Koralina i tajna ogledala

Koralina i tajna ogledala 2009


Koralina se dosađuje u svome novom domu sve dok ne otkrije tajna vrata koja vode u svijet koji je poput njezina... ali bolji! No ova fantastična avantura postane opasna kada njezina "druga" majka poželi zadržati je zauvijek...


Mrtva nevjesta

Mrtva nevjesta 2005


Smještena u europsko selo iz 19. stoljeća, ova stop-motion animirana igra prati priču o Victoru, mladiću koji je odveden u podzemlje i oženjen tajanstvenom mrtvom nevjestom, dok njegova prava nevjesta Victoria čeka ožalošćena u zemlji živih.


Predbožićna noćna mora

Predbožićna noćna mora 1993


Kralj Bundeva iz Grada Noći Vještica oteo je Djeda Božićnjaka i preuzeo Božić! Što djeca mogu očekivati kad im darove počnu donositi duhovi i demoni? Smješten u svijet u kojem svaki praznik ima svoju posebnu zemlju, film „Predbožićna mora“ prati neumjesnu strast Jacka Skellingtona, voljenoga Kralja Bundeva iz Grada Noći Vještica koji nadzire stvaranje svih demonskih radosti, strahova i iznenađenja, koje njegov praznik tradicionalno izvozi u „stvarni svijet“. Jacku je dosadila ista rutina svake godine i nalazi novu svrhu u životu kad slučajno nabasa na ulaz u Božićni Grad gdje ga odmah oduševe sjajne boje, igračke, ukrasi i topli duh koje ondje otkriva. Vraća se kući i postaje opsjednut idejom da preuzme Božić pod svoju kontrolu. Angažira odane sugrađane da mu pomognu da postane zamjenski Djed Božićnjak i stvori „novu i poboljšanu“ verziju toga blagdana. Ali Jack uskoro otkriva da i najbolji planovi miševa i kostura mogu ozbiljno zastraniti. Izvor: www.tvprofil.com


Pobuna u kokošinjcu: Zora medaljona

Pobuna u kokošinjcu: Zora medaljona 2023


Neustrašivi pilići udruže snage kako bi spasili perad od uznemirujuće nove prijetnje: obližnje farme na kojoj se kuha nešto sumnjivo.


Pseći otok

Pseći otok 2018


Japanski arhipelag, 20 godina u budućnosti. Zasićenost psima dosegnula je razmjere epidemije. Pseća gripa hara gradom Megasakijem. Gradonačelnik Kobayashi izdaje hitne zapovjedi i traži brzu karantenu. Otok smeća postaje prognanička kolonija – Otok pasa. Šest mjeseci poslije mali, jednomotorni, minijaturni zrakoplov sruši se na krcato smetlište. Skupina od petero gladnih, ali živahnih napuštenih pasa kopa po olupini i otkrije dvanaestogodišnjeg pilota kako izlazi iz zapaljenog trupa – to je Atari, siročić na skrbi gradonačelnika Kobayashija. Uz pomoć svojih novih psećih prijatelja Atari započinje potragu za svojim izgubljenim psom, Spotom – i pritom razotkrije zavjeru koja prijeti uništenjem svih pasa Megasakija zauvijek.


Wallace i Gromit: Velika povrtna zavjera

Wallace i Gromit: Velika povrtna zavjera 2005


Ekscentrični Wallace koji voli sir i njegov lukavi pseći prijatelj Gromit istražuju misterij u animiranoj pustolovini Nicka Parka u kojoj ljupki izumitelj i njegovo neustrašivo štene vode posao oslobađajući grad od vrtnih nametnika. Koristeći samo humane metode koje njihov dom pretvaraju u kuću na pola puta za deložirane gamadi, par nailazi na misterij koji uključuje proždrljivo vegetarijansko čudovište koje prijeti da uništi godišnje natjecanje u uzgoju povrća.


Pinokio Guillerma del Tora

Pinokio Guillerma del Tora 2022


Oskarovac Guillermo del Toro ovom nam očaravajućom glazbenom stop-animacijom donosi svoju interpretaciju klasične priče o lutku koji oživi.


Pobuna u kokošinjcu

Pobuna u kokošinjcu 2000


Spasilac će doći s neba: jedne večeri njoj pred noge doletjet će - doduše, u malo neobičnom letu - pijetao Rocky, zgodan i šarmantan vjetropir, po govoru bi se reklo Amerikanac. Ginger odmah nagovara Rockyja da ih nauči letjeti, ali Rocky odbija tvrdeći da ne može živjeti zatvoren i da ga cesta zove dalje na put. No upravo tada na farmu stiže potjera za nestalim cirkuskim pijetlom. Ginger zaprijeti Rockyju da će ga izdati ako ne pristane na njezin prijedlog i Rocky ostane. Počinje letačka obuka koja kao da nikamo ne vodi. U međuvremenu je gospođa Tweedy nabavila novi stroj koji će joj, vjeruje, donijeti bogatstvo. Stroj proizvodi pite od piletine, a da bi mesa bilo što više, koke dobivaju obilje hrane. I opet samo Ginger shvaća što će se dogoditi...


Trolovi u kutijama

Trolovi u kutijama 2014


Mali siročić, kojeg su odgojila podzemna bića zvana trolovi u kutijama, izađe iz kanalizacije i iz svoje kutije da spasi svoju obitelj i grad od zlog istrebljivača Archibalda Snatchera koji je naumio iskorijeniti trolove u kutijama.


Školjkica Marcel u cipelama

Školjkica Marcel u cipelama 2022


Školjkica Marcel i njegova baka potpuno su sami kada iznenada nestanu njihovi susjedi, ali kada stigne posjetitelj, on objavljuje film koji Marcelu donosi milijune obožavatelja i nadu da će ponovo pronaći svoju davno izgubljenu obitelj.


Bride of Re-Animator

Bride of Re-Animator 1990


Genijalni doktor Herbert West vraća se starim eksperimentima u drugom dijelu "Re-Animator" trilogije. West i njegov nevoljki pomoćnik, Dr. Cain, ovoga puta pokušavaju u žive vratiti Cainovu prerano preminulu djevojku. Naravno, stvari neće ići tako lako...


Fireman Sam

Fireman Sam 1987


Follow the adventures of fireman Sam and his colleagues as they protect the citizens of the Welsh town of Pontypandy. Whenever the alarm sounds, brave Sam and his co-workers can be counted on to jump into a fire engine, hop onto a helicopter, or even launch an inflatable lifeboat to battle blazes, mount rescue missions, or provide medical attention to those in need.


Robot Chicken

Robot Chicken 2005


A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back to life in cyborg form by mad scientist Fritz Huhnmorder, who tortures Robot Chicken by forcing him to watch a random selection of TV shows, the sketches that make up the body of each episode.


The Gumby Show

The Gumby Show 1956


Innovative "Claymation" adventures of Gumby and his horse Pokey.


The Koala Brothers

The Koala Brothers 2003


The Koala Brothers, Frank and Buster, live in the Australian Outback, where their mission in life is to help their friends.


Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the Sheep 2007


Shaun the Sheep thinks and acts like a person in a barnyard, which usually gets him into trouble. The farmer's sheepdog, Bitzer, tries to keep Shaun and his friends out of trouble. The farmer is oblivious to the humanlike features of his flock, who are like one big, happy family.


Pui Pui Molcar

Pui Pui Molcar 2021


The setting is a world where people drive sentient vehicles that are hybrids between guinea pigs and cars – "Molcars"! Molcars have round eyes, big soft butts, and short arms and legs as they trot along. They run around with a silly look on their face, and even when you're stuck in traffic, you can be put at ease just by gazing at the guinea pig butt in front of you! Even if they cause a bit of trouble, it's easy to forgive them because they're so cute and fluffy! This is an animation focusing on various situations unique to cars, full of satisfaction, friendship, adventure, crazy action, and tons of guinea pigs!


Hector's House

Hector's House 1967


Hector's House is a children's television series using hand puppets. Like the better known The Magic Roundabout it was actually a French production revoiced for a British audience. A gentle, rather than subversive or outright bizarre, series, it was first broadcast in 1965. Its French title was La Maison de Toutou and the French version was written by Georges Croses. "La Maison de Toutou" translates as "The House of the Doggie" and in the French version, Zsazsa is known as ZouZou. In the UK, it was screened in the late 1960s and early 1970s for its 5-minute-long screenings on BBC 1 at 5.40 p.m. before the News. The main characters, affable Hector the Dog and cute Zsazsa the Cat, live in a house and beautiful garden. Kiki the Frog, dressed in a pink smock, is a constant and at times an intrusive visitor, through her hole in the wall. Despite Hector's willingness to endlessly help them out, Kiki and Zsazsa often played tricks on him to teach him a lesson, leading him to say his catchphrase at the end of the episode, "I'm a Great Big [whatever he was] Old Hector. Hector's voice was performed by Paul Bacon, who died in 1995. The voice of Kiki was by Denise Bryer, who also had roles in Noddy, Terrahawks and Labyrinth. The voice of Zsazsa was supplied by Lucie Dolène. About 78 episodes were made, each of 5 minutes' duration. A DVD featuring some of these episodes has been released.


Crossing Swords

Crossing Swords 2020


Goodhearted hero wannabe Patrick lands his dream job as a squire, only to learn the royal castle is a corrupt hornet’s nest of horny monarchs, crooks and charlatans. War, murder, full frontal nudity—who knew brightly colored peg people led such exciting lives?


Shape Island

Shape Island 2023


On a charming island, Square, Triangle, and Circle seek adventure and connection while learning how to navigate each other's differences.


Scooby-Doo! Mystery Cases

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Cases 2018


The series follows the adventures of Scooby-Doo and the Gang through the eyes of 15 children and their imaginations. Each story begins in the real world and transitions to the stop motion animated imagination of a child.


LEGO Scooby-Doo Shorts

LEGO Scooby-Doo Shorts 2015


A series of CGI animated shorts based on the LEGO Scooby-Doo! licensed products.


Pokémon Concierge

Pokémon Concierge 2023


Welcome to Pokémon Resort, a peaceful getaway for Pokémon to relax and have fun. Which adorable guest will the new concierge Haru befriend and help first?


Mary Shelley's Frankenhole

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole 2010


Mary Shelley's Frankenhole is a stop-motion animated TV series by Dino Stamatopoulos, creator of Moral Orel.



aiseki MOGOL GIRL 2017


A variety of male guest voice actors banter with Fuyumi and Haruko, two colorful stop-motion mascot characters made out of pipe cleaners, at a table in the Mongol Cafe.


Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.

Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. 2021


The megalomaniacal supervillain M.O.D.O.K. has long pursued his dream of one day conquering the world. But after years of setbacks and failures fighting the Earth’s mightiest heroes, M.O.D.O.K. has run his evil organization A.I.M. into the ground. Ousted as A.I.M.’s leader, while also dealing with his crumbling marriage and family life, the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing is set to confront his greatest challenge yet: a midlife crisis!



MILPOM★ 2015


Stop motion shorts that feature dolls in a surreal world for girls.


Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions

Wallace & Gromit's Cracking Contraptions 2002


A look at some of Wallace's labour-saving mechanical marvels that rarely work as planned. Having problems getting to sleep? Then try the Snoozatron – it plumps your pillows, plays you soothing music and deposits a teddy into your arms. Or how about taking the strain out of mealtimes with the help of the Autochef, a robot that will cook your eggs just how you like them. Or perhaps you might like to try the Christmas Cardomatic, an ingenious way to create a very unique greetings card!


Ultra City Smiths

Ultra City Smiths 2021


Two detectives must contend with dangerous corruption as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of the last honest politician in their dark city. A group of unlikely suspects emerges - each with the last name of Smith.