Frank C. Turner Kärpänen II Lumi peittää setripuut Alone in the Dark The Big White Missing in America Try Seventeen Andre I Know What I Saw Miles from Nowhere Emme ole enkeleitä Navigating the Heart Call Of The Wild Tarkoituksena tappaa The People Across the Lake Good Morning, Killer Armoton Warcraft: The Beginning A War Story Harry Tracy, Desperado Crash Site Goodnight for Justice: Queen of Hearts Tarpeellista tavaraa Mr. Rice's Secret The Angel of Pennsylvania Avenue The Christmas Star Knight Moves Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch The Journey of Natty Gann Rupert's Land Koriskenttien koiratähti Neropatin päiväkirja 3 - Kovan onnen kesä Woodland Hot Rod MVP: Most Valuable Primate Best Actress 2012 Ollaanko jo perillä? By Dawn's Early Light My One Christmas Wish Scary Movie 3 Kuin Kissat ja Koirat Johnny's Girl Killer Bees Air Bud: Golden Receiver The Driftless Area High Noon The Duke Mr. Magoo Kickin' It Old Skool Black River Pentujengi ja aavekoira Air Bud: World Pup Northern Lights Accidental Obsession The Engagement Ring Christy: Return to Cutter Gap Beautiful Joe Love on the Side Määränpäänä Graceland Bingo A Stranger Waits Silence of the North Certain Fury Draw! Crackerjack Watchers The Grey Fox Toinen kyttäyskeikka Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus Love Is Never Silent Hei, kuka puhuu nyt? Showdown at Williams Creek The Experts Shame The Red Spider Stone Fox Flinch Dead Bang Family Reunion Malone Finders Keepers Ernest Rides Again Higher Ground Tämän pojan elämä The Diary of Evelyn Lau Into Thin Air And the Sea Will Tell Sonic the Movie Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure Snow Dogs Mea Maxima Culpa Incident at Deception Ridge 21 Jump Street The Commish Ihmemies MacGyver Salaiset kansiot Smallville The Ray Bradbury Theater Earth Star Voyager Hallmark Hall of Fame Wiseguy Salaiset kansiot DC's Legends of Tomorrow The Hitchhiker Legend of Earthsea The Guard The Outer Limits The 4400 Palace Guard Tähtiportti Wolf Lake The Outer Limits The Outer Limits The Outer Limits Supernatural Se Andromeda Airwolf Spooksville The Ray Bradbury Theater Sliders Highlander: The Series Highlander: The Series Poltergeist: The Legacy Oraakkelin kirja Ihmemies MacGyver Ihmemies MacGyver Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction The Sentinel Jake and The Kid