Hitz gakoa Polar Bear
Zootopia 2016
Urrezko Iparrorratza 2007
Mundu paralelo batean gertatzen den abentura fantastiko honetan, pertsonen arimak animalia txiki moduan ageri dira, borroka egiten duten hartz berritsuak daude eta era misteriotsuan desagertzen diren umeak ere bai. Bertan, Lyra izeneko 12 urteko neskato batek Roger lagun mina aurkitzeari eta erreskatatzeari ekingo dio, eta, horretan ari dela, bere mundua eta gurea salbatzeko ahalegina egingo du.
Arctic 2018
Iparraldeko Norman 2016
Ehizatzen ez dakien hartz zuria da Norman. Badu dohain berezi bat, ordea: bere aitonak bezala, gizakiei hitz egiteko gaitasuna du! Vera marketin zuzendaria da eta egun batean Artikoan azalduko da telebistarako iragarki komertzial bat filmatzeko, bere nagusi dirudun eta harroputz Greene jaunarentzat luxuzko etxeak sustatzeko helburuz. Norman berehala konturako da zerbait egin behar duela bere etxea, Artikoa, salbatzeko.
Ice 2011
The 11th Hour 2007
Alaska 1996
Midnight Sun 2014
Polar Bear 2022
Operasjon Arktis 2014
Unnatural 2015
The Savage Innocents 1960
Arctic Tale 2007
The Water Babies 1978
Der kleine Eisbär 2001
Pororo the Little Penguin 2003
Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Our playful little gentoo penguin Pororo, naughty spinosaurus Crong, sweet and lovely American beaver Loopy, cheerful and sporty Adélie penguin girl Petty, clever fennec fox Eddy, strong minikaniko Rody, trustworthy polar bear Poby, happy-go-lucky hummingbird Harry, magical dragon wizard Tong-Tong, and a red sedan car Tu-Tu live in this snow-covered wonderland.
Frozen Planet 2011
David Attenborough travels to the end of the earth, taking viewers on an extraordinary journey across the polar regions of our planet.
Eskimo Girl 2012
We follow an adorable Eskimo Girl in her fun adventures set in the beautiful Arctic. Every day Eskimo Girl goes fishing to the Little Bay with her friends Egghead, Loogan and pet Deer. They find a mysterious floating object in the water and look for new ways to use it. They try to figure out how it’s really using for. As they explore, experiment and use their creativity and imagination, they often get into funny misadventures!
Kingdom of the Polar Bears 2021
As the Arctic changes faster than ever, a team of polar bear guides prepares for an epic journey; a first-ever attempt to follow the bears on the sea ice of Hudson Bay. In this high-stakes high-reward venture, they will document the secret world of bears, a mysterious and disappearing realm that is the bears key to survival. Life on the ice is a critical time for these bears. It also remains undocumented, deemed too dangerous for humans to follow, hinted at only through aerial reconnaissance and satellite collar research. The team, armed with traditional ecological knowledge and the latest 4K camera technology, will witness never- before-seen seal hunting strategies and document rapid adaptations to climate change, including whale predation and open-water hunting.
Big Bear Week 2006
The Polar Bear Family & Me 2013
Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan follows a wild polar bear family over three seasons in Svalbard.
Polar Bear Town 2015
A half-hour documentary series set in a unique Arctic town with true northern exposure that provides a front-row seat for some of the closest human-bear encounters ever seen on television.