The Last Trapper

The Last Trapper 2004


Norman is not just an admirer of nature, he's a part of it. He survives the harshness of the climate and the wildlife by coexisting with it. With his wife Nebraska, they live almost entirely off the land, making money by selling their furs.


Up and Down

Up and Down 1993


A bicycle race is held every year in a pass of the Alps called Parpaillon. With the energy of a skillful cyclist perhaps as a great tribute to François, the mailman played by Tati in The Big Day, Moullet makes a comedy by pedaling at a pace that allows him to reinvent the possibilities of film gags. La Cabale des oursins is a guided tour to the northern France, transformed into a Geography lesson in the pataphysical style of an Alfred Jarry disciple.


A Cat's Life

A Cat's Life 2023


The story of a lively and curious kitten who is bored in his life as a domestic cat in Paris. His fate changes when ten-year-old Clémence takes him to her country house at the heart of the Vosges. Thus begins an extraordinary adventure through the wilderness for Clémence and Rroû...



Loup 2009


Sixteen year old Sergei is the son of Boris, the head of the Batagi clan of reindeer breeders. Awarded the title of herdsman, with the clan's largest herd, he joins the Evenk tribe for the first time as they begin their summer cattle drive across the pastures of the Siberian mountains. As the tribe's only source of income, these reindeer are their pride and joy and they will stop at nothing to protect them from their most bitter enemy, the Wolf. Written by American Film Market.


East Wind

East Wind 1993


The true story of General Smyslovsky and the anti-Communist 1st Russian National Army receiving shelter in Liechtenstein in 1945 and successfully resisting Soviet pressure to be returned for execution in the USSR.



Lynx 2021


In the heart of the Jura mountains, a call resounds through the forest. The silhouette of a Eurasian lynx creeps through the trees. A male is looking for its mate. Suddenly a call answers back. It is the beginning of the story of a lynx’s family we will follow over the seasons. While it is rare to come across this private feline, it is exceptional to discover its daily life in the wild.


Guido Magnone - The Artist

Guido Magnone - The Artist 1997


Guido Magnone designs cardboard boxes by hand for his parents' small business. A painter friend loves his brushwork and pushes him to attend the Beaux Arts. He takes an external competition, wins it, befriends the sculptors César and Féraud, surrealists, a handful of bohemians. He then discovered the mountain and quickly became one of the best climbers of his generation. He made prestigious conquests such as the west face of the Drus in the Alps, the first ascents of Fitz Roy in Patagonia with Lionel Terray or Makalu in the Himalayas... Magnone also participated in the creation of the UCPA and will be president of the Groupe de Haute Montagne from 1961 to 1965. From 1977, Guido returned to his first passion: sculpture, to devote himself fully to it around 1990. He began to exhibit again in 1996. In 2002, he exhibited his sculptures in Paris , Bourg-la-Reine, Aosta then in Etroubles in 2009.


Gary Hemming, le beatnik des cimes

Gary Hemming, le beatnik des cimes 1996


The American mountaineer Gary Hemming marked the era of the 1960s. The story of this "exceptional" character is intimately linked to that of the rescue of the two German mountaineers on the west face of the Drus, in 1966, a rescue which he had took the initiative. While the official emergency services of the EHM try to reach them from above, a pirate rope made up of Gary Hemming, René Desmaison, Lothar Mauch, Gil Bodin, Mike Brurke, François Guillot, the filmmaker Gérard Bauer organizes to join them from below and succeeded after a fierce struggle the rescue. The press seizes the event and elevates Gary Hemming to the rank of national hero. All the newspapers feature this big guy with a cool attitude, mismatched clothes, jovial smile and long blond hair on the front page. From then on, he was nicknamed: "the beatnik of the peaks".


Le Grec - Georges Livanos

Le Grec - Georges Livanos 1994


Georges Livanos, nicknamed the Greek but pure child of Marseille, amateur mountaineer, opened more than 500 routes in the Calanques, 40 in the Dolomites, and repeated many of the greatest routes in the Alps in the company of the best climbers of his time, d friends, and especially his wife Sonia. He is also the author of the classic "Beyond the vertical". This report follows for a day the legend, still 71 years old, of his apartment in the Marseille city in the Calanques. As a true Provençal, he speaks without filter of the exploits that made him famous, gives his opinion on modern climbing and on life in general: the portrait of a great climber and above all of a fascinating character with a sense of humor sharp.


Wolf Walk

Wolf Walk 2019


After being missing for almost 80 years and despite the obstacles, the wolves are on their way back to their former territories. The documentary tells the great mystery of the dispersal of wolves: how the young wolves leave the territory where they were born and the way in which these adventurers set out to conquer new territories. For two years, Jean-Michel Bertrand conducted real research to try to understand the complex and erratic functioning of these young wolves, their encounters with their peers, and the opportunities to become a couple.


Narbonne: The Second Rome

Narbonne: The Second Rome 2021


More than 2.000 years ago, Narbonne in today's Département Aude was the capital of a huge Roman province in Southern Gaul - Gallia Narbonensis. It was the second most important Roman port in the western Mediterranean and the town was one of the most important commercial hubs between the colonies and the Roman Empire, thus the town could boast a size rivaling that of the city that had established it: Rome itself. Paradoxically, the town that distinguished itself for its impressive architecture, today shows no more signs of it: neither temples, arenas, nor theaters. Far less significant Roman towns like Nîmes or Arles are full of ancient sites. Narbonne today is a tranquil town in Occitania


Charcot: Secret Poles

Charcot: Secret Poles 2016


The adventures and exploits of Jean-Baptiste Charcot (1867-1936), an intrepid scientist and explorer who laid the foundations of modern oceanography.


Animals in Love

Animals in Love 2007


Translated literally as "Animals in Love," the French-language documentary Animaux Amoreux depicts various species of the animal kingdom in courting, mating and reproduction activities. Laurent Charbonnier directs.


Au Nord De L'Hiver

Au Nord De L'Hiver 1993


A cold odyssey over more than 8,000 km through contrasting territories, from the mountains of Mongolia to Lake Baikal, from the taiga to the Siberian tondra: this is the challenge that Nicolas Vanier has set himself. The adventure will last 18 months, 18 months during which Nicolas and his team face one of the most hostile regions of the globe before reaching the Arctic ice. An exceptional route, where only traditional modes of transport are used to overcome the constraints, each time different, of the regions crossed...