda is the most beautiful girl in Sainte-Adèle. Young, intelligent, and dynamic, she has always been in love with Alexis, the log driver, a feisty adventurer whose life is a perpetual storm. But Seraphin is also in love with Donalda, and he will do anything to have her.



Rosehaven 2016


When Daniel returns to his hometown, Rosehaven, to take over his family's troubled real estate business, he's surprisingly joined by his best (city) friend Emma - who's on the run from a marriage that didn't last the honeymoon. Between Daniel's crippling anxiety and Emma's exuberant irresponsibility will they be able to save the business? It seems unlikely, but it will be fun to watch them try. And might their friendship mean more than they realise?


Happy Valley

Happy Valley 2014


Happy Valley is a dark, funny, multi-layered thriller revolving around the personal and professional life of Catherine, a dedicated, experienced, hard-working copper. She is also a bereaved mother who looks after her orphaned grandchild.


Le Tre Rose di Eva

Le Tre Rose di Eva 2012


A story of murder, conspiracy and secrets but above all about a great love story; Tuscan Passion tells the story of an impossible love between Aurora Taviani and Alessandro Monforte. Both belong to enemy families and both are divided by a history of blood and mystery.



Emilie 1990


Les Filles de Caleb is a Quebec TV series of 20 one-hour episodes, created by Jean Beaudin, based on the eponymous novel of Arlette Cousture, broadcast in 1990 on Radio-Canada and repeated in 2006 on Prise 2.


The District Nurse

The District Nurse 1984


The District Nurse is a British television series, produced by BBC Wales and shown on BBC One between 1984 and 1987. The series was a period drama created by Julia Smith and Tony Holland and starred Nerys Hughes as Megan Roberts, the titular district nurse fighting to improve living conditions for the people living in a poverty stricken mining town, Pencwm, in south Wales during the late 1920s. The School scenes were filmed at Pont-y-gof school in Ebbw Vale, shortly before the old school was demolished. The children and teachers at the school were involved in the first two series. The outdoor school and street scenes were filmed at a small village near Tredegar. Most of the houses used have now been demolished, however the street still remains. In the third series, shown in 1987 and set in the early 1930s, Megan had moved on to the seaside town of Glanmor where she worked with a father/son pair of doctors - Emlyn Isaacs and James Isaacs.


The Vicar of Dibley

The Vicar of Dibley 1994


Reverend Granger is assigned as the Vicar of the rural parish of Dibley, but she is not quite what the villagers expected.


Hamish Macbeth

Hamish Macbeth 1995


Hamish Macbeth is a comedy-drama series made by BBC Scotland and first aired in 1995. It is loosely based on a series of mystery novels by M. C. Beaton. The series concerns a local police officer, Constable Hamish Macbeth in the fictitious town of Lochdubh on the west coast of Scotland. The titular character was played by Robert Carlyle. It ran for three series from 1995 to 1997, with the first two series having six episodes and the third having eight.



América 2005


Sol and Tião are born to different social backgrounds—she to a poor suburban family in Rio, and him to an even poorer family who raised cattle in West São Paulo State. They eventually meet, due to unlikely circumstances, but part again, as she has set as her ultimate priority to reach the United States or bust. While she comes to the U.S. to live as an illegal immigrant, he remains in Brazil and, despite many trials and tribulations, he becomes a successful rodeo cowboy.


This Country

This Country 2017


The lives of cousins Kerry and Kurtan in the rural village of Cotswolds.


De par chez nous

De par chez nous 2017


Marième Ndiaye meets the people who have chosen to live in rural Quebec in the hopes of ensuring the future of their region by launching original development initiatives.


To the Manor Born

To the Manor Born 1979


Sitcom about the love-hate relationship between upper-class Audrey fforbes Hamilton and Richard DeVere, the nouveau rich businessman who buys her manor house when she can no longer afford to keep it.