Miles O'Keeffe Blood and Honor Acting on Impulse L'Épée du vaillant Ator 2 - L'invincibile Orion Tarzan, l'homme singe Ator l'invincible Le loup du désert Ator il guerriero di ferro Diamondbacks Pocahontas: The Legend Clawed: The Legend of Sasquatch Fatal Conflict Cibles à abattre Cartel La via della droga Eroi dell'inferno Phantom Raiders True Vengeance Dead Tides Zero Tolerance Sins of the Night The Drifter Silent Hunter Marked Man King's Ransom Dawn of an Evil Millennium S.A.S. à San Salvador Tiger Millenium Day Liberty & Bash In Search of Tarzan with Jonathan Ross Moving Targets Relentless II : Dead On La morte è di moda Waxwork Savage Season Escape to Grizzly Mountain Out of the Black Campus Man The Bengal Lancers! Tarzan: Lord of the Movies Champs-Élysées Arabesque