John Carson Thunderbird 6 The Plague of the Zombies Dracula, paholaisen lähettiläs The July Plot Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter City of Blood Quentin Durward Schmoedipus Heroes Male Bait Smokescreen This Body Is Mine Paper Roses The Last Warrior Master Spy Guns of Darkness Seven Keys The Man in a Looking Glass Schweitzer Unelmia Afrikasta Act of Murder The Set Up Tenth of a Second The Lie The Sheltering Desert Woman of Desire An African Dream The Scent of Fear Loyalties Doomsday Rehearsal Accidental Death The Deal Amicus Vault of Horrors Hammer Horror: The Warner Bros. Years The Night Caller Black Velvet Band The Man Who Haunted Himself Survivor Doctor Who: Snakedance The Lady is a Square Mandela and de Klerk Guardian of the Abyss The Last Hero Possession Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are The Mountain and the Molehill Fothergill Thriller Department S The Adventures of Sinbad Doctor Who Tales of the Unexpected The Avengers Kidnapped Out of This World Pyhimys Dixon of Dock Green The Champions The Adventures of Black Beauty Ivanhoe Raffles The Wednesday Play The New Avengers The Adventures of Robin Hood CI5: The New Professionals Play for Today Emergency – Ward 10 The Expert Man in a Suitcase Suspense The Adventures of William Tell BBC Play of the Month The Famous Five Oliver Twist It's Dark Outside Maigret You Can't Win Victorian Scandals Hammer House of Horror Edgar Wallace Mysteries The Adventures of Boston Blackie Pyhimys Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Thriller Secret Army Oppenheimer Hercule Poirot Emma Pyhimys The House of Horror - Memories of Bray Dombey and Son Oliver Twist Pyhimys Midsomerin murhat Hercule Poirot The Professionals