Rudi Fehr Cinema's Exiles: From Hitler to Hollywood More Loverly Than Ever: The Making of 'My Fair Lady' ام را به نشانه مرگ بگیر Prizzi's Honor من اعتراف می کنم Key Largo The Conspirators Beyond the Forest The Damned Don't Cry تمام طول شب Rocky Mountain Devotion The Desert Song Confession Desperate Journey Million Dollar Baby The Voice of the Turtle Between Two Worlds A Stolen Life Watch on the Rhine House of Wax The Invader One from the Heart Alice in Movieland The Inspector General Possessed Land of the Pharaohs Honeymoon for Three The Great Mr. Nobody Navy Blues Humoresque In Our Time Nobody Lives Forever Goodbye, My Fancy Romance on the High Seas My Love Came Back Unsichtbare Gegner Le Tunnel Riding Shotgun Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland