Avainsana Modeling
Anna 2019
Mallitoimiston agentti löytää Anna Poliatovan ja nostaa tämän nopeasti muotimaailman supermalliksi. Annan silmiinpistävän kauneuden alla pilee salaisuus, hän on todellisuudessa KGB:n kouluttama huippuvaarallinen salamurhaaja. KGB onnistui pakottamalla ja uhkailulla rekrytoimaan Annan viideksi vuodeksi palvelukseen. Nyt tuo sopimus on loppumassa ja Anna saa tietää ettei KGB aio nuodattaa sitä. Kun CIA:n asiamies ottaa Annaan yhteyttä ja ehdottaa tälle työskentelyä kaksoisagenttina, hän kehittää vaarallisen suunnitelman, jolla saisi elämänsä takaisin. Panoksena on kuitenkin hänän oma henkensä.
Zoolander 2001
Muotivaateteollisuudella on ongelma. Malesian uusi presidentti huolehtii turhan paljon hikipajoissa raatavista lapsista ja naisista. Hänet pitää siis eliminoida. Muotitalo Mugatun johtaja Jacobim Mugatu joutuu palkkaamaan tehtävään mahdollisimman typerän tyypin. Supermalli Derek Zoolander on ilmeinen valinta, vaikka rypeekin yllättävän eksistentialistisen angstin kourissa hävittyään vuoden miesmallikilpailun nousukas-Hanselille. Zoolander hypnotisoidaan tehtävää varten, mutta hänen kannoillaan roikkuva journalisti Matilda alkaa epäillä kieroa peliä ja johtaa tyhjäpäiset mallit lopulliseen koitokseen aikaa ja ilkeitä muotimafiosoja vastaan.
Vuokralainen 1927
The O'Briens 2013
Shutter 2008
Zoolander 2 2016
Legendaarisen miesmallin, Derek Zoolanderin perustama ja nimeäänkantama "Keskus lapsille, jotka eivät osaa lukee hyvästi ja tahtoo oppii muutakin hyvästi”, on ollut toiminnassa jo 15 vuotta, mutta keskuksessa tapahtunut katastrofi on pakottanut Derekin ja hänen mallikolleegansa Hanselin painumaan maan alle. Kun erakoituneet, ikinuoret komistukset kutsutaan esiintymään huipputärkeään muotitapahtumaan Roomaan, he eivät voi vastustaa houkutusta. Sivistyksen parissa käy ilmi, että uuden muoti-imperiumin luojat ovat varsin omalaatuista väkeä ja muodin maailma on muuttunut dramaattisesti. Mikä vieläkin huolestuttavampaa, kaksikko värvätään pysäyttämään hengenvaarallinen salajuoni. Mikäli he epäonnistuvat, muotimaailman loiston päivät ovat lopullisesti ohi. Vain Derek ja Hansel voivat nyt pelastaa muodin!
Blow-Up 1966
Hairspray 1988
Kinky Boots 2005
Kinky Boots on piristävä ja hyvän mielen tuova komedia, jonka tekijät olivat mukana myös elokuvassa Kalenteritytöt. Elokuva kertoo uskomattoman, mutta todellisen tarinan. Pricen perhe on valmistanut perinteisiä ja tylsiä miestenkenkiä monessa sukupolvessa. Pelastaakseen perheyrityksen konkurssilta löytää nuori Charlie Price oudon yrityskonsultin: koppavan transvestiitin ja kabareelaulajan, Lolan. Lolan villit ja vallattomat suunnittelijantaidot tuovat uudet tuulet vanhaan kenkätehtaaseen. Kinky Boots on pakko nähdä! Se on hauska, erilainen ja osoittaa, että paras tapa pysyä mukana on erottua joukosta.
Fashion 2008
Prêt-à-Porter 1994
Kaksi kertaa vuodessa muotisuunnittelijat, mallikaunottaret, valokuvaajat, toimittajat sekä ostajat kerääntyvät Pariisin suureen muotitapahtumaan. Kun huippumallit kävelevät näytöksen catwalkilla upeissa designluomuksissa, valokuvaajat ja muotitoimittajat ovat valmiita tekemään kaikkensa saadakseen parhaat kuvat ja tarinat. Mielenkiintoisin show käydään kuitenkin kulissien takana, jossa kilpailu on kovaa ja parhaasta paikasta parrasvaloissa taistellaan häikäilemättömin keinoin.
You and I 2011
Intern 2000
The Model 2016
BUtterfield 8 1960
Artists and Models 1955
Absolute Beginners 1986
The Rage of Paris 1938
Model for Murder 1959
America's Next Top Model 2003
Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing their progress throughout the competition.
Germany's Next Topmodel 2006
Germany's Next Topmodel is a German reality television show, based on a concept that was introduced by Tyra Banks with America's Next Top Model. The competition is hosted by Heidi Klum. She also serves as the lead judge and executive producer of the show.
Asia's Next Top Model 2012
Asia's Next Top Model (AsNTM) is a reality television show based on the American franchise America's Next Top Model in which a number of aspiring models compete for the title of Asia's Next Top Model and a chance to start their career in the modeling industry. The show features models from the entire Far East region (East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia).
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 1995
Merging fashion, fantasy and entertainment, this lingerie runway show includes pink carpet interviews, model profiles, behind-the-scenes looks at the making of the show, and musical performances.
Greece’s Next Top Model 2009
The Next Top Model is a Greek reality television show that forms part of the Top Model series. Greek model Vicky Kayas assumes the role of Tyra Banks from the original series as the head of the search as well as a mentor for the contestants. The first season premiered on October 12, 2009. The basic premise of the series is a group of young female contestants who live together in a house for several weeks while taking part in various challenges, photo shoots and meetings with members of the modeling industry. Normally, one poor-performing contestant is eliminated each week until the last contestant remaining is declared "The Next Top Model" and receives a modeling contract along with other associated prizes.
Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model 2005
Join the hunt for Britain & Ireland's next top model in this glossy reality show. Watch stunning young hopefuls battle it out for a chance to become a supermodel. Expect plenty of fashion, fights and photo shoots.
Perfume 2019
Min Jae-Hee is a middle aged woman. She is a housewife who has devoted her life to her family, but her family gets destroyed. Min Jae-Hee is furious at the world. Through a mysterious perfume, Min Jae-Hee's appearance suddenly changes to a beautiful young woman. She becomes a model with her new youthful appearance. Min Jae-Hee meets Seo Yi-Do. He is a successful fashion designer, but a mean spirited person.
Australia's Next Top Model 2005
Australia's Next Top Model is an Australian reality television series, based on a franchise that was created by Tyra Banks with America's Next Top Model. It is produced by Granada Productions and broadcast on the Australian subscription television channel, FOX8. The series' objective is to find a promising but as-yet undiscovered Australian fashion Model and reward her with a platform to boost her chances of forging a successful career within the modelling industry. The series was last formerly hosted by Australian model Sarah Murdoch, who also served as lead judge and co-executive producer of the show for cycles five to seven. Jodhi Meares and Erika Heynatz also served as former hosts. An eighth cycle was confirmed for production and broadcast during 2013. Producers had to find a replacement host before production re-commenced. In April 2012 it was announced that the series would take a break for 2012 due to the fact that producers of the show were having trouble finding a replacement for Sarah Murdoch. It was announced on 19 November 2012 that beauty queen, model, and television personality Jennifer Hawkins was chosen as the new host for the ongoing eighth cycle.
Canada's Next Top Model 2006
Canada's Next Top Model is a Canadian reality show in which female contestants compete for the title "Canada's Next Top Model" and a chance to start their career in the modeling industry. The winner receives a modeling contract from Elmer Olsen Modeling Agency, a $100,000 beauty contract from Procter & Gamble, and an editorial spread in Fashion magazine. CNTM is based on the successful American franchise America's Next Top Model. It is produced by Temple Street Productions in association with CTVglobemedia and CBS Paramount International TV. Three cycles have been produced and aired.
Poland's Next Top Model 2010
Top Model. Zostań modelką is an ongoing reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' America's Next Top Model that pits contestants from Poland against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win the title of the next Polish Top Model and a lucrative modeling contract with NEXT agency as well as an appearance on the cover of the Polish issue of Glamour and a nationwide Max Factor campaign in hopes of a successful future in the modeling business.
The Beautiful Life: TBL 2009
The daily lives of young models living together in a models' residence in New York, while struggling to deal with the cutthroat competition and fleeting fame of the fashion world.
Acapulco H.E.A.T. 1993
Acapulco H.E.A.T. is a 1993 syndicated television series that followed the Hemisphere Emergency Action Team [H.E.A.T.], a group of top-secret agents based in Acapulco, Mexico and recruited by C-5, a secret government coalition, to fight terrorism and international crime. The team kept a low profile, by acting as models and photographers who represented a Beach Fashion enterprise.
Record of Youth 2020
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
Models Inc. 1994
Models Inc. is an American prime time soap opera that aired on the Fox television network during the 1994-1995 television season. It is the third series in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. The series was created by Charles Pratt, Jr. and Frank South, and executive produced by Aaron Spelling, Charles Pratt, Jr., Frank South, and E. Duke Vincent.
Good Every Day 2021
He Da Ye has always focused more on her career rather than her love life, and has, therefore, been seen by her peers as an old leftover-woman. She did once walk down the aisle with Luo Chang, but the marriage didn't last long and the two divorced and remained as close friends. Both of them cared and helped each other out, but never tried to get closer than that. That is, until the angry model Zhang Meng came into Da Ye's life who has his own problems with his career experiencing a stagnation
SupermodelMe 2009
SupermodelMe is a multi-platform reality series in which a number of aspiring models of Asian heritage compete for a chance to launch their careers in the fashion industry.
I Cannot Hug You 2017
A modern-day vampire, indifferent to life, becomes Li Shiya's new neighbor—a germophobe who keeps his distance. Despite this, she feels an irresistible pull to get closer to him. Will she ever be able to break through his walls and embrace him?
Beauty and the Baker 2013
Amos, a 28-year-old baker, still lives with his parents and works in the family business. Noa is the most famous woman in the country and the beautiful daughter of a hotel magnate. Noa and Amos will meet by mistake, but it's a meeting neither will ever forget...
Paradise Kiss 2005
Yukari is a typical high-school student who listens to her parents and attends school everyday. As she starts to question her way of life, she encounters a group of fashion design students who has a clothing label known as "Paradise Kiss". The group needs to find a model to showcase their designs in an up-coming fashion show and decides to pick Yukari instead. Initially, Yukari was reluctant to be associated with this seemingly eccentric group, but eventually, she realises that they are really nice people. Furthermore, their passion and enthusiasm to follow their ideals and dreams make Yukari realise that she has not been enjoying her life and this motivated her to pursue her own dreams.