Avainsana Brothers
Red Dawn 2012
Venäläisten tukema Pohjois-Korea hyökkää varoittamatta Yhdysvaltoihin - aivan kuten japanilaiset Pearl Harboriin toisessa maailmansodassa. Pienessä Spokanen kaupungissa ei kuitenkaan aiota antautua vapaaehtoisesti. Hädän hetkellä Irakin sodan veteraani Jed Eckert kokoaa veljensä Mattin kanssa vaatimattoman iskuryhmän, joka alkaa sabotoida vihollisten toimintaa räjäytyksillä ja tappamalla tehokkaasti operaatiota johtavan sadistisen kapteeni Chon miehiä. Red Dawn on uudellenfilmatisointi John Miliusin saman nimisestä elokuvasta vuodelta 1984 (suom. Punainen Vaara).
The Iron Claw 2023
Joy Ride 2001
Harmiton pila muuttaa matkan painajaiseksi. Kesäloma on juuri alkanut. Yliopiston keltanokka Lewis Thomas (Walker) on päättänyt lähteä tien päälle noutamaan unelmiensa tyttöä, Vennaa (Sobieski). Mutta Lewisin romanttiset suunnitelmat ottavat takapakkia kun hän joutuu pelastamaan ja poimimaan kyytiin isoveljensä Fullerin (Zahn). Veli houkuttelee Lewisin mukaan käytännön pilaan, jonka kohteena on yksinäinen rekkakuski. Nyt tämä rekkakuski kasvoton ja hengenvaarallinen mielipuoli joka tunnetaan ainoastaan radiossa käyttämällään lempinimellä "Rusty Nail" on päättänyt saada viimeiset naurut... ja makean koston.
The Power of the Dog 2021
Komenteleva mutta karismaattinen karjatilallinen suhtautuu veljensä uuteen vaimoon ja tämän poikaan pilkallisen julmasti, kunnes tapahtuu jotain odottamatonta.
Laittomat 2012
Kieltolain aikaiseen Amerikkaan sijoittuva tositarina kertoo Bondurantin veljeksistä. Näistä rohkeista ja pelottomista viinan salakuljettajista tuli legendaarisia rikollisia. Jack on nuorin veljeksistä ja on luonteeltaan kunnianhimoinen ja impulsiivinen. Howard - veljeksistä keskimmäinen - on uskollinen, mutta huoleton ja veljeksistä vanhin Forrest puolestaan johtaa koko perhettä hiljaisen päättäväisesti. Kun heidän laiton bisnes kasvaa kasvamistaan niin mukana tulee myös suuremmat riskit, eikä aikaakaan kun veljekset joutuvat kohtaamaan tekojensa seuraukset. Pian osingoille haluavat paitsi kilpailevat rikollisjoukkiot myös kierot lainvartijat.
鋼の錬金術師 完結編 最後の錬成 2022
鋼の錬金術師 完結編 復讐者スカー 2022
Fakin' Da Funk 1997
Los Williams 2024
Mojave Diamonds 2023
Loistavat Bakerin pojat 1989
Viehättävällä tavalla aikuinen, illuusioton ja nuhjuinen komedia menestyksestä, tappiosta, rakkaudesta ja veljeydestä. Bakerin veljekset soittavat latteaa musiikkia ravintoloissa. Kadonnutta loistoa korvaamaan he palkkaavat laulajattaren. Alamäki muuttuu menestykseksi ja musiikki yökerhojazziksi, mutta seksi, riidat ja mustasukkaisuus sotkevat bisneksen.
Outing Riley 2004
Johnny Reno 1966
Trapped in Paradise 1994
Crumb 1994
Sator 2019
Mrs. Soffel 1984
Veljeni Leijonamieli 1977
Veljekset Korppu ja Joonatan Leijona tapaavat jälleen lyhyeksi jääneen maanpäällisen elämänsä jälkeen maassa nimeltä Nangijala, jossa vallitsee tarun ja nuotiotulten aikakausi. Kirsikkalaakson idyllistä elämää uhkaa häijy ritari Tengil, joka on apurinsa - tultasyöksevän lohikäärme Katlan avustuksella vallannut Ruusulaakson ja kylvää kauhua ja pelkoa ympärilleen. Korppu ja Joonatan ovat rohkeudellaan ansainneet lempinimen "Leijonamieli" ja ryhtyvät nyt taistoon Tengiliä ja tämän mustaan sonnustautuneita sotureitaan vastaan.
Supernatural 2005
When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.
Mr. Osomatsu 2015
Sequel/spin-off of the gag manga classic Osomatsu-kun, entailing the lives of the now 20-something NEET virgin Matsuno sextuplets and the bizarre adventures they find themselves into in the modern day.
Space Brothers 2012
When they were young, the brothers Mutta and Hibito promised each other they would become astronauts. Now, in 2025, Hibito has followed his dream to become the first Japanese on the moon, but Mutta has just been fired from his job. His brother reminds him of their childhood promise, and Mutta decides once again to aim for space.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 2023
A K-fantasy action unfolds as the Nine-tailed fox makes a crash landing in the year 1938, an era of chaos, and he struggles to return to the present.
Monsters 2024
The story of the Menéndez brothers, who were convicted in 1996 of murdering their parents José and Mary Louise “Kitty” Menéndez.
Charlie and Lola 2005
Charlie and Lola is a British animated television series based on the Charlie and Lola books written by Lauren Child. It aired from 2005–2008. The animation uses a collage style that emulates the style of the original books. Three series were commissioned by and initially broadcast on the BBC between 2005 and 2008. The series are produced by Tiger Aspect and have been subsequently broadcast in more than twenty countries. The series has won multiple BAFTA awards.
North South 2011
Brothers, Kuzey and Guney, are poles apart in character and perception. Despite their differences, the brothers fall in love with the same girl, Cemre.
Better Man 2016
The Yang brothers have it all — good looks, brains and family background. But each shuns romantic entanglements for his own reasons. Yang Zhen Wei (Lin Yo Wei) is the workaholic oldest brother who only has his mind set on expanding his catering business. Yang Zhen Hao (Tender Huang) is the middle brother who works in the entertainment industry and as a fitness instructor. Yang Zhen Kai (Jolin Chien) is the meticulous youngest brother who has been given the position of CEO of the family empire. How will the brothers handle their emotions when they each meet a woman who turns their perfect worlds upside down? “Better Man” is a 2016 Taiwanese drama series.
Selection Day 2018
Two teen cricket prodigies struggle against their overbearing father and a system stacked against them to realize their own ambitions and identities.
The Brothers Sun 2024
When a mysterious enemy targets his family, a Taipei triad member heads to Los Angeles to protect his strong-willed mother and oblivious younger brother.
Mesa para cinco 2006
Hearts and Bones 2000
A group of friends move to London. At the centre are the Rose brothers, Mark and Rich, and Mark’s girlfriend Emma, who harbours a secret obsession with Rich.
Brothers 2023
The 13 Lords of the Shogun 2022
Following the ascension to power of Taira no Kiyomori, the Minamoto clan is exiled. Minamoto no Yoritomo meets Masako, the sister of Hōjō Yoshitoki and later marries her. Following this marriage, the gears of Yoshitoki's destiny begin to turn.
The Honey and The Tears 1983
The series revolves around the two brothers Hafez and Shawqi, the sons of Haj Radwan, whose life paths are completely different, while Shawky indulges in the life of fun and luxury, his brother Hafez is busy working in trade with his father, and begins signs of conflict between them on several levels, and at the same time Hafez marries Dolat, and Shawky from Zainab, to ignite the ground of a new conflict.
Super Giant Robot Brothers! 2022
Two squabbling robot brothers battle bloodthirsty kaijus, supernatural disasters and mundane personal issues as they adapt to the trials of growing up.
Magpie 2019
After serving 17 years in prison for a murder conviction, Asa Katz receives an early release on the condition that he continues to cooperate with the police as their jailhouse informant. Asa returns to his old neighborhood and to his older brother, David, a successful realtor who made his money in dubious business dealings. Conflicting interests put Asa in precarious situations, and he finds himself torn between his life of crime and his work with the police, all the while skillfully navigating both worlds to his advantage.
Our Dining Table 2023
Eating around other people is a struggle for salaryman Yutaka, despite his talent for cooking. All that changes when he meets Minoru and Tane—two brothers, many years apart in age—who ask him to teach them how to make his delicious food! Yutaka soon finds himself having a change of heart as he looks forward to the meals they share together.
Because of You 2020
Growing up in a large, wealthy family, the three Yuan brothers never wanted for anything. Despite the three of them being only half brothers, the trio was incredibly close, their familial bonds undeniably strong. Whatever the brothers faced, they always faced together. But as they grew older, they began to realize that some things they just couldn’t share, especially when it came to matters of the heart. Now older, Yuan Jun Cheng, Yuan Jun Dao, and Yuan Jun Ping have all felt the overwhelming tide of emotions that comes with love. But the journey has been anything but easy. Fighting against the sweeping tide of feelings that have continually beat against them, telling them things like “no,” “impossible,” and “cannot,” the three brothers must find a way to overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges, as they pursue that which the heart wants most of all—to be loved.