The Harvest

The Harvest 2017


Gurwinder comes from Punjab, he’s been working for years as a farm hand in Agro Pontino, not far from Rome. Since he first came in Italy, he’s been living with the rest of the Sikh community in Latina province. Hardeep is also Indian, but her stress is Roman, and she works as a cultural mediator. She, born and raised in Italy, is trying to free herself from the memories of a family that emigrated in another age, while he is forced, against his faith, to take methamphetamine and doping to bear the heavy work pace, to be able to send money in India.


Blooming in the Desert

Blooming in the Desert 2021


Three women in Raqqa, NE Syria, are rebuilding their future after enduring incredible violence. First, the Baath regime wanted them in the house, then the violence of the Islamic State. Since October 2017 when the SDF recaptured the city, they had the opportunity to organize themselves and pick up new roles in society.