Thérapie de couples

Thérapie de couples 2009


Quatre couples d'amis du Midwest embarquent pour une croisière très spéciale sur une île paradisiaque du Pacifique Sud. Le couple à l'origine du voyage a décidé de se rendre à l'Eden, une station balnéaire de luxe, comme dernier recours pour sauver leur mariage. Les trois autres s'apprêtent à profiter des multiples trésors qu'offre ce petit coin de paradis : mer turquoise, plage de sable blanc, jet-ski, spa dernière tendance, etc. Mais ils vont vite se rendre compte que leur participation au programme très original de thérapie de couples que propose l'Eden n'a rien d'optionnel. Soudain, leurs vacances au tarif de groupe ne semblent plus une si bonne affaire que ça.


Sex and the City, le film

Sex and the City, le film 2008


Carrie et Big, qui sont ensemble depuis quatre ans, emménagent enfin dans un grand appartement de New York et préparent leur mariage. Au fil des jours, la liste des invités ne cesse de s'allonger et la cérémonie prend des allures de couronnement royal. Tout cela effraie Big, qui espérait un peu de discrétion.



Offside 2006


8 Mai 2006 : l’Iran est en passe de se qualifier pour la coupe du monde de football. Un car de supporters déchaînés est en route vers le stade. Une fille déguisée en garçon s’est discrètement glissée parmi eux elle ne sera pas la seule à tenter de transgresser l’interdiction faite aux femmes d’assister aux manifestations sportives. A l’entrée du stade, elle est démasquée et confiée à la brigade des mœurs qui devra décider de son sort. Enfermée dans un enclos improvisé, elle est très vite rejointe par d’autres filles. Ensemble, elles refusent d’abandonner et usent de toutes les techniques pour voir le match.


Bad Therapy

Bad Therapy 2020


Bob et Susan Howard décident de voir une conseillère conjugale nommée Judy Small, qui semble digne de confiance mais nourrit des impulsions sombres et conflictuelles.


Secrets et fantasmes

Secrets et fantasmes 2012


Plusieurs couples en crise décident d'aller consulter une sexologue. Ainsi, Marissa s'inquiète de l'emprise de son homme sur leur relation, comme s'il avait déjà tout planifié. Heureusement, leurs séances en couple vont dévoiler des fantasmes jusque-là bien enfouis.



BFFs 2014



Love Building

Love Building 2013


Trois thérapeutes se retrouvent dépassés par les événements après avoir organisé un camp destiné à résoudre les problèmes de couples.


De père en flic 2

De père en flic 2 2017


La relation entre Jacques Laroche et son fils Marc est encore très tendue. Les deux policiers sont forcés de collaborer de nouveau alors qu'ils doivent infiltrer un bootcamp pour couples afin de se rapprocher du bras droit du chef de la mafia, qui participe à la thérapie de groupe avec sa conjointe. Jacques sera l'assistant du psychologue et Marc participera à la thérapie avec son amoureuse, Alice. Comme leur couple bat de l'aile, ils espèrent faire une pierre deux coups en sauvant leur relation tout en menant à terme leur mission. Mais les choses seront plus compliquées que prévu...


Family or Fiancé

Family or Fiancé 2019


"Family or Fiancé" follows the dynamics between engaged couples who bring their disapproving families together under one roof. The families only spend 3 days with each other, and the clock is ticking as the couples decide if they're going to tie the knot. It's a no-holds-barred look at what it's really like when the people closest to you have major issues with the one you want to marry. Serving as the voice of reason is relationship expert Tracy McMillan, who helps the couple confront their families' concerns. She works with the newly engaged couple on ways to strengthen their bond, air their differences and reveal their true selves to their families, for better or worse. At the end of the third and final day, the families are given their chance to speak now or forever hold their peace leaving the couple to make the ultimate choice — "I do" or "I don't."


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


State of the Union

State of the Union 2019


Tom and Louise meet in a pub immediately before their weekly marital therapy session. With each successive episode we piece together how their lives were, what drew them together and what has started to pull them apart.


Common Law

Common Law 2012


Travis Marks and Wes Mitchell were LAPD's dream team on the homicide squad, but constant bickering got in the way of their work and the two ended up on probation. To revive their flagging professional relationship, their Captain sends them to couples therapy to help understand and resolve their conflicts.


Mind the Malhotras

Mind the Malhotras 2019


When yet another married couple within their friend circle files for divorce, Rishabh and Shefali Malhotra fear that their marriage too may just be a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. They decide to seek professional help from a puzzling therapist who dredges up the most embarrassing and bizarre moments in the Malhotras' family life. This ranges from the quality of their sex life, the quirks of their three kids to the antics of Rishabh’s annoying mother.


MTV Couples Retreat

MTV Couples Retreat 2021


Famous couples, aided by life coaches and relationship experts, are ready to open up and have honest, candid conversations about the challenges of intimacy, romance and commitment.


Put a Ring on It

Put a Ring on It 2020


Longtime couples, with help from a master relationship coach, embark on the ultimate relationship test. From week to week the couples are pushed outside their comfort zones to confront the question they've been too afraid to ask: is this their happily ever after? The couples will finally find out by dating other people. And in so doing, they'll discover if there's a connection they've been missing all along. Will they decide it’s time to go their separate ways, or is it finally time to put a ring on it?


7 Days of Sex

7 Days of Sex 2012


7 Days of Sex is a reality TV series exploring the benefits of regular sex. Each week, two struggling couples takes on the challenge to have sex each and every day and document the entire experience. If the week works, they renew their vows. And if it doesn’t, they say their farewells.


Sex, Lies and Hypnosis

Sex, Lies and Hypnosis 1970


Sex, Lies and Hypnosis is a Channel 5 series the aired in the summer of 2007. Hypnotherapist Ursula James attempts to help those experiencing relationship issues to confront the problems they have been repressing.


Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love

Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love 2016


Meet three couples as they decide to make a life-long commitment and get married in the face of staunch opposition from their family and friends. From an interfaith couple in Baltimore, to a gay couple in Boston, and an interracial couple from Houston - these people are all striving to show doubtful loved ones how differences in race, religion and sexual preference do not affect their ability to love and be loved. As they announce their engagements and meet the in-laws, emotions run high. Will familial pressure impact their upcoming nuptials, or will love of a potential spouse outweigh love of family? Will they go through with the weddings if family members don't ultimately approve? Against all odds and in the face of bigotry, these couples will aim to prove that their relationship has what it takes to build the foundation for a long lasting marriage.


Sex In Court

Sex In Court 2007


Sex In Court is a British factual entertainment series which premiered on E4 on 29 March 2007. It takes a look at bedroom politics within modern relationships. The pilot features mother of two Rachel, who brings her husband Guy to court over a clash of lovemaking styles. Each episode sees people put on trial by their partner, or ex-partner. In a formal, court-like atmosphere, each party will be thoroughly cross-examined by a judge. Due to its nature E4 will air this programme after the watershed. The theme of the programme is very similar to Playboy TV's Sex Court.