התוכנית המשפחתית

התוכנית המשפחתית 2023


דן מורגן נושא תארים רבים: בעל מסור, אב אוהב, סוחר מכוניות מצליח. הוא גם מתנקש לשעבר. וכשעברו חוזר לרדוף אותו, הוא נאלץ לקחת את בני משפחתו שאינם חושדים בדבר לנסיעה יוצאת דופן.



Sara 1997



Our Glamorous Time

Our Glamorous Time 2018


Li Zhi Cheng is a former soldier who has been ordered to take over his family's business when business was going downhill. He has a fateful meeting with Lin Qian, an independent and capable white-collar who was freshly graduated and meeting difficulties in starting up her own business. Due to Li Zhi Cheng's complete lack of experience in business, nobody in the industry had hopes in this newly appointed CEO of AiDa. But with the help of Lin Qian's working experience and drive, coupled with Li Zhi Cheng's wits and methods, they bring Ai Da's business to new heights together.