Dick Crockett Creature with the Atom Brain The Karate Killers Pahuksenmoiset pirskeet The Moonshine War Aamiainen Tiffanylla Panhandle Operation Petticoat Drive a Crooked Road Mister Cory 007: Timantit ovat ikuisia Paratroop Command The Garment Jungle Experiment in Terror Farewell, My Lovely The Don Is Dead Twilight of Honor The Notorious Landlady Operation Mad Ball Villiä hurjempi länsi Batman Kovanaama Nelson Spartacus Days of Wine and Roses It Happened to Jane The Case Against Brooklyn Over-Exposed Missile Monsters Gold Raiders Topeka The Pink Panther Strikes Again Wild Rovers All Ashore Pakotie Blonde Alibi Moon of the Wolf The Postman Always Rings Twice Pushover China Venture Across 110th Street Munster, Go Home! Vaaleanpunainen pantteri Suuri kilpa-ajo maailman ympäri Government Agents vs Phantom Legion Comanche Territory 007: Timantit ovat ikuisia Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came? Rautainen Coogan Mieletön, mieletön maailma Maailman ympäri 80 päivässä Santiago Hell on Frisco Bay Enkeleitä Broadwaylla Se toisesta maailmasta The Steel Trap Pushover The Notorious Landlady Vaaleanpunainen pantteri Pakotie 10 - Nainen kuin unelma What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? Twilight of Honor Darling Lili High School Confidential! Liekehtivä torni Earthquake Soldier in the Rain Likainen Harry The Crash of Flight 401 Harper Vaaleanpunaisen pantterin paluu The Pink Panther Strikes Again Revenge of the Pink Panther Soldier in the Rain Star Trek The Rookies Kung Fu The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Batman – Lepakkomies The Beverly Hillbillies Smith ja Jones Cannon Johnny Staccato Search Peter Gunn ratkaisee M Squad Pete and Gladys Tarzan Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theatre The Adventures of Kit Carson Matt Helm Chase