Jack Mills Trail Guide Indian Agent The Badlanders The Trouble with Girls Saddle Legion Gambling House Riders of the Range Cheyenne Takes Over Return of the Lash The Dangerous Days Of Kiowa Jones A Thunder of Drums Devil's Canyon Split Second The Rounders Storm Over Wyoming Attack of the Puppet People Rider from Tucson Best of the Badmen Rio Grande Patrol Stagecoach Kid Overland Telegraph The Busy Body Tarzan and the Trappers The Judge Steps Out 7 Women Angel Face The Ballad of Cable Hogue Roadblock While the City Sleeps Os Três Garimpeiros Clash by Night כיצד נכבש המערב The Gypsy Moths The Scorpio Letters Once a Thief תחנת זברה אינה עונה Black Hills Ada Never a Dull Moment The Lusty Men אני חולם על ג'יני