Osasuri hentai musume

Osasuri hentai musume 1978


After failing his university entrance exams, a young man is now living alone in an apartment in Tokyo. He thinks he has to study, but all the women in the city are attractive, and his thoughts are full of erotic fantasies.


Career Girl: Kyusho-zeme

Career Girl: Kyusho-zeme 1979


A woman runs a successful boutique and lives a work-centered life. She is called a career girl by those around her. She also has a sweet lover. He even proposed to her. But she doesn't want to live that way. She actually had an abominable trauma in her past. She had her mind and body toyed with by a sweaty manual laborer with no trace of education, and even though it was a past she wanted to erase, she still felt physically attracted to that man...