
Arcadian 2024


Lähitulevaisuudessa saasteet ovat tuhonneet elinolosuhteet ja normaali elämä on mahdotonta. Paul ja hänen kaksi poikaansa, Thomas ja Joseph, ovat yrittäneet selvityä katastrofin jälkeisessä maailmassa syrjäisellä maatilalla. Mutta he elävät pelon keskellä, sillä saasteet ovat avanneet portin hirvittäville olioille, jotka pyrkivät tuhoamaan loputkin ihmiskunnan rippeistä. Päivisin he saavat olla rauhassa, mutta joka ilta auringon laskeuduttua he kohtaavat olioiden armottomat hyökkäykset. Eräänä päivänä, kun Thomas ei palaa kotiin ennen auringonlaskua, Paulin on lähdettävä etsimään häntä ja perhe joutuu toteuttamaan epätoivoisen suunnitelman selviytyäkseen elossa.


Battle Royale

Battle Royale 2000


Uuden vuosisadan alkaessa Japanin talous romahti, työttömyys kasvoi, ja samaan aikaan kun aikuiset menettivät tulevaisuudenuskonsa, lapsissa alkoi kasvaa halveksunta heitä kohtaan. Vanhempi sukupolvi alkoi pelätä nuorisoa ja kykenemättömänä ymmärtämään sen motiiveja enää lainkaan otti käyttöön todella radikaalin keinon: hallitus perusti taistelupeli Battle Royalen, jossa kerran vuodessa satunnaisesti valitun koululuokan oppilaat pakotetaan tappamaan toisensa siten, että vain yksi jää henkiin ja pääsee vapauteen. Kilpailuun joutuu 42-henkinen yhdeksäs luokka, joka lähetetään autiolle saarelle. Siellä oppilaat saavat ruokaa, juomaa, kartan, kompassin ja sattumanvaraisen aseen, minkä jälkeen he lähtevät yksitellen ulos oppilasnumeron mukaisessa järjestyksessä. Jos kolmen vuorokauden kuluttua useampi kuin yksi oppilas on hengissä, heidät kaikki tapetaan.


Asteroid City

Asteroid City 2023


Joukko tiedekilpailussa kisaavia opiskelijoita ja heidän vanhempiaan on kokoontunut paikalle nuorten tähtiharrastajien tapahtumaan. Kokoontuminen kuitenkin keskeytyy mitä näyttävimmällä tavalla maailmaa mullistavien tapahtumien seurauksena.


Time Lapse

Time Lapse 2014


Kolme ystävystä löytää salaperäisen koneen, joka ottaa kuvia 24 tunnin päästä tulevaisuudesta. Ei aikaakaan, kun kaverukset keksivät keinon hyödyntää laitetta omaksi edukseen - rikastuakseen. Paikallinen vedonvälittäjä-gansteri kiinnostuu kolmikon puuhista, kun voittoja alkaa virrata yli todennäköisyyslaskelmien. Onneksi kaverilla on tieto, mitä tulevaisuudessa tapahtuu. Mutta mitä jos heitä itseään ei enää näykkään kuvissa?


8 Legs - kuoleman verkko

8 Legs - kuoleman verkko 2001


Groteskit purentahaavat erään hätälaskun suorittaneen pilotin iholla mietityttävät lääkäreitä. Purema ei muistuta mitään anatomiankirjoissa kuvailtavista puremista, ja toivo uudesta löytämättömästä eläinlajista saa tutkijat liikkeelle. Mutta pian selviää, että mikä tahansa koulutus on yliarvostettua siinä vaiheessa, kun inhottavat monijalkaiset astelevat ihollasi kauheilla seuraamuksilla! Nämä verenhimoiset otukset ovat kuitenkin vain pisara meressä verrattuna siihen hirviöön, joka seuraa varjoissa silmillään tutkijoiden tekemisiä. Lounasaika on kohta aluillaan viidakossa...



Circle 2015


Viisikymmentä toisilleen tuntemattomia ihmisiä pakotetaan äänestämään siitä, kuka heistä kuolee seuraavaksi ja kuka lopulta jää eloon.


Tales of Tomorrow

Tales of Tomorrow 1951


Tales of Tomorrow is an American anthology science fiction series that was performed and broadcast live on ABC from 1951 to 1953. The series covered such stories as Frankenstein, starring Lon Chaney, Jr., 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea starring Thomas Mitchell as Captain Nemo, and many others featuring such performers as Boris Karloff, Brian Keith, Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger, Bruce Cabot, Franchot Tone, Gene Lockhart, Walter Abel, Leslie Nielsen, and Paul Newman. The series had many similarities to the later Twilight Zone which also covered one of the same stories, "What You Need". In total it ran for eighty-five 30-minute episodes.


Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh

Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh 2016


Picking up where the 2015 film left off, this coming-of-age buddy comedy follows fearless Tip and overenthusiastic Oh, as they navigate the crazily combined human and alien culture they live in, finding adventure everywhere they go.


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 1983


When Adam, Prince of the planet Eternia, raises his magic sword he transforms into He-Man (the most powerful man in the universe). With his allies and friends, he battles the evil Skeletor and his minions to protect the secrets of Castle Greyskull.


Voltes V: Legacy

Voltes V: Legacy 2023


Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world.


Duck Dodgers

Duck Dodgers 2003


Duck Dodgers battles evil in the 24th century.


Doctor Who

Doctor Who 2024


The Doctor and his companion travel across time and space encountering incredible friends and foes.



SilverHawks 1986


SilverHawks is an American animated television series developed by Rankin/Bass Productions and distributed by Lorimar-Telepictures in 1986. The animation was provided by Japanese studio Pacific Animation Corporation. In total, 65 episodes were made. It was created as a space-bound equivalent of their previous series, ThunderCats. As was the case with ThunderCats, there was also a SilverHawks comic book series published by then-Marvel Comics imprint Star Comics. Currently, Warner Bros. owns the rights to the series.



Three-Body 2023


Nanotechnology researcher Wang Miao is taken to the Joint Operations Center by police officer Shi Qiang, who's investigating the mysterious suicide wave among scientists worldwide, and recruited to sneak into an organization called the Frontiers of Science to help the investigation. When Wang Miao is contacted by the leader of the organization, Shen Yufei, she introduces him to a sophisticated VR video game called Three-Body, but soon he discovers that it's more than just a game.


RoboCop: The Series

RoboCop: The Series 1994


RoboCop: The Series is a 1994 television series based on the film of the same name. It stars Richard Eden as the title character. Made to appeal primarily to children and young teenagers, it lacks the graphic violence that was the hallmark of RoboCop and RoboCop 2. RoboCop has several non-lethal alternatives to killing criminals, which ensures that certain villains can be recurring. The OCP Chairman and his corporation are treated as simply naïve and ignorant, in contrast to their malicious and immoral behavior from the second film onward.



BraveStarr 1987


BraveStarr is an American Space Western animated television series. The original episodes aired from September 1987 to February 1988 in syndication. It was created simultaneously with a collection of action figures. BraveStarr was the last animated series produced by Filmation and Group W Productions to be broadcast. Bravo!, a spin-off series was in production along with Bugzburg when the studio closed down. Reruns of the show aired on Qubo Night Owl from 2010 to 2013, and reruns air on the Retro Television Network from 2010 to Present.


Dogs in Space

Dogs in Space 2021


In the not-so-distant future, genetically enhanced dogs are sent across the universe in search of a new home for the human race. It’s a giant cosmic game of fetch, as the canines seek a planet that will save humanity and - more importantly - let them return to their beloved owners.



Citadel 2023


What if you lost your memory? What if a spy didn’t know they were a spy? Years ago, the top agents of Citadel, Mason Kane and Nadia Sinh, had their minds wiped. But, they’re called back to action as sinister forces emerge from the past. With the help of spymaster Bernard Orlick, these former lovers must remember the past to save the future.


Duty After School

Duty After School 2023


When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.


Knight Rider

Knight Rider 2008


On the heels of NBC's hit movie, the iconic 1980s television classic comes roaring back to life as a reinvented, updated and super-charged action series showcasing the new KITT (Knight Industries Three Thousand). Absolutely the coolest car ever created, KITT is equipped with an "AI" (artificial intelligence) that is capable of hacking almost any system. Its weapons systems match that of a jet fighter, and its body is capable of actually transforming into other vehicles and using sophisticated holographic imagery to elude villains.


Kenny Starfighter

Kenny Starfighter 1997


Kenny Starfighter fights against the evil lord Dr. Deo.


Justice League

Justice League 2001


The long-awaited rebirth of the greatest superhero team of all time: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter.


Saber Marionette J to X

Saber Marionette J to X 1998


Taking place mere months after the Saber Marionette J OVA series, this newest installment in the Saber Marionette line follows the continuing adventures of Otaru and his clan of selfless, obsessive marionette girls. This time, the evil Faust is back, and again toying with Marionette technology that was never meant to be explored. The Saber Dolls are back, and torn between their newfound love for Otaru and their undying loyalty to Faust; Will Otaru, Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry be able to stop Faust again, or are they all headed for the scrap heap?


Devil Lover

Devil Lover 2015


A young boy with a special power that he can't control. He was raised at J.T.S.D (Japanese Technologies Science Department) and never before learned the true meaning of "Love".