Robin Hood: Princ lopova

Robin Hood: Princ lopova 1991


Engleski plemić, sudionik križarskog rata, bježi iz jeruzalemskog zatvora uz pomoć maurskog suzatvorenika i vraća se kući u Englesku. Po dolasku otkriva da mu je otac mrtav, a obiteljsko imanje u ruševinama, što je djelo okrutnog šerifa od Nottinghama. Plemić i njegov maurski saveznik udružuju snage s odmetnicima kako bi spasili kraljevstvo od šerifove tiranije.


Robin Hood

Robin Hood 2018


Nova verzija Robina Hooda će prikazati mlade dane poznatog pljačkaša i otkriti detalje koji su Robina (Egerton) potakli da se izvan zakona bori za malog čovjeka. Kao mladić pun ideala odlazi u križarski rat, tamo doživljava samo razočaranja, ali postaje iskusni ratnik. Po povratku ga oneraspoloži što je njegova zemlja zapala u korupciju, čemu se mora suprotstaviti. Robin i njegov zapovjednik (Foxx) tada podižu bunu protiv korumpiranog kralja u ovoj uzbudljivoj akcijskoj avanturi prepunoj eksplozija, ludih scena borbi te bezvremenske romantike.


Pustolovine Robina Hooda

Pustolovine Robina Hooda 1938


Engleska, srednji vijek. Kralj Richard Lavljeg Srca je zarobljen na povratku iz Križarskog rata, a njegov mlađi brat, princ John, ne želi platiti otkupninu, nego planira, uz podršku Guya od Gisbournea, šerifa iz Nottinghama i drugih pristalica, preuzeti prijestolje. Princ John i ostali Normani zlostavljaju saksonsko stanovništvo, a suprostavlja im se sa svojom družinom iz Sherwoodske šume odmetnuti saksonski plemić Robin od Locksleyja, poznatiji kao Robin Hood. U posjet princu Johnu, koji ju namjerava udati za Guya od Gisbournea, stiže djeva Marian, međutim, Robin se zaljubi u nju, a ona mu uzvraća osjećaje.



Boon 1986


Boon is a British television drama and modern-day western series starring Michael Elphick, David Daker, and later Neil Morrissey. It was created by Jim Hill and Bill Stair and filmed by Central Television for ITV. It revolved around the life of a modern-day Lone Ranger and ex-firefighter, Ken Boon.


The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Adventures of Robin Hood 1955


The legendary character Robin Hood and his band of merry men in Sherwood Forest and the surrounding vicinity. While some episodes dramatised the traditional Robin Hood tales, most episodes were original dramas created by the show's writers and producers.


Robin of Sherwood

Robin of Sherwood 1984


Robin of Sherwood was a British television series, based on the legend of Robin Hood. Created by Richard Carpenter, it was produced by HTV in association with Goldcrest, and ran from 1984 to 1986 on the ITV network. In America it was retitled Robin Hood and shown on the premium cable TV channel Showtime and on PBS. The show starred Michael Praed and Jason Connery as two different incarnations of the title character. Unlike previous adaptations of the Robin Hood legend, Robin of Sherwood combined a gritty, authentic production design with elements of real-life history, 20th century fiction, and pagan myth. The series is also notable for its haunting title music by Clannad, which won a BAFTA award.


This Is England '86

This Is England '86 2010


It's 1986 - the year Maradona ends England's World Cup dreams in Mexico; the year Top Gun is the highest grossing film; the year over 3.4 million Brits are unemployed and the year Shaun is leaving school.


Sons and Lovers

Sons and Lovers 1981


Sons and Lovers is a 1981 BBC television serial based on the D. H. Lawrence book Sons and Lovers. It starred Eileen Atkins, Tom Bell, Karl Johnson and Lynn Dearth. It was adapted by Trevor Griffiths and directed by Stuart Burge. It aired in the US as part of the PBS's Masterpiece Theatre program in 1982.