Joe Zaso Barricade Timo Rose's Beast Nikos the Impaler The Alien Agenda: Endangered Species Rage of the Werewolf Braincell Darkness Surrounds Roberta Virus X The Bloody Ape It's Only a Movie! Demonium Celluloid Bloodbath Frankenstein Reborn Creaturealm: From the Dead Addicted to Murder 3: Bloodlust Evil Streets Demon Resurrection The Great American Heist Le Loup de Wall Street Tales of Poe 5 Dead on the Crimson Canvas Guilty Pleasures Red Midnight Mauvaises Têtes Vindication Psycho Street And Then They Were Dead... Date with a Vampire The Adventures Of Young Van Helsing - Quest For The Lost Scepter BearCity She Wolf Rising It's Only a Movie! It's Only a Movie! Maligno Maligno Maligno Screambook II Screambook II Screambook II Screambook II Screambook II Screambook Screambook Screambook Screambook Barricade Timo Rose's Beast Nikos the Impaler Nikos the Impaler Braincell Darkness Surrounds Roberta 5 Dead on the Crimson Canvas Guilty Pleasures Red Midnight And Then They Were Dead... And Then They Were Dead... Seven Hells Hustling