P.G. Wodehouse Lucky Realy: the Portrait of a Doll Wogan on Wodehouse Plum: A Portrait of of the life of P.G. Wodehouse A Damsel in Distress Oh, Lady, Lady Piccadilly Jim Piccadilly Jim Leave It to Me Rosalie Tales from the Hollywood Hills: The Old Reliable The Small Bachelor The Prince and Betty Brother Alfred A Gentleman of Leisure Piccadilly Jim Der goldene Schmetterling Step Lively, Jeeves! Anything Goes Summer Lightning A Damsel in Distress A Damsel in Distress Thank You, Jeeves! Those Three French Girls Gomorron Bill! Heavy Weather Blixt och dunder Rodney Fails to Qualify The Clicking of Cuthbert Anything Goes Forduljon Psmithhez Trésor party A Gentleman of Leisure The Man in Possession Oh Kay! Anything Goes A Damsel in Distress The Girl on the Boat Anything Goes Dizzy Dames Oh Boy! Her Cardboard Lover By Jeeves Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse