Charles Drake עמק הבובות The Male Animal The Pretender האדם שהגיע לארוחת הערב לילה בקזבלנקה Conflict Across the Pacific ווינצ'סטר 73' ככל שהשמיים מרשים War Arrow Tammy Tell Me True Air Force Tobor the Great לגיהנום ובחזרה Female on the Beach I Was a Shoplifter The Glenn Miller Story ההסדר It Came from Outer Space The Price of Fear No Name on the Bullet The Treasure of Lost Canyon Step Down to Terror Whistle Stop Nine Lives Are Not Enough Comanche Territory Dear Heart Bonzo Goes to College Air Cadet Busses Roar Jeanne Eagels Winning Your Wings The Third Day Gunsmoke You Never Can Tell The Lively Set The Red Ball Express Tarzan's Magic Fountain The Counterfeit Killer Scream, Pretty Peggy The Lone Hand Showdown Four Guns to the Border Winter Wonderland Back Street You Came Along Johnny Stool Pigeon Bullet Scars Career Little Egypt Louisa הארווי Cop on the Beat Walk the Proud Land The Money Jungle הגיבן מנוטרדאם Now, Voyager הנץ ממלטה Until They Sail The Smugglers Peggy Sergeant York Police Headquarters My Brother's Wedding Dangerously They Live The Tender Years The Screaming Woman Hail, Hero! השחיין James Stewart: A Wonderful Life Summer Pavilion The Lives of Jenny Dolan The Hard Way Partners in Crime Out of the Fog One Foot in Heaven Proceed and Report מסע בין כוכבים The Rookies F Troop The Lucy Show Land of the Giants Mannix Studio One Cannon Harry O Daniel Boone Police Story The Fugitive Switch Climax! Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre The 20th Century Fox Hour Judd for the Defense General Electric Theater Robert Montgomery Presents Letter to Loretta The Barbara Stanwyck Show Matt Helm Letter to Loretta Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents Robert Montgomery Presents Daniel Boone Checkmate The Name of the Game The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Ironside משימה בלתי אפשרית The Virginian Rendezvous The Invaders Kraft Television Theatre Wagon Train The Name of the Game