Love, Rosie

Love, Rosie 2014


Rosie Dunn ja Alex Stewart ovat olleet parhaita kavereita kuusivuotiaasta asti. Teini-ikä tuo tullessaan niin yöelämän ilot kuin seurustelujen surutkin. Haaveillessaan ympäri maailman matkaamisesta ja uusista seikkailuista, ystävykset päättävät ottaa hypyn tuntemattomaan – niin elämän kuin ystävyytensä kohdalla – ja suunnata yhdessä pienestä brittikylästä Bostonin yliopistoon. Kohtalolla on kuitenkin muita suunnitelmia, kun Rosie toteaa hurjan bileillan kylän komistuksen kanssa johtaneen raskauteen. Rosie kannustaa Alexin lähtemään Yhdysvaltoihin suunnitelmien mukaisesti, hänen seuratessaan perässä heti kun pystyy. Kaksitoista vuotta kuluu ja kaksikon elämä muuttuu. Uudet kokemukset, suhteet ja arjen nousut ja laskut ohjaavat elämää. Nuoruusvuosien luoma ehdoton yhteys säilyy, mutta selviytyykö ystävyys ajasta ja välimatkasta? Rosien takaraivossa sykkii kaiken lisäksi ajatus: tarkoitettiinko heidän alunperinkin olevan enemmän kuin ystäviä?



Juno 2007


Juno MacGuff on viileä, itsevarma teini, joka ottaa yhdeksän kuukauden oikotien aikuisuuteen yllätysraskautensa myötä ja ryhtyy etsimään täydellisiä vanhempia vauvalleen.


Where the Heart Is

Where the Heart Is 2000


Novalee on 17-vuotias ja viimeisillään raskaana. Novaleen ja hänen poikaystävänsä matkatessa Kaliforniaan aloittaakseen uuden elämän poikaystävä hylkää hänet pikkukaupunkiin. Novalee päättää asettua salaa asumaan tavarataloon, kunnes hänen lapsensa syntyy. Päivisin hän on kaupungilla ja livahtaa sisään iltaisin. Hänet huomataan vasta, kun synnytys käynnistyy. Novaleesta tulee kuuluisa, ja hänen elämänsä saa uuden käänteen.


Kuka on cool?

Kuka on cool? 2001


Häijyn musta komedia lukiolaisista, teiniraskaudesta ja viidestä huutosakin jäsenestä, jotka sonnustautuvat puoliautomaattiaseisiin. Kun koulun huutosakin johtaja Diane tulee raskaaksi koulun tähtipelaaja Jackille, päättää hän turvautua rikokseen turvatakseen itselleen mukavan elintason. Hänen viisi parasta ystävätärtään tukevat häntä täysin uudessa uravalinnassa. Yhdessä tytöt pistävät pystyyn kovan luokan pankkiryöstöoperaation.



Bully 2001


Tositapahtumiin ja kirjaan Bully: A True Story of High School Revenge perustuva elokuva. Toimettomat teinit päättävät murhata yhden koulukaverinsa, koska tämä on koulukiusaaja, joka uhkailee heitä niin fyysisesti, psyykkisesti kuin seksuaalisestikin. Floridan lähiönuorista kertova tarina siitä, miten täysin ulkopuolisetkin voivat osallistua mitä kauheimpiin tekoihin.



Saved! 2004


Kiltti tyttö Mary ja hänen paras ystävänsä Hilary Faye kuuluvat High Schoolinsa ravintoketjun huipulle. Kaikki on kuitenkin muuttumassa turmiollisen hauskassa teinikomediassa täynnä petkutusta, tekopyhyyttä ja koulukepposia. Macaulay Culkin ja Patrick Fugit antavat lisäpotkua rohkean hulvattomalle satiirille.



Philomena 2013


Philomena oli vasta teini-ikäinen tultuaan raskaaksi vuoden 1952 Irlannissa. Langenneena naisena Philomena lähetettiin luostariin, jonka nunnat toimittivat hänen poikansa Yhdysvaltoihin adoptoitavaksi. Menettämättä koskaan uskoaan, etsi Philomena lastaan viidenkymmenen vuoden ajan - turhaan. Yhdessä elämään kyllästyneen toimittajan Martinin (Steve Coogan) kanssa Philomena lähtee Amerikkaan matkalle, joka muuttaa kaiken. Kadonneen lapsen mysteerin ratkeaminen ei jää ainoaksi matkan hedelmäksi, vaan myös Philomenan ja Martinin yllättävä suhde, yhtä aikaa liikuttava ja hauska, kukoistaa reissussa.


Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter 2013


Raskaaksi tullut teinityttö Apple Bailey joutuu kokemaan kovia ennen kuin löytää pelastuksen kodittomien nuorten suojakodista.


Teen Mom 2

Teen Mom 2 2011


Jenelle, Chelsea, Kailyn, and Leah are four young women navigating complicated lives. It's not always easy being a young mom.


Teen Mom OG

Teen Mom OG 2009


In 16 and Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face the challenges of motherhood. Each episode interweaves these stories revealing the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, adoption, finances, graduating high school, starting college, getting a job, and the daunting and exciting step of moving out to create their own families.


Toute la vie

Toute la vie 2019


École Marie-Labrecque is a one-of-a-kind institution: The 60 girls who study at the school are all between the ages of 12 and 17, and they're all pregnant or new mothers. The school's mission is twofold: to give them an education and to prepare them for motherhood. It's It's a huge challenge and they have only a few months to get ready.


Control Z

Control Z 2020


When a hacker begins releasing students' secrets to the entire high school, the socially isolated but observant Sofía works to uncover his/her identity.


The Secret Life of the American Teenager

The Secret Life of the American Teenager 2008


Amy and her friends at Grant High learn to define themselves while they navigate the perilous waters of contemporary adolescence. Between their love triangles, secrets, drama, accusations, gossip, confusion, and scandalous rumors, there's never a dull moment.


16 and Pregnant

16 and Pregnant 2009


16 and Pregnant is an American reality television series that debuted June 11, 2009, on MTV. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 ¹⁄2 – 8 months into her pregnancy. The episode typically ends when the baby is a few months old. The series is produced in a documentary format, with an animation on notebook paper showing highlights during each episode preceding the commercial breaks. 16 and Pregnant has spawned several spin-off series: Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom 3. Each series follows the lives of four girls from their respective season of 16 and Pregnant as they navigate their first years of motherhood. As of July 2013, casting for the fifth season of the series is taking place.


Teen Mom 3

Teen Mom 3 2013


Mackenzie, Katie, Briana, and Alex from the fourth season of 16 and Pregnant who are facing the challenges of their first years of motherhood.


Heard It Through the Grapevine

Heard It Through the Grapevine 2015


Han In Sang and Seo Bom are young and in love, despite major differences in wealth and status. But all of that hangs in the balance when Han In Sang accidentally knocks up Seo Bom, setting off a comedic domino effect that reverberates throughout the snooty Han family and the modest Seo family. Between pride and humiliation, as well as love and duty, will this young couple be able to survive the storm and do what's right for their baby?


Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant

Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant 2018


Ashley, Brianna, Jade, Kayla and Lexi are five teenagers who must navigate the complexities of pregnancy and becoming young mothers.



Dive 2010


Dive is a two-part British television drama starring Aisling Loftus, Jack O'Connell and Gina McKee. Broadcast on BBC Two in July 2010, the show dealt with the problems of teenage relationships and pregnancy against the backdrop of a young diver's preparations for the 2012 Summer Olympics.


Mother at Fourteen

Mother at Fourteen 2006


Miki Ichinose is a 14-year-old schoolgirl who is very outgoing and cheerful. She lives with her parents and younger brother. She is in a romantic relationship with Satoshi Kirino who is 15 years old. They keep their relationship a secret from their parents because Miki is young and Satoshi is expected to excel in school and get into a university so he can take over the family business by his overbearing mother. One night, after a date, they sneak into a treehouse and consummate their relationship. Soon after, Miki suspects that she is pregnant and steals a pregnancy test, which her mother later finds. She is taken to a doctor who confirms her pregnancy. Initially upset, Miki's parents promise they will support her. Miki tells Satoshi of the pregnancy and he takes the news well. However, his mother is furious when she learns of it and forbids the two from seeing each other.


Who Is the Sender?

Who Is the Sender? 2022


Kuwazuru Mitsuki is a second year student at Arakawa Nishi High School. One day, her homeroom teacher, Tachibana, suddenly announces the start of the "Letter Game", where every student has to write a letter with his/her true feelings to each of the classmates. However, the "letter" will not include the sender's name. At first, there were a lot of bad jokes and silly "letters", but they slowly accelerate to revealing secrets and confessions, which make everyone question, "Who is the sender?" and "Who will be named next?" This game allows the students to become more aware of each other's hidden worries and thoughts, which slowly deepens the bond among the classmates. Meanwhile, Mitsuki tries to search for the sender of the letter sent to her and she discovers a secret hidden in this "letter game".


Bouquet of Barbed Wire

Bouquet of Barbed Wire 2010


Bouquet of Barbed Wire explores the consequences of a father’s obsessive love for his daughter and how secrets once buried in the past return to haunt their lives. Trevor Eve plays Peter Manson, whose apparently successful life is turned upside down when his beloved teenage daughter Prue reveals she’s pregnant by her teacher, Gavin Sorenson. The very heart of the family is threatened as Peter has an intuitive sense that Gavin’s on a personal quest for revenge.



Pramface 2012


Pramface is a BBC Three television comedy series starring Scarlett Alice Johnson, Sean Michael Verey, Ben Crompton, Bronagh Gallagher, Anna Chancellor and Angus Deayton. Written by Chris Reddy and produced by BBC/Little Comet, the six-part first series commenced transmission on 23 February 2012. The second series began on 8 January 2013, with the first episode 60 minutes long, as a special, and the remainder of the series consisted of the usual 30 minute episodes. The second series concluded on 19 February 2013. A third series was confirmed on 29 April 2013.


No Escape, Let's Fight!

No Escape, Let's Fight! 2013


Tin is the third child of a family of seven people. The family is poor and lives in a small wooden house in an austere neighborhood of Bangkok. The father, Den, used to be a construction worker, but he had an accident that prevented him from working and was fired, which led him to resort to alcohol because of his unhappiness. Thus, the family depends on the mother, who is a seller of rice and curry. Tin's life, worried about passing his university entrance exams, will revolve around that of his relatives, causing many problems.


Teen Mom Italia

Teen Mom Italia 2022


Nina Rima tells the stories of Sharon Cialona, Yusang Aguilera, Dalila Vallati, Martina Broglia, Syria Idrontino, five very young new mothers who discover the wonder and challenges of motherhood day after day.