Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys 1995


Anns a’ bhliadhna 2035, tha an ciontach Seumas Cole gu deònach saor-thoileach a chuir air ais ann an tìm gus faighinn a-mach cò às a thàinig bhìoras marbhtach a chuir às do cha mhòr sluagh na talmhainn gu lèir agus a thug air an fheadhainn a thàinig beò a dhol a-steach do choimhearsnachdan fon talamh. Ach nuair a thèid Cole a chuir gu mearachdach gu 1990 an àite 1996, tha e air a chur an grèim agus glaiste ann an ospadal inntinn. An sin bidh e a’ coinneachadh ris an eòlaiche-inntinn Dr Kathryn Railly, agus an euslainteach Jeffrey Goines, mac eòlaiche bhìoras ainmeil, a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith aig an iuchair don bhuidheann dìomhair dìomhair, Arm nan 12 Monkeys, a thathas a ’smaoineachadh a tha an urra ris a’ ghalair mharbhtach a leigeil ma sgaoil.


Money Heist

Money Heist 2017


To carry out the biggest heist in history, a mysterious man called The Professor recruits a band of eight robbers who have a single characteristic: none of them has anything to lose. Five months of seclusion - memorizing every step, every detail, every probability - culminate in eleven days locked up in the National Coinage and Stamp Factory of Spain, surrounded by police forces and with dozens of hostages in their power, to find out whether their suicide wager will lead to everything or nothing.


The Radical Story of Patty Hearst

The Radical Story of Patty Hearst 2018


Follow the transformation of Patty Hearst from heiress to terrorist in a saga of privilege, celebrity, politics, media, revolution, and violence. Over forty years later, newly discovered evidence, archival footage, cinematic recreations and exclusive firsthand accounts shed light on one of the biggest and most bizarre stories in modern American history.