The Matrix 1999
Ambientada no século 22, The Matrix conta a historia dun hacker informático que se une a un grupo de insurxentes encubertos na loita contra as vastas e poderosas computadoras que agora mandan na terra.
Ambientada no século 22, The Matrix conta a historia dun hacker informático que se une a un grupo de insurxentes encubertos na loita contra as vastas e poderosas computadoras que agora mandan na terra.
A wary CIA officer investigates a charismatic man who sparks a spiritual movement and stirs political unrest. Who exactly is he? And what does he want?
After surviving a freak accident, Jodie, a twelve-year-old boy from Santa Rosalía, Baja California Sur, discovers that he has Jesus-like powers: He can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and perhaps even raise the dead. How will he deal with his destiny and lead the world through a conflict that’s been thousands of years in the making?