
Napoleon 2023


Napoleon kronikoi nimikkohahmonsa nousua Euroopan vallan kahvaan 1700- ja 1800-lukujen Ranskassa sekä hänen suhteensa kehittymistä vaimonsa Joséphinen kanssa. Napoleonin aikakausi oli kroonista sotimista, joka päättyi vasta Waterloon taisteluun vuonna 1815. Tarkkoja uhrilukuja edeltävien vuosikymmenten veritantereilta ei tiedä kukaan. Elokuvaa katsoessa kannattaa unohtaa historialliset faktat. Ohjaaja Scott ja käsikirjoittaja David Scarpa laittavat Napoleonin lukuisiin paikkoihin ja tapahtumiin, joissa tämä ei ollut mukana. Scottin ohjaamat sotakohtaukset eivät toista samaa kaavaa, vaan erottuvat kaikki toisistaan edukseen. Tekninen osaaminen on huikeaa. Ääriväkivaltaisissa kohtauksissa on myös outoa kauneutta. Kuka kukin on ja missä soditaan tai juonitaan ei myöskään jää epäselväksi. Napoleonin ja muiden maiden valtaapitävien kohtaamisilla ja keskusteluilla on tarkoituksensa.


Master and Commander: Maailman laidalla

Master and Commander: Maailman laidalla 2003


"Lucky" Jack Aubreyn (Russell Crowe) komentama laiva joutuu ylivoimaisen vihollisen yllätyshyökkäyksen kohteeksi. Huolimatta aluksen kärsimistä vahingoista ja useista loukkaantuneista miehistön jäsenistä, Aubrey nostaa purjeet ja lähtee riskialttiiseen ja jännittävään takaa-ajoon pysäyttääkseen vastustajansa. Tehtävä voi muuttaa kansakunnan kohtalon - tai tuhota Aubreyn miehistöineen.



Sharpe 1993


Sharpe is a British series of television dramas starring Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe, a fictional British soldier in the Napoleonic Wars. Sharpe is the hero of a number of novels by Bernard Cornwell; most, though not all, of the episodes are based on the books. Produced by Celtic Films and Picture Palace Films for the ITV network, the series was shot mainly in Turkey and the Crimea, although some filming was also done in England, Spain and Portugal. The series originally ran from 1993 to 1997. In 2004, as part of ITV's new set of drama, ITV announced that it intended to produce new episodes of Sharpe, in co-production with BBC America, loosely based on his time in India, with Sean Bean continuing his role as Sharpe. Sharpe's Challenge is a two-part adventure; part one premiered on ITV on 23 April 2006, with part two being shown the following night. With more gore than earlier episodes, the show was broadcast by BBC America in September 2006.


War & Peace

War & Peace 1972


The classic BBC dramatisation of Tolstoy's epic story of love and loss set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars. Anthony Hopkins heads the cast as Pierre Bezuhov (a role for which he won the 1972 Best Actor BAFTA); Morag Hood is the impulsive and beautiful Natasha Rostova; Alan Dobie is the dour but heroic Andrei Bolkonsky; and David Swift is Napoleon, whose decision to invade Russia in 1812 has far-reaching consequences for Pierre and the Rostov and Bolkonsky families. The twenty-part serial was the vision of producer David Conroy whose principle aim was to transfer the rich characterisation and incident from Tolstoy's greatest novel to a television drama. Scripted by Jack Pulman and directed by John Davies, Conroy's War And Peace boasts superb acting, award-winning design (1972 Best Design BAFTA) and breathtaking battle sequences which were filmed in former Yugoslavia.


Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair 2018


In a world where everyone is striving for what is not worth having, no one is more determined to climb to the heights of English society than Becky Sharp.


Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair 1998


Becky Sharp is a beautiful, clever and poor girl determined to earn a higher place in society at any cost.


The Charterhouse of Parma

The Charterhouse of Parma 1982


Stendhal's epic tale of a young French officer in the Napoleonic wars, and his aunt - a duchess of legendary beauty and resourcefulness.



Hornblower 1998


Set during the 18th century Napoleonic Wars, Horatio Hornblower, a young and shy midshipman, rises through the ranks to become an admiral.



Napoleon 2002


A masterful soldier, tactician and statesmen, Napoleon Bonaparte's courage and love for his country sees him rise from an unpaid general consumed with ambition to the most powerful man in Europe, then his fall, and exile.