Hitz gakoa Garbage
The Simpsons Movie 2007
Over the Hedge 2006
The Ladykillers 2004
The 'Burbs 1989
飛龍猛將 1988
Waste Land 2010
Varjoja paratiisissa 1986
Kuky se vrací 2010
Trash: piramide magikoaren kondaira 2020
Slim puskatutako kartoi kaxa bat da, eta azokan bizi da bere adiskide Bubbles kola-freskagarriarekin eta beste lagun batzuekin. Bizirauteko modu bakarra ezagutzen dute: dena xurgatzen duten garbiketa-makinei iskin egitea. Slimek beltz ikusten du etorkizuna, eta ez du ezertan sinesten, ezta piramide magikoaren kondairan ere. Kondaira horrek dio piramidea toki zoragarria dela, eta zabor guztiari bigarren aukera bat ematen diola. Bertan, hondakinek bizi berri bat hasten dute, eta galdutako erabilgarritasuna berreskuratzen dute. Gau batean, ordea, Spark kutxa txiki bezain berezia azalduko da, eta Slimen bizimodua goitik behera aldatuko du. Abentura dibertigarrietan murgilduta, kutxatxoa Slimi zerbait gogorarazten saiatuko da: batentzat zaborra dena, beste batentzat altxorra izan daiteke.
No Impact Man 2009
Der Lauf der Dinge 1987
Tom Sweep 1992
Big Bang 1990
The Vandals 1972
പേരറിയാത്തവർ 2014
The Wombles 1973
The Wombles is a stop motion animated British television series made in 1973–1975. After the first Wombles book, published in 1968, was featured on the BBC children's television programme Jackanory, the BBC commissioned producer FilmFair to create a television series of the books. The series was produced by Graham Clutterbuck and directed by Ivor Wood using stop-motion. The characters were all voiced by actor Bernard Cribbins. Sets and model making were by Barry Leith. Two series of 30 five minute episodes were produced, with the first series airing in 1973, animated by Ivor Wood, and the second in 1975, animated by Barry Leith. In all, sixty episodes were produced. The original television series was regularly screened for many years. After FilmFair was acquired by the Canadian company Cinar Films in 1996, a new series of episodes was created, with a number of new Womble characters. In the UK, the series was purchased by ITV.
Wasteland 2022
Examine the terrible impact waste is having on America's waterways and the challenges people must overcome to preserve their health.