Palabra clave Surveillance Camera
Cela 211 2009
A piques de convertirse nun garda prisional, Juan Oliver está decidido a deixar unha boa impresión. Preséntase no traballo un día antes e dous compañeiros danlle a coñecer a prisión xa antiga e pouco conservada. Durante a visita, un anaco de escombro sóltase do teito e atinxe a Juan que se desmaia. Os gardas lévano á cela 211, baleira, intentando reanimalo. Mais naquel intre irrompe un motín desencadeado polos criminais máis temidos daquela prisión. Os compañeiros de Juan foxen abandonándoo. E cando el esperta comprende que terá de finxir ser un preso para salvarse.
The Bourne Identity 2002
Ex Machina 2015
The Night Clerk 2020
The Score 2001
Patient Seven 2016
De rouille et d'os 2012
Red Road 2006
숨 2007
Look 2007
Held 2020
Ghosts of Hiroshima 2022
Beast No More 2019
Perfect Hideout 2008
B区32号 2011
Sous surveillance 2024
Criminals: Caught on Camera 2013
UK is the most surveilled place in the world. It is home to more than 6 million CCTV cameras -- about 1 for every 14 people -- that operate 24/7 and generate more than 1 billion hours of video every week. Crime reporter Nick Wallis tells us how UK police uses this vast surveillance network for active crime prevention as well as tracking down outlaws.
Real Time Crime 2022
With modern technology at everyone's fingertips, the possibility to solve cases has increased and this show will prove exactly why. Showcasing high-octane true stories with life and death stakes, each episode includes CCTV footage and interviews with the police solving the crimes, witnesses, and the families of the victims.