Freddie Jones Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed The League of Gentlemen - Yule Never Leave! Dyyni Krull ja näkymätön vihollinen Far from the Madding Crowd Elefanttimies Firefox Mr. Horatio Knibbles Otley Hiidenpata The Man Who Haunted Himself Fellinin Laiva Tulessa syntynyt Murder Is Easy Kidnapped Cold Comfort Farm John Clare: "I Am" Laventeli-leidit Die unendliche Geschichte III - Rettung aus Phantásien Dracula elää ja voi hyvin Juggernaut Time After Time Shoot the Revolution Comrades Secret Orchards Sitting Target Goodbye Gemini Keep in a Dry Place & Away from Children Vampira Silas Marner Assault David Copperfield Poslední motýl What Rats Won't Do Eleanor, First Lady of the World The Talking Parcel Never Too Young to Rock Consuming Passions Kremlin Farewell Son of Dracula Erik the Viking The Mystery of Edwin Drood Adam Bede The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom Spies, Inc. House! Monte Criston Kreivi Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind Joe's Ark Antony and Cleopatra The Nativity Verilöyly aamunkoitteessa You've Made Your Bed - Now Lie in It The Passion Snooker Russian Roulette Married 2 Malcolm Alice Through the Looking Glass Accident Ghosts Come on Eileen Romance with a Double Bass Sweeney Todd Prince of Jutland All Creatures Great and Small Doctor in Trouble Puckoon Brecht and Co Pelon pyramidi The Dancing Princesses By Our Selves The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Phantom Train of Doom Maschenka A Pinch of Snuff Villi sydän Sorry... David Macaulay: Castle The Zany Adventures of Robin Hood Uncle Vanya Caught in the Act Lost In London Marat/Sade Sherlock Holmes ja viimeinen vampyyri A Midsummer Nightmare Renoir, My Father A Man Inside Space: 1999 Midsomerin murhat Thriller The Ghosts of Motley Hall The Avengers The Protectors Sydämen asialla Jason King Yorkshiren etsivät Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) Ylikomisario Morse Sherlock Holmesin seikkailut The Goodies Sherlock Holmesin seikkailut Pyhimys Lovejoy Six Dates with Barker Children of the Stones The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ Hazell Bulman The Wednesday Play Van der Valk Play for Today Pennejä taivaasta Target Fall of Eagles The District Nurse The Devil's Crown Menace Mystery and Imagination BBC Play of the Month Tales of Mystery and Imagination The Caesars The Galton & Simpson Playhouse Sob Sisters Nana Nicholas Nickleby The Roy Hudd Show Germinal The Mayor of Casterbridge TECX The Adventurer The Main Chance Ooh La La! Kyläsairaala Casualty Casualty Nana Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) Emmerdale Casanova Hotel Room Neverwhere Sydämen asialla Mr. Wroe's Virgins The Goodies Sydämen asialla Sydämen asialla The Paper Man Theatre Night