Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

Professor Marston and the Wonder Women 2017


Tarina ensimmäisen valheenpaljastimen keksineestä psykologista William Moulton Marstonista, hänen polyamorisesta suhteestaan vaimoonsa ja rakastajattareensa, hänen suositun Ihmenainen-sarjakuvasankarittarensa luomisesta ja sarjakuvan aikaansaamasta kohusta.


Suurinta elämässä

Suurinta elämässä 1996


Suurinta elämässä elokuvan tapahtumat sijoittuvat 1970-luvun Skotlannin ylämaille. Elokuva kertoo skotlantilaisen Bess McNeillin tarinan. Oman yhteisönsä ja kalvinistisen kirkon paheksunnasta huolimatta Bess menee naimisiin öljynporauslautalla työskentelevän Janin kanssa. Bess on jokseenkin yksinkertainen, ja hänen onkin vaikeaa elää ilman Jania tämän ollessa töissä lautalla. Bess rukoilee Janin tulevan takaisin, ja kun Jan sitten palaa halvaantuneena työonnettomuuden seurauksena, Bess uskoo sen olevan hänen syytään. Koska Jan ei pysty enää rakastelemaan, hän kehottaa Bessiä harrastamaan seksiä muiden miesten kanssa ja kertomaan hänelle yksityiskohdat. Bess alkaa pian uskoa, että toteuttaa teoillaan Jumalan toiveita.



Jäämyrsky 1997


Connecticutilaisen New Canaanin asukkailla on marraskuussa 1973 paljon mietittävää: he ovat pettyneitä Vietnamin sotaan, Watergate-skandaali on murtamassa presidentti Nixonin, Beatlesin jäsenet ovat aloittaneet soolouransa ja esikaupunkialueiden naapurukset vaihtavat partnereitaan. Tämän kaiken lisäksi Hoodin perhe ei enää tunnu saavan otetta elämästä. Itärannikolle iskee pahin kylmyys 30 vuoteen. Se hukuttaa alleen huvila-alueen, ja lämmön- ja sähkönjakelu katkeaa. Seuraavan yön riettailla, koomisilla ja traagisilla tapahtumilla on Hoodin perheelle odottamattomia seurauksia. Jäämyrsky puhuttelee...


Vita & Virginia

Vita & Virginia 2019


Englantilaiskirjailija Virginia Woolf on saavuttanut modernin maailmankirjallisuuden huipun romaanillaan Mrs. Dalloway, mutta mikään ei tunnu lievittävän häntä piinaavaa synkkyyttä. Runot ja ihailukirjeet Vita Sackville-Westiltä johtavat seurusteluun, joka hädin tuskin jää piiloon muulta maailmalta. Vita on kaikkea sitä, mitä Virginia ei ole: ulospäin suuntautunut, suora ja hänellä on puoleensa vetävä luonne ja – kuten Virginia huomauttaa – “mitä upeimmat sääret”.



Dare 2009



She's Gotta Have It

She's Gotta Have It 1986


Itsenäinen brooklyniläistaiteilija Nola Darling tapailee kolmea aivan erilaista miestä ja yrittää samalla olla uskollinen unelmilleen. Elokuvan on ohjannut Spike Lee.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2015


When Mikazuki Augus, a young member of a private security company known as the CGS, accepts a mission to protect a young woman seeking to liberate the Martian city of Chryse from Earth’s rule, he sets off a chain of events that threatens to send the galaxy back to war.


The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself

The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself 2022


Caught between two warring clans, the son of a notorious witch responsible for a deadly massacre tries to find his place in the world — and his powers.


My Girlfriend's Boyfriend

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend 2017


When a nerd finds a dark technology that allows him to get the perfect robot girlfriend, he accidentally also orders her boyfriend and gets caught in the middle of a very awkward love triangle.


3 Will Be Free

3 Will Be Free 2019


Neo is a stripper who is running away from the loan shark Thana and his gang, after having an affair with Thana's wife Vanika. One day, the criminals find him in the bar where he works. In attempting to escape, he ends up bumping into two people who will change his life: Shin, a gay boy, the son of Thana, who is frustrated at being rejected by a friend; and Miw, the manager of a gogo bar who is running away from her past. Accidentally, they end up killing one of the gang members who was chasing Neo, which makes them enemies of the gang. Now all three need to find a solution to escape from this situation together, while at the same time managing the physical and sentimental attraction that arises between them.



Trigonometry 2020


In crowded and expensive London, cash-strapped couple Gemma and Kieran open their small apartment to a third person. Somehow, their new addition, Ray, makes the flat seem bigger, not smaller. Gradually, many things become easier, nicer and better with an extra pair of hands.


Couple to Throuple

Couple to Throuple 2024


Follow four curious couples through the world of polyamory as they experiment with bringing a third partner into their relationship.



Mister8 2021


There are enough love and surprises in Maria's relationships. And no wonder, because she has a different man for each day of the week. Maria meets Juho and falls in love, but unfortunately there are not eight days in a week.


Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story

Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story 2021


A lifelong showman, Bhagavan “Doc” Antle has built his various careers on theatrics, attracting a slew of admirers along the way. But beneath the eccentric, animal-loving facade lies a predator far more dangerous than his beloved big cats and a man shadier than any of his Tiger King counterparts.


The Love Triangle

The Love Triangle 2021


Desiree Burch and Bimini Bon Boulash present a new polyamorous dating show that aims to help wannabe 'throuples' find their perfect match, introducing singles to hopeful couples.


Love Off the Grid

Love Off the Grid 2022


Discover how four city-dwellers give up their homes to pursue love in the wilderness.



UnicornLand 2017


Unicornland is an 8-episode webseries about Annie, who explores her sexuality post-divorce by dating couples. ...Over drinks, at dinner, and in bed. Each episode features a date with a new couple, from Williamsburg hipsters, to Wall Street power duos, to Bushwick burners, as Annie becomes not just sexually active, but activated.


Poly People

Poly People 2021


Poly People is an episodic comedic series. A mockumentary about a polyamorous relationship of 4 people facing trials and tribulations in their own uniquely comedic ways. – A provocative mockumentary that takes an inside look into polyamory: non-monogamous, committed relationships that involve more than two people – in this case, FOUR. The series offers an honest, often-hilarious perspective of this relationship and their lives as they live in the same house.



Polyamour 1970


This series lifts the veil on the intimate lives of the polyamorous. We follow the evolution of the relationships of men and women who share not only their hearts but also their partners. A series full of intrigues, complex emotions, uncomfortable moments and laughter, both unsettling and fascinating.