O Cabaleiro Escuro: A lenda renace

O Cabaleiro Escuro: A lenda renace 2012


"O Cabaleiro Escuro: A lenda renace" alonga a mitoloxía de Batman e conclúe a triloxía nun espetáculo sublime. Pasaron oito anos desde que Batman desapareceu na noite tornándose nese intre de heroe en fuxitivo. Asumindo a culpa pola morte de Harvey Dent, o Cabaleiro Escuro sacrificou todo o que para el e para o Comisario Gordon era un ben maior. Por un momento a mentira funcionou, pois a actividade criminal en Gotham foi destruída grazas á Lei anticrime de Dent. Mais todo muda coa chegada de unha gata silenciosa e astuta, con propósitos misteriosos. Moito mais perigoso, no entanto, é a aparición de Bane, un terrorista enmascarado cuxos plans implacábeis para Gotham van facer a Bruce saír do seu autoimposto exilio. Mais a pesar de empregar a sua máscara e a capa novamente, Batman pode non estar á altura de Bane.



Canta! 2016


Nun mundo coma o noso, mais totalmente habitado por animais, este filme acompaña a vida de Buster Moon, un activo Coala que preside un, noutrora grande, teatro que caíu en decadencia. Buster é un eterno optimista – ok, cicais un pouco malandro – que adora o seu teatro enriba de todo e que fará todo para o preservar. Agora enfrentando o desmoronamento da ambición da súa vida, ten unha derradeira hipótese de restaurar a xoia desvanecida nas glorias do pasado, ao producir a maior competición de canto do mundo. Xurden así cinco participantes: Un rato que canta tan ben como engana, unha tímida nova elefante cun enorme receo do palco, unha sobrecargada nai dunha manda de 25 leitóns, un novo gangster gorila que se quixer afastar dos crimes da familia e unha porco-esquín punk-rock que loita por se ver libre do namorado arrogante e comezar a cantar en solitario. Cada animal preséntase a Buster acreditando que será esta a súa oportunidade de mudar o curso da vida.



2012 2009




Noah 2014




Bait 2012



Five Days at Memorial

Five Days at Memorial 2022


Based on actual events from Hurricane Katrina. When the floodwaters rose, power failed, and heat soared, exhausted caregivers at a New Orleans hospital were forced to make profound, heart-wrenching decisions.


The Long River

The Long River 2022


In the fifteenth year of his reign, Emperor Kang Xi (Luo Jin) was forced to overcome the greatest challenge of his young life when his empire was nearly washed away by the raging current of the Yellow River. Having recently experienced a bout of uncommonly heavy rainfall, the mighty swollen river began to spill over its banks. Washing away home, destroying crops, and taking countless lives, the people of Kang Xi’s empire turned to him for guidance, certain their mighty leader would know how to save them. Unable to find a solution to the problems at hand, Kang Xi decided to recruit the empire’s brightest individuals into his service. Setting up a series of civil service examinations, candidates from across the empire came, hoping to secure a place by the Emperor’s side. Among these hopefuls was Chen Huang (Yin Fang), a bright young man with a head full of ideas and the confidence needed to turn them into action.


Ancient Apocalypse

Ancient Apocalypse 2022


Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.


High Water

High Water 2022


In 1997, scientists and local government officials in Wrocław face life-and-death decisions when a destructive flood wave threatens the city.


Class of '07

Class of '07 2023


When an apocalyptic tidal wave hits during the ten-year reunion of an all-girls high school, a group of women must find a way to survive on the island peak of their high school campus.


Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark 1999


In the Biblical story from Genesis, God floods the world as Noah rescues his family and the animals in a gigantic ark.