Lesbiennes, quelle histoire ?

Lesbiennes, quelle histoire ? 2023


From her personal experience, Marie Labory sets out on the trail of the lesbians who lived in Europe in the twentieth century. One hundred years of fighting for freedom, told through archives and testimonies.


De Gaulle and the Free French in World War II

De Gaulle and the Free French in World War II 2010


In June 1940 nothing was written. The appeal of June 18 by General de Gaulle was a hope but also a start. The start for an essential page of the History of France, written by De Gaulle and his followers, without whom nothing would have existed in the Resistance to the German tyranny and this film wishes to honor their memory.


Filmmakers for the Prosecution

Filmmakers for the Prosecution 2023


In 1945, two young American soldiers, brothers Budd and Stuart Schulberg, are commissioned to collect filmed and recorded evidence of the horrors committed by the infamous Third Reich in order to prove Nazi war crimes during the Nuremberg trials (1945-46). The story of the making of Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today, a paramount historic documentary, released in 1948.


Leonardo: The Man Who Saved Science

Leonardo: The Man Who Saved Science 2017


Did Leonardo da Vinci come up with all of his ideas and inventions by himself or did he also borrow some of them from ancient scientists including those who lived 1,700 years before him.


Big Data, Big Brother

Big Data, Big Brother 2020


The story of the cross destiny of George Orwell (1903-50) and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the genius authors of the two most groundbreaking novels of anticipation of the 20th century: 1984 and Brave New World; two lucid witnesses of the maledictions of the modern world whose novels have found a considerable echo with our time.


Concode, an Epic Saga

Concode, an Epic Saga 2019


Fifty years ago, on Sunday, 2 March 1969, Concorde flew for the first time. Starting from this inaugural flight, the film goes back in time to the origin of the conception of Concorde.


Mon Chirac

Mon Chirac 2019


At the close of Jacques Chirac's life, politician Jean-Louis Debré has wished to make a film to celebrate his friend, to tell the story of their friendship and professional understanding, and to make an intimate portrait of the former President of France through the accounts of a few very close friends. Thanks to Jean-Louis Debré's presence, Claude Chirac and some of Jacques Chirac's closest friends, famous or unknown, agreed to talk to the camera, sometimes for the first time, to evoke their untold-before memories and tell about the moments that bonded the two men for a lifetime.


Homosexualité, les derniers condamnés

Homosexualité, les derniers condamnés 2022


Between the end of the Second World War and the abolition of the "offence of homosexuality" in 1982, 10,000 sentences were handed down in France. Sentences in correctional courts, fines and sometimes imprisonment, the convictions were mainly against men. The last witnesses of this period speak out and tell of four decades of clandestine life, just before the tragedy of AIDS.


Pink Triangles, Homosexuals Facing Nazism

Pink Triangles, Homosexuals Facing Nazism 2024


A documentary that traces the lives of men and women persecuted by the Third Reich because of their sexual orientation. Beginning with the social and political context of the 1920s, when European society still "tolerated" homosexuality, it details the mechanisms of repression and brings to life the hell experienced by the victims in the concentration camps. It also recalls the long road traveled by the victims to obtain the decriminalization of homosexuality and recognition of the harm suffered during this dark period in history. While the film traces the martyrdom of homosexuals and lesbians, it does not fail to place this story in a wider perspective and to bring together in a single memory all the victims of Nazi cruelty.