Pokretni dvorac

Pokretni dvorac 2004


Djevojka Sofija živi mirnim životom u rodnom gradu i radi u trgovini šešira svoje majke. Vještica od Pustoši baci na nju uroke i pretvori je u staricu, protiv čega ona ništa ne može učiniti. Sad ne može više nastaviti posao sa šeširima i odlazi u neugledni pokretni dvorac ozloglašenoga čarobnjaka Vihora u kojemu se zaposli kao kućna pomoćnica. Sprijatelji se s Kalciferom, demonom vatre koji vodi dvorac i koji je neraskidivim ugovorom vezan uz gospodara. Sofija i demon se dogovore da će si međusobno pomoći i skinuti uroke. Poput Kalcifera, vještica je urekla i Vihora, a Sofija će se zaljubiti u njega. Ona će mu pomoći da se suoči s Vješticom Pustoši i njegovom bivšom profesoricom magije...


Putovanje u središte Zemlje

Putovanje u središte Zemlje 1959


Film prema romanu Julesa Vernea, priča o profesoru iz Edinburga koji istražuje ugašeni vulkan na Islandu.


John Carter

John Carter 2012


Film je akcijska avanturu smještenu na misteriozni i egzotični planet Barsoom (Mars). Temeljen je na romanu Edgara Ricea Burroughsa čije su maštalačke avanture poslužile kao inspiracija mnogim filmašima kako u prošlosti tako i u sadašnjosti. Glavni junak priče je ratom iscrpljeni, bivši vojni kapetan John Carter koji je neobjašnjivo trasportiran na Mars gdje protiv svoje volje postane upleten u sukob epskih proporcija između lokalnih stanovnika planeta koji uključuju Tarsa Tarkasa i zarobljenu princezu Dejah Thoris. U svijetu koji se nalazi na rubu kolapsa, Carter će ponovno pronaći svoju ljudskost nakon što otkrije da sudbina Barsooma i njegovih ljudi leži u njegovim rukama..



Prestiž 2006


Godine 1878, dva mlada mađioničara sukobe se u mračnom salonu tokom izvedbe točke. Od tog trenutka nadalje, njihovi životi postanu mreža laži, prevara i razotkrivanja, tajni i otkrića, dok se međusobno bore kako bi nadmašili i uništili jedan drugoga. Njihovo suparništvo obojicu dovodi do vrha karijere, no pod veliku cijenu.



9 2009


Radnja filma događa se u postapokaliptičnom svijetu gdje su ljudi nestali, a svijetom vladaju strojevi. Pojavljuje se '9', koji uvjerava ostale preživjele da se ne trebaju skrivati, već trebaju preuzeti inicijativu. Da bi preživjeli, moraju otkriti zašto ih strojevi žele istrijebiti i tako pokušati spasiti civilizaciju.


Van Helsing

Van Helsing 2004


Potkraj 19. stoljeća poznatog lovca na vampire Gabriela Van Helsinga (Hugh Jackman) progoni prošlost, koje se ne može sjetiti i misija koju ne može zanemariti. Van Helsing pronalazi zemlju kojoj se i u prošlosti divio, a u kojoj oživljavaju legendarna stvorenja tame. To je mjesto kojim vlada zao, zavodljiv i nepobjediv vampir grof Drakula (Richard Roxburgh). Van Helsingova misija je ubiti Drakulu. Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale) je jedna od posljednjih članica moćne kraljevske obitelji, koju je Drakula doveo do ruba uništenja. Jedino što Anna želi jest osvetiti svoje pretke i prekinuti drevno prokletstvo ubojstvom vampira. Van Helsing i Anna odlučni su da ubiju zajedničkog neprijatelja i unište njegovo carstvo straha. Međutim, izazivajući neprijatelja koji nikada ne umire, Van Helsing otkriva tajnu o kojoj nije ni sanjao i suočava se s neotkrivenim misterijem iz svoje skrivene prošlosti.


Sanjiva dolina

Sanjiva dolina 1999


U filmu Sanjiva dolina, Johnny Depp igra Ichaboda Cranea, ekscentričnog i poštenog redarstvenika, s avangardnim pristupom rješavanju zločina. Njegovi moderni načini istrage dolaze na kušnju, kada ga pretpostavljeni šalju u malo selo Sanjivu dolinu, da bi istražio niz ubojstava, koje je navodno počinio konjanik bez glave.


Lemony Snicket: Niz nesretnih događaja

Lemony Snicket: Niz nesretnih događaja 2004


Lemony Snicket priča priču o Bauedelaireu, troje mlade siročadi, Violet, Klaus i Sunny, koje dok traže novi dom odvodi skupina čudnih rođaka i drugih ljudi, uključujući Lemony Snicket, koja priča priču, i započinje s lukavi i kukavički grof Olaf koji im želi oduzeti nasljedstvo. Violeta je najstarija, ima 14 godina, a najhrabrija je od tri. Srednje dijete je jedini dječak, star 12 godina, koji je izuzetno inteligentan i opsjednut riječima, a Sunny, najmlađa, govori jezikom koji samo njezina braća i sestre mogu razumjeti i ima tendenciju ugristi.


Atlantida: Izgubljeno carstvo

Atlantida: Izgubljeno carstvo 2001


Svjetski najkvalitetniju posadu arheologa i istraživača predvodi povjesničar Milo Thatch dok se ukrcavaju u nevjerojatnu podmornicu Ulysses od 1000 metara i kreću duboko u morske tajne. Podvodna ekspedicija neočekivano se okreće kada se misija tima mora prebaciti s istraživanja Atlantide na njenu zaštitu.


Družba pravih džentlmena

Družba pravih džentlmena 2003


U viktorijanskoj Engleskoj zli čovjek počini svoja nedjela s namjerom da izazove svjetski rat. Pokušavajući to spriječiti, vlasti će regrutirati grupu hrabrih ljudi s osobitom osobom: svi su književni junaci. Izvanrednu ligu Quatermaina čine kapetan Nemo, drakulova vampirica Mina Harker, nevidljivi čovjek Rodney Skinner, agent američke tajne službe Sawyer, Dorian Gray i Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde. Ligu regrutuje zagonetni M. Članovi Lige su tvrdoglavi individualisti, odmetnici, u stvari s prošlošću u kojoj su svjetla i sjene i jedinstveni darovi koji su im istovremeno donijeli radosti i tuge. Sada moraju naučiti vjerovati jedni drugima i raditi kao tim za dobro i nadu civilizacije, uz malo pripreme i vremena za gubljenje.



Vremeplov 2002


Znanstvenik i izumitelj Alexander Hartdegen (Guy Pearce) odlučio je dokazati da je putovanje kroz vrijeme moguće. Njegova odlučnost prerasta u očaj zbog osobne tragedije koja sada u njemu budi želju da promijeni prošlost. Testirajući svoje teorije pomoću vremenskog stroja koji je sam izumio, Hartdegen putuje čak 800.000 godina u budućnost gdje nalazi čovječanstvo podijeljeno na lovce i lovinu. Ovaj putnik kroz vrijeme u dalekoj budućnosti će između ostalih susresti i Maru (Samantha Mumba).


Kralj škorpiona 4: Izgubljeno prijestolje

Kralj škorpiona 4: Izgubljeno prijestolje 2015


Mathayus (Victor Webster) i njegov partner Drazen (Will Kemp)probiju se u palaču Skizzura kako bi došli u posjed vrijednog artefakta kojeg želi kralj Zakkour (Rutger Hauer). No uslijed akcije Drazen se pokaže kao izdajnik koji se i sam želi domoći artefakta kraljeva. Mathayus se vraća kralju, koji mu kaže da natpis na urni, koju je ukrao Drazen, otkriva kako koristiti moći Lorda Alcamana, moćnog čarobnjaka, koji je nekada kontrolirao čitav svijet. Prema uputama kralja, Mathayus prati Drazena u kraljevstvo Norvaniju, u kojem Drazen daje urnu svom ocu, kralju Yannicku.


Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 2001


Temeljen na popularnoj videoigri, film prati pustolovine Lare Croft (Angelina Jolie) koja putuje na egzotične lokacije u potrazi za blagom i artefaktima u katakombama drevnih grobnica i ruševinama drevnih carstava.


Smrtonosni strojevi

Smrtonosni strojevi 2018


Tisuće godina nakon što su kataklizmički događaji izbrisali civilizaciju kakvu danas poznajemo, čovječanstvo se prilagodilo novonastalim uvjetima i razvio se novi način života. Gigantski mobilni gradovi sada haraju Zemljom u obliku smrtonosnih strojeva i gospodare manjim naseljima, osvajajući predio po predio. Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan), iz londonskog Lower Tier-a, uslijed susreta s opasnim bjeguncem Hesterom Shawom (Hera Hilmar), nalazi se u borbi za vlastiti opstanak. Neočekivani dvojac čiji se putevi nikada nisu trebali sresti, spoj je potpunih suprotnosti koje čine nevjerojatan savez, predodređen da promjeni tijek budućnosti. Izvor:www.blitz-cinestar.hr



Hellboy 2004


Zarobljena i odbačena prije više stoljeća, kraljica vještica se vraća u naš svijet kako bi ponovno donijela smrt i uništenje. Samo heroj s paklenim korijenima kao Hellboy, u stanju je suočiti se s prijetnjom i boriti se s vješticom i njezinom vojskom. Međutim, čak ni on ne može pobijediti sam u ratu sa silama zla. Prije nego što se odigra odlučujuća bitka, Hellboy mora vratiti svoje stare saveznike ...


Planet s blagom

Planet s blagom 2002


Priča prati Jimovo fantastično putovanje paralelnim svemirom dok kao stjuard radi na blještavoj svemirskoj galiji. Sprijateljivši se s karizmatičnim brodskim kiborgom (dijelom čovjek, dijelom stroj), kuharom Johnom Silverom, Jim napreduje pod njegovim vodstvom i pokaže se kao dobar svemirski letač dok se on i izvanzemaljska posada bore sa supernovama, crnim rupama i opasnim svemirskim olujama. Ali pred Jimom se nalaze još veće opasnosti kada otkrije da je njegov vjerni prijatelj Silver zapravo smutljivi pirat kojemu je pobuna na umu. Suočen s izdajom koja ga je duboko pogodila, Jim sazrijeva u muškarca i pronalazi snagu da se suoči s pobunjenicima te otkrije 'blago' veće nego što je ikada zamišljao.


Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist 2003


Two young brothers are raised as alchemists, but when they are severely injured trying to perform a forbidden act, they begin searching for the one thing that can save them; the fabled philosopher's stone.


The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas 2021


In 19th-century Paris, young vampire Noé finds the Book of Vanitas in human hands. Calling himself Vanitas, this doctor wields its power and tempts Noé with a plan to “cure” all vampires. Allying with him may be dangerous, but does he have a choice?


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2009


Disregard for alchemy’s laws ripped half of Edward Elric’s limbs from his body and left his brother Alphonse’s soul clinging to a suit of armor. To restore what was lost, the brothers seek the Philosopher’s Stone. Enemies and allies – the corrupt military, the Homunculi, and foreign alchemists – will alter the Elric brothers course, but their purpose will remain unchanged and their bond unbreakable.


Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water

Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water 1990


In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle begins his plans to take over the world. Nadia, with the help of a young inventor, Jean Ratlique, and Captain Nemo of the submarine Nautilus, must fight to save the world from Gargoyle and Neo-Atlantis.


Last Exile

Last Exile 2003


A richly romantic action-adventure fantasy, set in a world where retro-futuristic vehicles permeate the skies. Against this lavish background are the lives of young and heroic van ship sky porters - Claus and Lavie - who are forced to take on the mission to deliver a mysterious girl, Alvis, to the battle ship Silvana. Before they know it, they become entangled in an aerial adventure between two countries gripped in an eternal war of magnificent air battleships.


Warehouse 13

Warehouse 13 2009


After saving the life of the President, two secret service agents - Myka Bering and Pete Lattimer - find themselves assigned to the top secret Warehouse 13. The Warehouse is a massive, top secret facility that houses dangerous and fantastical objects. Together, Pete and Myka along with fellow agents Claudia, Steve Jinks and Warehouse caretaker Artie, must recover artifacts from around the globe before they can cause catastrophic damage.


The Legend of Korra

The Legend of Korra 2012


Avatar Korra, a headstrong, rebellious, feisty young woman who continually challenges and breaks with tradition, is on her quest to become a fully realized Avatar. In this story, the Avatar struggles to find balance within herself.


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 2016


In the midst of an industrial revolution, the people of Hinomoto fight hordes of undead creatures, known as Kabane, using powerful armored trains.


Carnival Row

Carnival Row 2019


In a mystical and dark city filled with humans, fairies and other creatures, a police detective investigates a series of gruesome murders leveled against the fairy population. During his investigation, the detective becomes the prime suspect and must find the real killer to clear his name.


High Seas

High Seas 2019


Two sisters discover disturbing family secrets after a string of mysterious deaths occur on a luxury ship traveling from Spain to Brazil in the 1940s.


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars 1997


The year is 1919, and armies of mechanized soldiers are advancing on the capital with the pride of Hell in their wake. However, the engineering geniuses of Kanzaki Heavy Industries have Developed a new weapon to balance the odds... if suitable pilots can be found in time. Chosen for their unique psychic skills, a group of courageous young women assembled from around the world will pilot steam-driven giant robots into single combat with the enemies of the Earth. But beneath the strain of rigouous practice and the onslaught of a faceless enemy, the Flower Brigade is soon in desperate need of leadership. Excitement builds as rumor of a new commander reaches the Extreme Capital Defenders. Can the handsome young officer lead his disorganized Flower Division into battle, or will he face the enemy alone?


Sakura Wars

Sakura Wars 2000


At the beginning of 1900's, Sakura Shinguji received the mission of defending imperial capital Tokyo and came from Sendai to Tokyo. But, the post which she was assigned was the floral unit of the popular opera group at that time. She tries to become familiar with her new companions while she is perplexed as to what the relationship is between the fight and the opera group. But...


Princess Principal

Princess Principal 2017


The stage is set during the 19th century London, in its capital where a wall divides the east and west of the Kingdom of Albion. Five high school girls, who enrolled in the prestigious Queens May Fair School, are involved in spy activities that involve disguise, infiltration, car chase, and more. These girls take advantage of their special abilities and fly around the shadow world.



Deca-Dence 2020


Many years have passed since humanity was driven to the brink of extinction by the sudden emergence of the unknown life forms Gadoll. Those humans that survived now dwell in a 3000m-high mobile fortress Deca-dence built to protect themselves from the Gadoll threat. Denizens of Deca-dence fall into two categories: Gears, warriors who fight the Gadoll daily, and Tankers, those without the skills to fight. One day, Natsume, a Tanker girl who dreams of becoming a Gear meets surly Kaburagi, an armor repairman of Deca-dence. This chance meeting between the seemingly two opposites, the girl with a positive attitude who never gives up on her dreams and the realist who has given up on his, will eventually shake the future course of this world.


Unicorn: Warriors Eternal

Unicorn: Warriors Eternal 2023


An evil force is looming across the dark, thick-aired streets of industrial revolution London when a group of heroes dubbed Unicorn are accidentally reawakened in the bodies of teenagers instead of adult hosts they’ve embodied in the past.


Going Postal

Going Postal 2010


Moist von Lipwig is a con-man with a particular talent-- he is utterly unremarkable. When his execution is stayed in Terry Pratchett's remarkable Discworld, he must work off his debt to society as the land's head Postman. Things are not always as they seem, and soon Lipwig is delivering mail for his very life!


Moby Dick

Moby Dick 1998


The sole survivor of a lost whaling ship relates the tale of his captain's self-destructive obsession to hunt the white whale, Moby Dick.


The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne

The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne 2000


The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne is a 22-episode science fiction television series in the steampunk genre that first aired in June 2000 on CBC Television in Canada and in syndication in the United States. The plot concept is predicated on a vast fictional conspiracy beginning with the revelation that Jules Verne did not merely write the stories behind his famous science fiction classic books Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth or Around the World in Eighty Days — but actually experienced these adventures personally. A television technological historic footnote, this work was the first hour-long series filmed entirely in HDTV format.


Double Decker! Doug & Kirill

Double Decker! Doug & Kirill 2018


The city state of Lisvalletta. Two suns rise above this city, and the people here live peaceful lives, but in the shadows, crime and illegal drugs run rampant. Among them is the dangerous, highly lethal drug "Anthem" which casts a dark shadow over the city. The SEVEN-O Special Crime Investigation Unit specializes in cracking down on Anthem. This unit operates in two-man "buddy" teams in what's called the "Double Decker System" to tackle the problem. Doug Billingham is a seasoned investigator, and joining him is Kirill Vrubel, whose abilities are mysterious and unknown.


Winner Is King

Winner Is King 1970


In the age of the Great Liang Dynasty, the lives of the people were made convenient with steam-powered machines that run on a fuel named Violetstream Gold. Chang Geng, who lived in a small countryside village, shared a distant relationship with his mother while his stepfather was away most of the year round, and the only people he was close to were two little kids, the village teacher, and his yi fu – adoptive father. But his life was flipped upside down one day following the barbaric Man tribes’ invasion, and it turned out that his entire identity had been an illusion. Live adaptation of "Sha Po Lang" by author Priest.