Irene Cagen Bald: The Making of 'THX 1138' Midnight Run for Your Life Horror House on Highway Five THX 1138 The Limit La Malédiction de la veuve noire Sitting Ducks Heartbeeps National Lampoon's Movie Madness Hellbent Re-Animator 2 Communion Ricochet Magic Kid Dangerous Touch Wolf Alien Nation: Millennium The Night Stalker National Lampoon's Movie Madness Danger haute tension Meet the Hollowheads Alien Nation: Dark Horizon Masked and Anonymous La Carte du cœur Light and the Sufferer Light and the Sufferer Alien Nation: Body and Soul Alien Nation: The Enemy Within Esprits sous contrôle Double Équipe Midnight Run for Your Life Fame Corky, un adolescent pas comme les autres La Loi de Los Angeles Brigade criminelle Madman of the People Madman of the People