The Automobile Ride

The Automobile Ride 1921


Max draws Koko on the drawing board. He then receives a call and leaves. Koko leaves after but not before taking some money from Max's wallet that he left behind. Max arrives to his date then comes back to his office to get his wallet. After recovering it, he drives with his date to get twelve gallons of gas. Koko arrives just as the pump is going and mischievously takes the hose from the car as the hose falls to the ground unknowingly to anyone else. Just as the wasted twelve gallons are up, Koko puts it back in the car before Max retrieves it! He gets his wallet and finds his money gone so he excuses himself.


Jerry on the Job: Cheating the Piper

Jerry on the Job: Cheating the Piper 1920


When the New Monia station is overrun with mice, Mr. Givney can only shoot them one at a time, but Jerry uses a flute to lure them out, "Pied Piper of Hamlin" style.


The Tail of the Monkey

The Tail of the Monkey 1926


After an organ grinder's monkey grabs a little girl's lollipop with his tail, the musician explains why monkeys are so clever with their tails.


The Lost Whirl

The Lost Whirl 1928


A rare spoof. With the success of the 1925 film, The Lost World, it is common that when something is popular and successful, it is bound to be a subject for parodies and cash-in attempts. One of them was The Lost Whirl. This film featured stop-motion animation by Joseph L. Roop, who worked on the original classic, The Lost World.


Bobby Bumps Starts a Lodge

Bobby Bumps Starts a Lodge 1916


Bobby Bumps invited his black neighbor to join his "lodge." But first he has to be initiated. The neighbor cleverly avoids getting rammed in the behind by Bobby's goat, but as he's running away, finds himself in a precarious position with a wild bear. Bobby saved his friend, but quickly he finds himself in an even worse situation with the bear and needs the friend to return the favor. They both agree to be initiated together, and the final joke is on Bobby's poor goat.


The Wireless Wire-Walkers

The Wireless Wire-Walkers 1921


The Wireless Wire-Walkers, also released as Wireless Wire Walker, is a 1921 silent animated film starring Krazy Kat. The film marks the final Krazy Kat film produced by Bray Studios before the filmmakers moved to Winkler Pictures.


The Speed Hound

The Speed Hound 1927


Lewis Sargent as a college runner with a eye for the girls.


The Pig's Curly Tail

The Pig's Curly Tail 1926


Two pigs steal the snobby Mrs. Hippo's new Ford and, while being pursued by the police, they hit a stone wall, fly into the air and land in a laundry. They get involved with a clothes-wringer, their tails are caught in the rollers, and they come out with corkscrew tails. In the live action, animator Walter Lantz, as he finishes the story, is being led away by the keeper of the local insane asylum.


The Cuckoo

The Cuckoo 1920


A silent ornithology film from Bray Studios


All Aboard for the Moon

All Aboard for the Moon 1920


An animated interpretation of a rocket voyage to the moon demonstrates the scientific principles at play in theoretical space travel (such as gravity).


Dinky Doodle in the Arctic

Dinky Doodle in the Arctic 1926


We are introduced to the cartoon characters in the studio and the artist looking over a land map and the artist advises Dinky that he has purchased some land in Florida. Dinky volunteers to locate the property and the artist draws an imaginary airship in which Dinky and his sidekick, Weakheart, go exploring. They finally find the lot which the artist bought under the North Pole and they bring the pole back as evidence of its' location. The Eskimo Cop, who has been guarding the pole sneaks into it and comes along and in a terrific encounter between the cop and the artist, the artist is vanquished and the cop vanishes into thin air.