The Man vs. The Machine

The Man vs. The Machine 2014


On May 2,1997, Garry Kasparov, arguably the greatest human chess player ever, sat down in New York City to do battle with IBM's chess-playing computer, Deep Blue. While the much hyped match of man versus machine consisted of six chess games over nine days, there are many who would claim the entire contest was decided in just one move. This short documentary tells the epic tale of how mankind lost to the machine and highlighting what may have been man's ultimate downfall…having emotions.


The Ross Perot Myth

The Ross Perot Myth 2016


An enduring myth in U.S. presidential election history is that George H.W. Bush only lost his re-election bid in 1992 because a peculiar independent candidate from Texas, Ross Perot, drew more voters away from Bush than from Democratic candidate Bill Clinton. Perot ran a quirky "outsider" campaign that in many ways presaged the Donald Trump phenomenon of 2016. It all amounted to one of the most successful third-party bids in U.S. history; Perot won 19 percent of the popular vote.


Hidden Idols

Hidden Idols 2015


Documentary following a real-world Indiana Jones: Brent Easter. A federal agent for Homeland Security Investigations, Easter tracks the black market sale of antiquities, tracing sacred artifacts stolen from a village in India to a store on Madison Avenue.