You Will Die at Twenty

You Will Die at Twenty 2020


Shortly after Muzamil was born, the village's holy man predicts that he will die at age 20. Muzamil's father can't stand the curse and leaves home. Sakina raises her son as a single mother, overly protective. One day, Muzamil turns 19.


Once Upon a Time in Calcutta

Once Upon a Time in Calcutta 2025


Just when the people of an expanding Calcutta feel their dreams might be fulfilled, they hear the sound of things falling.


MA - Cry of Silence

MA - Cry of Silence 2024


Yangon, Myanmar, in 2022, is in the midst of a civil war following the military coup on February 1, 2021. Mi-Thet, a young Burmese woman, works in a garment factory in Yangon, far from her native village. Wages have not been paid for the past two months, and a group of workers are leading a strike. But soon, the strikers are attacked by the henchmen of the military regime, leaving Mi-Thet terrified by her past trauma.


This City Is a Battlefield

This City Is a Battlefield 2025


Isa, a taciturn school teacher working for the resistance, is tasked with carrying out an assassination with the help of Hazil, a charming rebel who finds himself falling for Isa’s wife, Fatimah.



Stress 2014


A workaholic father is encouraged to spend more time with his daughter. It turns out to be harder than he would think.


Rubbish Robbers

Rubbish Robbers 2019


When a couple badass guys are going to break into a bank, they quickly realize the terrible mistake it was to involve "Premium Idiot" Klaus as part of the group.


Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat 2020


When Magda's sister dumps her to go to an illegal Halloween party, she is left behind and has an unpleasant confrontation with some girls from school. In the course of the night, she meets Nils Olav. The two hit it off, giving Magda the confidence to ignore the mean girls.



Ungene 1970


A 12-year-old boy is alone with the responsibility for his younger siblings. Alone for several days, his insecurities begin to turn into desperation and fear. A new sense of masculinity is unleashed when he finds a gun, which leads him into a destructive trail.