
Kansanvihollinen 2005


Skoldbjærg on modernisoinut Henrik Ibsenin Kansanvihollisen (1882). Kaupallis-moraalis-eettinen on yhä perusongelma, kun tv-suosikki Tomas Stockman (Jørgen Langhelle) palaa pieneen kotikylään, jossa pitäisi pullottaa maailman kirkkainta vettä. Veden ja pullotuksen voimalla kylä uskoo uuteen tulevaisuuteensa, mutta Tomas keksii vedestä jotain. Veli Peter (Sven Nordin) saa alkaa pelätä saman tien konkurssia. Ibsen haki menneisyyden vaikutusta nykyisyyteen, nyt Skoldbjærg-muunnoksena ekologisena ongelmana, kun appiukon vanhat tynnyrit nousevat esiin.


Lajien syntylähteillä

Lajien syntylähteillä 2015


Biologi Albert Uy pyrkii eräällä Tyynenmeren saarella taltioimaan evoluution itse teossa luomassa uutta eläinlajia. Saaren luonnonvarojen hyödyntäminen uhkaa kuitenkin vaarantaa koko ilmiön.


Secrets of the Museum

Secrets of the Museum 2020


Unique arts series venturing behind the scenes at the world famous museum of art, design and performance, the V&A.


This Wild Life

This Wild Life 2015


The cameras follow the lives of human and animal families living in Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve. They also follow the story of a safari camp run by wildlife expert Saba Douglas-Hamilton and an elephant conservation charity run by her husband Frank Pope.


Eco House Challenge

Eco House Challenge 2007


On Eco House Challenge two suburban, Australian families are about to find out what it takes to help save the planet. Over several weeks, while still living their normal lives, the families must radically reduce consumption in four eco hot-spots – Energy, Water, Transport and Waste – or face the consequences we all face.


Elephant Diaries

Elephant Diaries 2005


Wildlife series following the lives of a group of orphaned African bush elephants at a sanctuary in Kenya as they face some of the biggest challenges of their lives.


Minnesota: A History of the Land

Minnesota: A History of the Land 2005


Brings to life the epic story of the people and landscapes of Minnesota - from the retreat of the last ice sheets to the growth of today’s suburbs - using nature videography from across the state, never-before-seen historic images, state-of-the-art animations, and historic recreations.